
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

White Wednesday

After our time at the antique show in Naugatuck we stopped
back at Paula's house so we could look over all that we
had bought.
Just so we could eeww and ahhh over everything. How come guys don't do that???
Maybe they do......but I'm sure a bunch of old keys wouldn't do it for them:))

and certainly not lace!!! Their loss!!!! Right?
Paula picked these up for a great price if I remember right....from a guy!!!
He probably thought......why would anyone want old keys???

or a little metal chicken???

This Paula was told was a corkscrew but it seemed too small for that???
Maybe one of you knows.
She was wearing it like a ring.......

I stayed far enough away.... haha

In one of the booths she had picked up some window blind hangers.
When I got to another booth right
next door the lady was selling a small box full of them along with other
crocheted items so I told Paula about them.
She of course bought the box.
She used some of them on presents she gave on Valentines Day
at our luncheon at Evi's we all attended.

I wish I crocheted more then circles!!!

I love this little crocheted basket!

A little something from Jones Drug store in Bridgeport,Ct.

2 tablets taken every 4 hrs until pain goes away....etc....etc.

sounds familiar.

Being a pharmacist Paula always looks for these kinds of boxes.
So much cuter taking pills from this kind of container
then what they give you now.
I'm sure back then they never gave it any thought.

The book I was telling you about that I bought was the
Youth's Companion. The graphics were so intriguing.
Paula bought the same book but just a little smaller.

What you see in the first few pictures above.

The nice man that sold us the book was telling us that they would print them
on a regular basis they would then have them bound
together to make a book. It has over 800 pages.

He was telling us while he was waiting for the show to open he read
some of the stories. He found it fun
to imagine the kids reading them back then in the 1800's.
No TV or internet or video games in those days.

We didn't dare tell him we wanted the book to tear the
pages out. We thought better of it after that.
After I read some of the stories....
but not all 800+ pages!!

Copies might be good too:))))

This thermometer in the shape of a key
was interesting though I think it long ago
stopped working.

Newport RI is marked on the top.
I have relatives there in one of those
castles along the bluffs:)

HaHa I wish!!!!!!

I have more buttons then I know

what to do with, but I had to have these. They had just the

right amount to grunge to them.

The beautiful etched bottles I bought from
The galvanized metal
milk carrier was sweet too and I got asked about it throughout the show.
I think he kind of regretted selling it to me at the price he told me....

or at least his wife did.

This is the bag I bought from Debra too. This picture doesn't show the detail.

But this one does!!!! I love it!

Don't forget to see our hostess Kathleen
at Faded Charm and visit the other participants of WW.
I've missed doing White Wednesday the last couple of weeks.
Glad to have the opportunity to do one more!!!...
thank you for stopping by.


  1. Good stuff... that's all that I am seeing :)
    Have a fabulous Wednesday.


  2. Kudos! Cheers! Hurrahs! and whoopees!

    FABulous post! Worth the 2 week wait. I am pea green with envy for all the treasures you found. My favorite may be the thermometer key. Never ever saw one of those before.


  3. Hi Carole
    Well what a stash.. a fabulous stash.. we rarely find such beauties over this way... I have an almost obsession with old keys.. unfortunately I misplaced a few.... too sad.. but I love these you found.. and the milk crate.. too cute... anything like that over this way costs a fortune... I think my favourite thing here today, besides the book and gorgeous beaded bag, is those containers.. The drugstore container and the sadle soap container... fabulous!! [how many times have I said fabulous?? haha]

    Actually I'm wrong.. my favourite thing today is your photos. They have such a great look and feel to them.. the photo of the large key head on the printed page is great!!! you could frame that one... Have a wonderful week.. I'm off to think up some new adjectives.. !! xx Julie

  4. What a wonderful bunch of treasures. I think congrats are in order to you all.

  5. What a treasure trove of goodies. I wish I had gone. Thanks for shareing the treasures, Julian

  6. Wow! Look at all those treasures. My favorite has to be the old milk carrier. Very cool! Thanks again for the magazine. I think I'm going to sign off now and go to bed and look through it. It's killing me.

