
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Disguise Fete

My soul is like a garden

Where marjoram and lilac grow,

Where soft the scent of long ago
Over the border lightly blows. Where sometimes homing winds at play
bear the faint fragrance of a rose.

My soul is like a garden

because you chanced to pass my way.

Poem by Thomas S. Jones

Thank you Anne Marie for inviting me to your

Disguise Fete.

I had a wonderful time at the party!!!




  1. it seems we had the same "muse" no?

    thank you for joining in on the Disguise Fete....until next time!

  2. So creative! I'm so glad you joined Anne Marie in this. I hope she has another one so the rest of us can get our act together and try it out.

  3. Visiting via Anne Marie and truly enjoying your take on the Disguise Fete. And I love how you entertwined it with my favorite subjects-nature and reading. Lovely!
    As is your blog. Such beautiful photos and choice of flowers. There is such softness and tranquility here! Thank you!

  4. What beautiful, beautiful pictures....Ilove anything that says faded beauty.....roses.....herbs......fragrance......
    So glad that you found me so that I found you .....
    Have you been to the U.K ? We have so many garden centres....they are a big part of our life.....I think that you would love it. XXXX


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