
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sweet Susie Sheep and White Candy Canes

                      The other day I received a package.
                     Inside were 3 lovely boxes…..
               like the three Wisemen….bearing gifts
                except it was one sweet lovely wise woman…..Susie
from My Home to Yours!
                                                                 red bow
                                      I was so touched by the care she took to wrap it so pretty for me.
                                   The colors even exude warmth which is the way I  think of her.
                              A warm and loving spirit with always a kind word.         


                                                         three in box
                                            To my eyes behold………LITTLE SHEEP!!! a whole family of them!
                                                                  box cover
                                                                 And the proverbial Black Sheep.
                                    I think we may all have some of them in the family!
                                         I hadn’t noticed the inside of the box until I was photographing everything.
                                    Paul R
                                    Grade 3
                                     Bus 28
                                             I guess he wanted to make sure he made his way home!
                                                   so precious…..and thank you Paul for taking such good care of the sheep!

                                                more pic
                                               I had fun setting them up on the mirrored tray with
                                 an old Christmas card from my grandfather…….I’ll show you more of it in
                                    another post.
                                     I was so tickled to have found it earlier this month.     
                                                       on table

                         Susie knows the weakness I have for sheep because I had purchased some
                  from her ETSY shop once before,  you can see the post
                          Now another thing that I have wanted ever since I saw them at
                       my friend Paula’s house
                     are WHITE Candy Canes!
                           I had been looking forever for them and I may have mentioned that
              to Susie once.
                        Being the thoughtful friend that she remembered so she sent me those too.

                              Now if I can just keep Nigella from jumping on the table and knocking them off with her tail
                          I’ll have them for many years to come.
                         If not, I know now where to order them.
                                      Thank you Susie so much for the wonderful gifts and most of all for your friendship.
                       I’ll be back hopefully before Christmas and share more of
                 the wonderful gifts that I’ve received.

              Linking up with Kathleen of Faded Charm for
           White Wednesday

        Merry Christmas


  1. Oh Carole, you KNOW I'm lovin' all those wooly sheep!! Hope you're having a wonderful Christmas Week,
    lots of love,

  2. Hi Carole,
    So glad you stopped in! I was thinking of you and we haven't visited for awhile!
    Hope all is well there!
    Love those white candy canes!The sheep are adorable too!
    Merry Christmas my CT neighbor!

  3. The sheep are totally darling. If only the people who made candy canes read blogs they would step up and make more white ones! Happy Christmas!

  4. I bought a couple of sheep yesterday, not nearly as cute as your though! I'm lovin those white candy canes! Merry Christmas.

  5. How wonderfully precious these are....and all displayed so beautifully. I adore the candy canes in the old frog.....very cleaver....
    Merry Christmas....

  6. What a sweet friend, Carole! What a nice Christmas surprise!! :) Those sheep are just adorable. Blog friends are the BEST!! Wishing you a blessed Christmas and happy New Year, friend! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  7. Dear Carole, those sheep found certainly, their way home! Wishing you a safe and healthy holiday season and all the best for 2011!

  8. we could be soul sisters dear Carole - I adore sheep! These little ones are perfect for your collection - they are precious!! Love the photos!!


    ps - I LOVE your new music - I am stealing it for my playlist too!

  9. Your little sheep are adorable and the writing in the bottom is so sweet. Who'd think a little 3rd grade boy would take such good care of these?
    Have a wonderful Christmas Carole :-)

  10. Susie sent you such lovely things Carole. I have such a thing for sheep too. I have been trying to talk my husband into a little flock (they are called bands here)of my own, but I'm not getting anywhere with him...yet. All of our children showed them at the fair for 4-H when they were young and I fell in love with them all, and hated it when they were sold at the fair. Pouted for weeks, all of us...but Dale. So I have few of little ceramic ones. Not as darling as these those.
    Your pictures are so beautiful Carole. I love it when you post, so I can come by and drool over them.
    Wishing you and George a Merry Christmas!!!

  11. Dear Carole,
    What a lovely friend you have in Susie. A lovely gift and so beautifully wrapped. People are so kind, aren't they and they put SO much thought into their you do. I was out with my friends today, having lunch at one of our friends homes and helping her with her decorations. Her son is married to an American girl and lives in America. They have had a terrible time, getting home for Christmas. Sorry, I digress !!...... one of our friends is a potter, and she had made us all white ceramic herts. She said that next year, we have all got to make each other presents. I told them all about you, Laura, Paula and Evi and the wonderful and personal presents that you all make each other. I shall have to get some inspiration from you next year !!!!
    Enjoy your little sheep....isn't that fantastic, written in the bottom of the box ? They are the parts of vintage items that I love the best.
    It is 5.30 a.m. here and I have just put one lot of washing on !!......I am so behind for Christmas, as usual. I guess I'm one of those black sheep !!!! haha XXXX

  12. wishing you a warm and cosy christmas with your friends and familly.......blessings and love from from me Ria.....xxxxx......

  13. Love the sheep! And those candy canes are beautiful. I have never seen white ones??!! Very cool!!
    And your gift was so beautifully wrapped. What an inspiration!

  14. Such sweet and lovely gifts. And most of the wrapping is reusable in some sort of crafting which is always a plus! I love the collage you made for Laura. Happy holidays to you and yours, Tammy

  15. Hi,Carole.Such lovely gifts. I wish you a Merry Christmas. Hugs from Norway

  16. HI Dear Carole
    Well what a fabulous gift.. so sweet and personal... and I can just imagine how much your love those sheep... even the black sheep!! I'm pretty sure I'm the black sheep in my family!! hehehe...

    Well I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.. you and George and all the little kitties.. and hope you have a chance to relax and unwind.. and enjoy the fruits of your labour!!!

    Thanks for being the best blog buddy a gal can have.... I feel very blessed to call yourself and others my friend!!! Take it easy.. lots of love.. xxx Julie

  17. how sweet and pretty.

    i wish you a happy holiday

  18. Hi Carole-everything looks just beautiful! and I love the white candy canes!
    have a wonderful Christmas!

  19. Hi Carole, What a sweet gift from Susie! Enjoy your cute sheep flock and the pretty white candy canes! They look great decorated in that flower frog!
    Sweet friend, I wish you, your hubby and all the cats a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS! I always love to visit your blog and I'm glad we met :-).
    Christmas hugs to you,

  20. Carole, Merry Christmas to you and yours! Joan@anythinggoeshere

  21. Hi,
    I didn't even know you could post without being online. Cool!
    Hope you had a fantastic holiday!!
    Happy New Year.
    Looking forward to my next Jeanne magazine.


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