    Enjoy your WW!


  7. Wow....what fabulous finds....I am soooo jealous!!

  8. Carole amor, not only am I oohing and ahhing but I am wiping the drool off my chin lol What beautiful treasures you all found! And just so you know my dear, dear friend...I posted get this....1 say it isn't so...but 2 times...and are you ready for ONE day :) yes siree bob, I am happier than a munkeys butt about now :) and I even participated in my first blogging event...I know....when will the maddness end right? lol Take care amor and keep sharing all the beauty with us that you want...I for one love visiting you and seeing it! Besos, Rose

  9. What incredible photos, Carole, all of it was just wonderful. love the crocheted blind pulls and all the little odd and ends. Oh how I love "the hunt"!
    Happy White Wednesday!

  10. what lovely treasures you found!! i especially love the etched bottles and adorable purse. I sure hope you will be using the purse as it looks big enough to carry a debit card? o.k. i just looked again, at your wonderful photos and i must say those keys are a fantastic find too, but the little chicken is so sweet especially with easter coming up...i can't pick a favorite...too many choices! aaahhhh........

  11. Carole....well, as always...awesome pictures. What great treasures so artfully captured. You are just too creative gal! It's so much fun to look over a days's finds together with friends. When a group of us gals travel together antiquing, we bring out our loot and create vignettes in our hotel rooms! What fun!
    Happy Wednesday!

  12. What wonderful treasures you have bought Carole.
    I love the old keys, lace and buttons.
    Yes, Men don't really have the same passion for things like this.
    the big old book is great ~ enjoy all your finds.


  13. Dear Carole,
    What lovely bits and bobs you found. Right, well... I love the lace ( a bit of a passion of mine) and that little book with the blue forget-me-nots AND I have that tin of saddle soap..exactly the same. I feel like one of you lot now !!.... and I have lots of old keys. There is certainly something romantic and interesting about an old key, isn't there ? definitely don't get it !! ....and, although you didn't buy the silver bag, the one you did buy was even better.
    Oh, and I love the book..were those little cards found inside it ?
    Thanks for showing us your hoard, Carole. I think that you, Paula and Kathleen should now go and try and open a bottle of wine with that corkscrew !! XXXX

  14. Hello, dear Carol,
    amusing pictures. But these crochet parts are taken incredibly nicely and also the bottle basket has it to me. You have quite many great treasures.
    A nice day and the favourite greetings sends you,

  15. You acquired some wonderful treasures! I love those keys and that galvanized metal milk carrier is TDF. I can imagine she was sad to see it go! Looks like a successful shopping trip was had by all.

  16. What great finds! Love the keys... Theresa

  17. Wowsers! The keys, the milk carrier, the bottles, the crocheted pieces....YUMMY!

  18. Happy White Wednesday to you Carole!! Such Beautiful finds!! Looks like you gals had an awesome time!! I'm looking for some of those old keys to hang from that new little white cabinet I just purchased... Hope you are having a Great week!:)

    PS ~ I'm going to send you a couple photos of my railing to get your expert opinion..

    Big Hugs ~ Teresa

  19. My goodness you have quite the haul, and all of it so interesting!!! I love it all, especially the youth book and the bottle carrier!!!
    Margaret B

  20. Wow you ladies found some awesome treasures! That book was really great. And again, you do such a great job with photos:) You are inspiring me to take a class on photography:)
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  21. What fabulous treasures! Pictures are just wonderful, thank you for sharing and Happy White Wednesday!

  22. Love how all the colors seem to melt into each other...just beautiful. No, guys don't get it...unless it's something they can strap onto the hood of a truck or yell at the TV!
    P.S. Maybe that corkscrew was for a tiny Captain Hook!

