Do you recognize this women....of course it's Martha!!!! Deb went to her show and got this photograph. Came out great. I think Martha would approve. It's a GOOD THING!!!!
Love this one. The composition is perfect.
This is my friend Deb's work। She's one of our new recruits in our altered and arty class that we have at the Scrapbook Clubhouse in Westbrook, Ct. Sharon has been nice enough to let us meet there once a month at no cost.
Deb is not only talented but one of the nicest people you could ever meet. She has so much energy and is always ready to try anything. I love that kind of enthusiasm about things. Gets me re-energized. Exactly what I need...
Oh my goodness Carole, this is wonderful.....I am so jealous....I would love to be part of your group....if only I lived closer! You are right, Deb is very talented and so are you!
Oh my goodness Carole, this is wonderful.....I am so jealous....I would love to be part of your group....if only I lived closer! You are right, Deb is very talented and so are you!