
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Project Genesis

                            About two weeks ago I watched the Sunday Morning Show.                      
One of my favorite shows by the way.
Love the guy with the bow tie. 
Charles Osgood
Many of us have taken steps in small ways in
reducing waste and keeping our energy consumption down.
I applaude all these efforts because they all make a difference when
we ALL do it.
What is really going to make a BIG difference is when
it's done a large
scale and hopeful we are finally on the right path when car manufacturers, power companies and alike start to listen to us
...the consumers.
It's by buying the products that are energy efficient
that we are sending the message to 
We want you to get these products
on the shelves.
The companies don't care what you buy they just 
want to make money
so show them with your dollars
what you want!!!

I hadn't planned on talking too much on this post
...I just get so excited I can't shut up sometimes:))

 just wanted you to watch this
It gave me a lot of HOPE,
and isn't that what we need

forgive the short 15 sec. commercial.
I couldn't find my way around it.
please click on

and watch

I'm joining Project Genesis
with my eco- conscious friend Suzan
at oldgreymare
please go visit her and the other participants.

make a difference today!!!


  1. Before I go over there, I think you and I may just have to arm wrestle for Charles. I LOVE him and Sunday Morning. One of the few shows I not only watch, but record when I can't!
    I keep hoping that someday there really will be a car that runs on compost like in Back To The Future. If man can invent something to destroy the world, why can't he come up with something to save it?

  2. Thanks for taking the time to write this post Carole and I also agree with the comments from Debbie, it was all nicely said. HUGS MARY

  3. Carole,

    Thank you SO much for this link. I'm hoping every visitor to Genesis views this. I don't know how I missed seeing this one, must have gone to make coffee? Thank Goodness you showed it to me!

    Why can't America see this change as the future for the planet, for jobs, for healthier living. Why? Why? Why? Oh, yeah, lobbyists....



  4. I'll have to check this link out Carole...thanks...and as far as alternative energy goes: I'm all for that - however, those wind farms are already breaking down and having to be fixed so much, with so much tax payer money, and if you have ever driven through a "wind farm" then you will understand it's not that "environmental friendly"....bats cannot live near those things - and they are linking problems with women during pregnancy now...neurological problems with the babies in the womb.....very strange stuff...and I'm keeping my eyes on all of it...but we definitely need to find a DIFFERENT WAY and SAFE way to have energy

    I know!! stop using so much power people!

  5. Oh, this is brilliant, Carole...should be mandatory viewing for everyone! Hopefully, our Genesis folk will all see it, and take the message from there.

    Thank you so much!


  6. Here,here good for you,will check it out!!! Just wanted to tell you I mailed your parcel yesterday,about a week they said :) xoxox

  7. Hi Carole ~ I'm with ya, girl! 100%! Love that Charles and the Sunday Morning Show (when I sometimes skip church....). I agree with Debbie, too, when she commented that if man can invent something to destroy the earth, why he can't invent something to save it? I guess we all must do our part - as small as they may be - every little bit helps in the long run. :)

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  8. Hi Carole,

    I am so with you too. Have not heard Charles on the Sunday morning show, but anything to do with making the planet a safer and healthier place, please make it happen.

    Hope that you are having a lovely week

  9. The possibilities are inspiring. Now if Washington would start 'walking the walk' instead of just 'talking the talk'.

  10. Hey Carole
    Well we don't have Charles here!! but I'm all for new ways are generating clean energy...

    You know way back when I was a young'n... I had a friend who was a Genetic Engineer.. her thesis and government grant was for producing alternate energy.. with potato skins of all things... of course there is no $$$$ to be made so I assume it just went no where... and this was over 20 years ago.. Yes we do have the technology.... just not the will!!!

    Have a great day... 1st of Spring here!! yippeee!!!! xxx Julie

  11. I went over and watched the video — good stuff! But, I'm with Julie, we've had the technology to make a difference here in the United States for 40 years. I grew up in California and watched as project after project never took hold. Whose fault is this? I blame the consumer for not paying attention and insisting to their elected officials that we pass an environmental bill that would make a difference. We can't be complacent and sit and wait for change, we must take an active role.

    On that note, did you happen to catch the Brad Pitt interview with Brian Williams on Sunday? His foundation has built 50 homes in the 9th Ward of New Orleans so far. Affordable, sustainable houses! Check out his Make It Right Foundation website, cool stuff going on!

  12. thanks for sharing the video link. the problem is, people fear change and they don't want to get envolved or spend money on new ideas. sustainable energy is our future! harnessing geyser and wind power are great ideas. i remember seeing a field of those wind machines in minnesota and thinking they were quite beautiful. unfortunately, we humans are so selfish and we live for now. we need to focus on the future for our children and grand children. i am totally open to new ideas for power. i have to be.

  13. Dear Carole,
    A brilliant post and a subject close to all our hearts, no matter what country we live in. Things definitely need to change and, on a positive note, at least we have alternatives....they just need to be put into practice on a grander scale.
    Thanks so much for your lovely comment. I really must sort out getting my photos larger.
    Will email soon....I'm just trying to catch up with my commenting after being away !! XXXX

  14. Yes...there are alternatives now and no one puts them into practice...not on a large scale I mean. It is really quite frustrating

  15. Amen, sister! Thanks for this great link. We have to make major changes, and we have to make them now. I get so angry when people oppose wind farms. How selfish and shortsighted of them!

    I lived in a solar cottage last fall and winter, and we never had to use any of the "backup" gas system, even on the most brutal days. I will definitely convert my next house to solar!

    Thanks for this wonderful post, Carole, and thanks for visiting me today. I've been a lousy blog friend this summer, but am hoping that fall calms down a little so i can spend more time blogging. I miss it so much! xoxo Gigi

  16. Oh I LOVE this!!! We have got to do more to make less of an impact on this beautiful Earth!!!
    I loved your berrie post. I sure hope I have enough to fill my birdies bellies before they fly away to their Winter homes.
    Carole your message to me today was so kind. It touched me and I am so thankful for your friendship.
    Love to you

  17. I love Charles Osgood; Somehow missed this one...
    Thank you so much for making it known!!!
    Thanks for giving us all HOPE~


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