
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Silver Sunday~Compact

A few months back I went to an antique shop in town. I wasn't looking for anything in particular. Just hoping to find something to catch my eye. As I was walking around the lady who runs the mall started to tell this gentleman how someone had just been in and bought all the best of this booth's sterling silver compacts. They had been marked down 25% on top of what she thought were already low prices.
Maybe they saw me coming......I don't know???
I decided to take a look anyways. To my surprise they were really nice so I asked her to open the case.

I ended up buying around 6 or 7 of them. Unfortunately they are not all silver so I guess maybe I shouldn't be telling you this story without actually showing you the goods:)))

Lets just call this what it is .....a tease!

This is a rouge compact. Most of them are for powder or lipstick. There were a few that the women thought were more valuable but they weren't my style.

She said she wasn't sure why the lady was selling them so cheap....only that she must not have known how valuable they were. To tell you the truth I didn't much care what they were long as I liked them. I can't remember what I paid for them...... not very much.
Deauville is all it says and it's made in the US. That's all I know....

and that someone really liked really bright rouge!!! Maybe that's what it's suppose to look like??? It makes me think back when I used to use rouge. I'm not sure when I stopped using it.
I still have some sitting there in the top drawer of our bathroom vanity. Don't they say you're suppose to throw away your makeup after 6 months....yikes!!! I'd have to throw everything out! Don't worry, this one I don't plan on using......
I'm not that bad!

Do you still use rouge???

For now I have them all displayed in my vanity between the two sinks. My poor husband that has to live with all my pretty girly things around the house. I'm lucky that way, he lets me do whatever I want decorating wise.

Now don't forget to visit Beth at Gypsy Fish Journal
and see all the other participants of Silver Sunday!
I'll be away when this post goes up. Shopping at the NY Gift Show. Not sure yet if I'll be bringing my computer. I hope to catch up with you all soon.

HaPpY SiLvER SuNdAy!!!!!!


  1. What a lovely little piece. You must love it!

  2. Oh that compact is so fun and pretty! I love the red rogue!! It's fun to think about who may have used that compact over the years! Great post!

    Miss Bloomers

  3. That is a nice piece....glad it found you! Enjoy...happy SS!

  4. You are so funny! I like them but I wouldn't use them either, lol! But what a neat collection!...Christine

  5. Hi Carole...

    What a pretty compact! Ohhh...and you tease, I'd love to see the others that you purchased! Hehe! I just love the olden days or "days gone by" so to speak...they just had the most exquisite things...even makeup containers! Today, at best...we get ours in plastic! Hehe! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful silver compact with us...what a treat!!!

    Warmest winter wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

    PS...I do wear a little blush when I do wear makeup...which isn't very often! I really can't imagine wearing such dark rouge! Hehe!

  6. Do you remember the 80's way of wearing rouge....uggghhhh...I think that scared me away from it forever! Your compact are just great!
    HOpe your having fun in NYC....Thanks for being part of Silver Sunday....see you next week~
    {{gypsy hugs}}

  7. Gosh, I hadn't thought about my Grandma's rouge for so long. I vividly remember how very bright it was, and that she always had these little circles on her cheeks. She wouldn't let me use it, but after begging one time, she put a tiny dab on my lips for "pretend lipstick"

    Thank you for bringing back the memory.


  8. Hi Carole,
    I hope that you're having a great time in NYC.... and have you been to that restaurant yet ? Which one did you choose ?
    I am loving your silver rouge compact. I don't think that I've ever used rouge. I definitelt don't use it now....probably because the hot flushes produce the same effect. !!!! haha.
    Take care on your trip and tell us all when you get back. XXXX

  9. What fun finds! I would love to find some of these pretty little silver treasures at a good price. they are hard ot find.

  10. That is a beautiful compact. I think I'm drawn to vintage items because they did everything so much prettier back then. Who today carries their make-up in a beautiful silver compact? You found a really lovely piece.

