
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

White Wednesday

This Wednesday I'm joining Kathleen at Faded Charm Cottage for White Wednesday. I love the look of white indoors and out. This angel you may be saying is not exactly white.'s actually an aged moss finish. But use your was once actually white before it developed it's patina. Isn't that what we all look for...a little age, a little history to give our objects some interest.

Now we turn to the truly white flowers of the hydrangea paniculata. What I really love about this one opposed to the grandifolia or P.G. is the airiness of the cone. Delicate and in mass will take your breath away.

The purity of this single white blossom captivate your imagination

to allow it to see the beauty of the contours

contrasting with the deepness of natures green hue.

We now come inside where we explore nature

with reverence

to Space and Time.

Go here to visit other

participants of

White Wednesday.

Enjoy your day!!!!



  1. She is certainly a beautiful angel. A little aged.. a little lovely!

  2. Hi Carole....
    A heavenly, ethereal post....sigh.....
    Oops....back to work for me! Hey, will you be getting in the next Jeanne D'Arc Living magazine! If so, I would like to reserve my copy!
    Take care, Laura

  3. Hi Carole, love the pictures...I am wondering, what is the plant in the 4th picture? It looks like a white verbena bonariensis? so airy. I have never seen a white one? I love it...

  4. Love the hydrangeas! Absolutely stunning! Thank you for sharing with us.

  5. Hello
    Your white post is gorgeous... your annabelles are wonderful. I also love the lighting you used, very pretty
    Have a great Wednesday

  6. Your "White post" is beautiful to say the least. Thanks for stopping by my blog, i was trying to find the name of my lily on my header.I think it's Orienpet lily "garden pleasure. All the orienpets are gorgous. I'm ordering 50 more this fall.From John Scheepers

  7. Hi there Carole....I want your beautiful angel for my garden...Don't you just love it when it goes all green and mossy...I expect that you know this but to get the lichen and moss to grow quickly on a new stone statue you have to put live yoghurt on , it's true and it works...also, my hydrangea is out and it's one of my favourite plants,,, I have two in my garden ...Oh and do you know if I can get the Jeanne D'arc magazine in the U.K.?...super post. XXXX

  8. Hydrangeas are my favorite...very pretty.

  9. Oh what a beautiful post. I envy you. I dream of gardens too.
    Thanks for visiting.
    Have a Beautiful Thursday.

  10. Oh Carole....what a beautiful post...those photos are so peaceful!!! So glad I came by,enjoy your day!! Chrissy

  11. Oh Carol,what wonderful post!!! It give me much peace, relax, calm and freshness.I love the Hydrangeas they are one of my favourite flowers, but they don't grow up very well,here!For example today we have 38°!!!!It's so so hot!
    Have a nice day

  12. Hello Carole

    White hydrangeas are so beautiful. I have a couple growing in pots. We have had such odd weather for summer that they haven't been too well. Far too much rain of late. I can't wait to see them in full bloom!
    Take care
    Isabelle x

  13. Hi Carole, Thanks for the info on Valerian...I will have to find some (especially if it is good for sleeping...I need the help). So, does your ivy cover the whole floor?! Would love to see that! Have a good day...Erin

  14. Hello my friend! What a nice white post!!! I adore white flowers! They're my favourites! You can try to make the's easy!!!
    I'm still working and I'm very's very hot here and I need to relax!!!
    Wish you a great week end!
    Warm greetings


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