  23. What Beautiful Treasures, I Love the Graphics from the Papers ~ Especially the story of the little kitty... the little crocheted basket is so sweet ~ great Photos

  24. Carole - you manage to put more beauty in one post that anyone else I know. The keys are fabulous, the crochet wonderful - but the book? I covet the book. There. I went and used the word "covet" in a blog comment for the first time. I expect I'll use it here over and over again. :)
    So when is Paula going to start blogging? She REALLY needs to blog. :) I'm off to visit 'Capers...'


  25. Hi Carole,

    Great Post! You gals back East live a charmed life. I do miss those flea markets, shows and shops full of unexpected finds.

    Its possible the small antique corkscrew might have been used to open patent medicne bottles.

    Lots of rain here!

    Longing for an Antique Roadtrip,


  26. hello

    i just discover your blog...wa have the same passion for the key...i like i like
    im nathalie from

    have a good night

  27. The keys, the doilies, the carded buttons, oh my I love the prescription...
    All just wonderful and such a great way of photographing them.

  28. Oh my goodness. I need to stop drooling all over my computer at all of your beautiful finds. Thanks for sharing! -V

  29. WOW! So many wonderful goodies you found! I about fell off my chair when I saw the keys...I guess you just have to be at the right place at the right time!

    Happy WW!

  30. That was fun Carole!
    I love the page where the kids have hats on.
    You know me with the party hats.
    You guys found so wonderful stuff.
    I loved seeing all of it.
    I always buy old keys if they are a good price.
    Have a great day/evening,

  31. I just discovered your blog from Faded Charm. Oh my, what I have missed. I just adore all of these fabulous treasures. I am not sure what I loved the most. oosfhsadfi, Oops, sorry I had to wipe the drool off my keyboard, LOL.
    I will definitely be back to visit and am becoming a follower.

    Have a blessed week.

  32. These just might be my favorite photos of the day!

  33. My goodness Carole!!!! So much vintage goodness, I'm over here just's all just wonderful ~ hugs and love, Dawn

  34. I'm in love with the keys, Carole! I collect vintage keys myself, and I had to laugh at your comment about men, since I've bought most of my keys from men at flea markets and junk shops. They used to always look at me like I was crazy when I'd ask "how much," like, "Who'd want those old things?" Then they'd charge me almost nothing. But I've noticed over the past couple of years that they don't do that anymore. Keys are so hot that they want to charge me for one key what I used to pay for ten or fifteen of them! Bummer! I still think they wonder what we crazy women want with a bunch of old keys, but many of them have certainly what to charge us for them!! :D I'm glad Paula got a good deal on these, though; they are gorgeous!!!

    xo Gigi

  35. Great treasures! I enjoyed looking at the photos and reading your post today! Have a great day!

  36. LOVE it all, but far and away my fave? The key-shaped thermometer!!! That is an amazing find!!!

    Such beautiful eye candy, as always. :-)

    Have a wonderful Thursday!

  37. Is it really possible, to find all of those treasures in one single place!
    I say WOW, beautiful!

    Haha, sometimes I wonder...why women act different to things, from men. I guess it´s just the way it is. I´m sure they say wow to many other things.

    Take care my friend.


  38. Great keys...and corkscrew...and...and...I want to look again!

  39. OMG! I love everything single thing you bought and had I been with you while shopping we might have fought over some of that stuff! ;) The window shade hangers are the BEST! I hope to find some of those. Happy White (belated) Wednesday.

  40. Hi Carole~
    Your blog looks great. Really fresh and springy!

  41. I oohed and aahhed at every picture! You found some real treasures. Especially the old keys. Loved it all.

  42. I love your collage-like photos. So vintage!

  43. Your pics are so beautiful. The children's book was my favorite , oh and all the crochet do-dads....ok, I love them all! Come for a visit.


  44. Hello! I wish I had gone to the show! I am busy getting ready for my first show (the Duxbury Antique show) and for Brimfield-which is right around the corner! When are you coming to visit???

    Bliss Farm Antiques

  45. j'adore toutes ces petites choses!

    bonne soirée


  46. That was neat that you got to hang out with Debra, & get some good stuff too! Love the beaded bag, the tins & buttons or cuff buttons (can't remember) your pictures really blow me away. Lisa


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