
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring Detours

Just a week ago when we had one of the most beautiful days of the year I started off just taking a few pictures of our yard. I couldn't show you the real yard... that's still full of leaves and perennials that haven't been cut down yet. Maybe by late summer I'll have it presentable enough to give you a view, but for now the birdhouses are all I can show. You know the saying "The cobbler children have no shoes" This applies to us too.

The grass planted by this birdhouse stayed short enough for the first couple of years but now it almost completely covers it in the summer. I thought I'd move it when it got too big which I knew it would evidentually but now I kind of like the way it looks and hopefully the birds do too and feel more protected.

This is a birdhouse that a friend of mine gave me. I was thrilled when I got it. I'd always wanted one like it. It was made by a local person that had donated it for an silent auction. I just painted it white.

This is one that is unfortunately started to show a little wear. Needs a little tlc before the roof caves in but it looks good from this angle.

I took a small detour and was taking pictures while driving down the road with my camera out the window. Most pictures didn't come out. Way too blurry....This house I actually slowed down for. I love the flowers on the front door. The couple who live here are retired and sell flowers by the side of the road. She ran a flower shop for years and makes the most beautiful arrangements and sells them for a song...well money actually... not a song. They were working in the front yard cleaning up when I was there so we had a little conversation about her orchid plant and then I was on my way.

When I got back to work I had to drop off my husband at the garage to pick up his van so on the way back decided to make another detour to see one of my customers gardens. Last year she had wanted me to come see the spring bulbs that I've been planting for her every fall for the past 3 yrs. but I couldn't find the time. So I figured this was a good time to see her snowdrops that she loves so much.

They are planted by her front door so she can enjoy them as much as possible. I've planted a lot more daffodils in her yard that I'll have to come back to photograph for her.

Til then enjoy the day. This was a nice start to Spring. Hopefully the rest of it will be as nice as this day was.


  1. What a beautiful day in Connecticut!
    You are lucky you live in such a lovely area....I love all the New England are both in the country and by the sea....I feel a visit coming on!!!!!!!!!!
    ....and thanks for the reminder to be grateful for the beauty in my life....i needed that.

  2. What a lovely white house. And the spring flowers pushing through the soil are a beautiful sight.

  3. That white house is beautiful, I can see why you like it. If you have a look at my blog, you will see that there is an award there for you!
    Isabelle x

  4. Hi!

    Thank you so much for your visit and comment!

    Your blog is absolutely LOVELY!

    About the cow sign..I updated my post so non swedish readers would understand what it was all about:

    I realize this needs some explanation in english :) These sign boards are very popular among shabby chic decorators. Originally they were kept above each cow in the cow stall, with info about the cow and the milking times.


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