  11. Don't they call it "blush" now? Very nice compact. Thank you for sharing.

  12. They sure used to do things right. Make beautiful pieces that you want to hang onto instead of the disposable things of today. Very pretty.

  13. Gorgeous so creative! love it..lulu

  14. Hi Carole,

    Love the little compact and I remember when Ladies used to wear a circle of rouge on their cheeks.
    It is very bright and red.
    Have a safe and wonderful time at the NY Gift fair ~ what fun that will be.


  15. No I don't wear rouge..I use powdered blush now! The compacts are beautiful. Great find!

  16. Love old compacts, but I've not seen silver rouge compacts. really pretty! Your photos are beautiful, Carole!

  17. What a find! I remember my Grandmother having compacts and the rouge was always a dark bright red. I think she used it on both her cheeks and her lips. Yikes!

  18. Hi Carole, That's a sweet rouge compact and such a great decoration for the bathroom! I must have a rouge compact in my make-up box. It's of course not that lovely and I haven't used it for at least 10 years. So it must be even some years older ... I guess you just motivated me to throw it away ... :-).
    The show sounds wonderful. I wish you a lot of fun and hope it won't be too exhausting.

  19. Beautiful and certainly a glimpse of days gone by! Thanks for sharing them...One forgets that women actually used compacts..they are just so charming

  20. Very prett, Carole. I loved your Silver Sunday post!

  21. Carole, those are just gorgeous!!!! You are so lucky to find it!!!
    They must look wonderful in your home, ammong all other girly stuff =).

    I still use rouge, but just put a little bit on... I wonder , when I will stop, if I ever do. You see , my skintype is so pail, I have to fake my cheeks look healthy, haha.

    Well , I wish you a wonderful day, and look forward to see , what you´ll find in my favorite town.


  22. Hi Carole
    These compact are just gorgeous!! I'm a bit like you in that I don't really care about the worth but how it appeals to me visually!! And these certainly do.. sans the rouge that is!! ha ha.. I love the little timber box in the first photo also.. another thing I like to covet..!!

    Well I couldn't make the Silver Sunday this week as I had to put my moon post up... the one thing I never miss... Hope you have a fabulous weekend.. and will catch up on all your fun later.. Lovely lovely photos as always,.... xxx Julie

  23. Such a pretty collection Carole. To bad you hadn't been in a little bit earlier to catch the others too!

    Sounds like you have a nice hubby who embraces your treasures. My husband does well at tolerating my girlyness also has to have his Pottery Barn looking family room. He likes modern, clean lines. It leaves me just feeling cold. I'm a collector, he's a thrower. LOL!

  24. Hi Carole,

    Hope you are having a good buying trip to the gift show. It will be exhausting, but so many things to see and inspire. Speaking of inspiration, the silver compacts are lovely!



  25. Fabulous finds, Carole, and glad you're not going to use them ;)))
    Have a nice week,

  26. Oh, pretty piece. I remember getting into my mother's rouge pot when I was a little girl...think I ended up looking like a clown instead of Miss America!

  27. I love your beautiful compacts, to think back to the day when ladies carried their colors in such a pretty way....

  28. What great silver compacts!! So pretty, and classy for sure!
    Margaret B

  29. Hi Carole, Marcia here from Nest. love the compacts, Beautiful. Just checked in to your blog tonight and remembered you are going to the show, hope I run into you two. Should have made plans for dinner or something. Hope you have a good trip!

  30. i love things like this!
    i would have bought it as well.


  31. I have two that were my grandmother's so you can imagine the age on them! I don't know if anyone still wears Only on my knees!

  32. You've found some some great old silver compacts. I don't think I've ever even seen rouge before.

    Hope you have a wonderful week.


  33. What a nice post, the compacts are sweet as can be. I have a few gold tone ones, they are not as lovely as yours. Happy Birthday!!!! Carole.


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