
Sunday, February 22, 2009

All dressed up!

This was our first project we worked on for our altered class. We all got a paper mache dress form to work on at home as we wished. Will show some of the other girls dolls on a future posting. The bodice is made of wired ribbon I had used on a Christmas wreath for myself. It had gotten oxidized since it was originally copper. Held on to it cause I thought it was so cool and finally found a purpose for it.

Ok, I know what your thinking ...why is her head so small...and I'm not sure. I've been meaning to change that. Actually I'd like her w/o a head but then what would I do with her hat????

1 comment:

  1. Carole....What a funky fun doll! This is so cool and I'm mad jealous of your art group!


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