
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween

We were invited to my friend Ginny and Joe’s Halloween party last night.
We go every year.
The snow storm didn’t stop us either.
We don’t live that far so it’s wasn’t a big deal.
Anyways I had seen Martha Stewart on the Today Show making
these cupcakes.
I never got the actual recipe but it didn’t really need one.

Pretty simple I thought.

Chocolate cupcakes with caramelized sugar to look like glass with
red jelly or jam to look like blood.

Cool right?


Ok I cheated and used a box cake.
I rarely do that but to be even more lazy I made George go to the store and buy it : )


I did though make the marshmallow frosting
or 7 minute frosting …
which I’ve talked about before in a previous post but I’m too lazy to find the link.
But I will give you the recipe.

7 minute Frosting

2 egg whites
6 tablespoons cold water
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
In a stainless steel bowl, combine the egg whites, cold water, sugar, and cream of tartar in the top of a double boiler. Whisk until smooth. Place over boiling water and whisk constantly or beat with a hand mixer until the frosting is stiff and holds peaks, about 7 minutes. Remove from the heat and whisk in the vanilla. Let cool, whisking often.
You’ll be licking the bowl
and if you’re like me eating the leftovers for breakfast too.
George had to stop me.
“What is wrong with you?”
(Coming from the man who’s been making himself french toast every morning for a week)


Here they are with their little glass pieces on top.
I could lie to you and tell you this part was easy but it wasn’t.
They were supposed to come out clear and not opaque……
I tried 4 times at least.
The last time I thought I had finally gotten it right.
Transparent just like Martha’s but they were too soft and stuck to the wax paper.
We’ll just call mine dirt glass: )
Maybe I should have looked for Martha’s recipe.


Then the jelly or (blood)
That was easy except I used Jam that I had made myself.
Don’t worry I tested it a few days before so I wouldn’t KILL anyone.


See cute and not too scary!

Now here comes the scary part.


1 copy

We were trying to stick our heads out so you wouldn’t see our “chins”
that’s why I look like a bobble head doll.
I was a Zombie Pirate woman and Ginny a Voodoo Woman.

I have to tell you that Ginny is actually very pretty and so that she doesn’t kill me ….


this what she normally looks like.
This was taken at Christmas time during another party.
She was showing off her scarf that she bought at the dollar store.
So funny.
She was so happy with herself.

Ok so off to watch
Think it might have already started but they rerun it.

Have you been watching it???

Happy Halloween!

OK big ninny that I am had the wrong show!
It was The Walking Dead that was on last night.
For those of you that hate zombie movies
( me included)
this one is really different.
It's really well written and character driven. 
Hope you give it a chance. 


  1. hahaha love it all.. the blood cupcakes and the costumes!! I've actually never been to a Halloween party.. booo.. hoo.. ciao bobble head.. have fun watching your program.. I did notice our tv had old b&w thrillers on last night.. ciao ciao xxx Julie

  2. I got hooked on AHS a few weeks ago. I love a good mystery, and if it's creepy, then so much the better! You two gals looked amazing! stay warm up there. Glad you have your power. Have a great week! xoxo

  3. 7 minute frosting is one I have heard of but I have never made. Seeing how luscious it looks you can bet I will now..without the blood and glass thank you very much. I may not frost anything. I may just eat it with a spoon.

    You and Ginny look hilarious. I would not have known it was you.


  4. You look so great in your costume!
    And those cupcakes look sooo good! Yum!
    I am impressed that your tried more than once to get the clear glass shards clear! I would have stopped after the first batch!

    Cute idea, Gotta love Martha!
    Happy haunting!

  5. Happy Halloween!!! Great costumes, and the cupcakes sound delicious.

  6. Oh Carole,
    You both look really go to town with your Halloween parties.
    Love your you know, I, like Z, would just eat all of the wouldn't see a cake, just the back of my throat !!!! haha
    Happy Halloween to you and George and make sure you scare the hell out of each other !! hehe. XXXX

  7. lol those are great, Carole. Thanks for the fun. I'm gasping though at Julie's never having been to a Halloween party. We have to get that girl over to the States of an autumn some year soon. ;)

  8. Carole- they looks terrible yummy- even with the "blod" and you two looks terrible sweet, even when trying to scare us- have a great evening, dear.

  9. Adore American Horror Story if that is the right word but must watch it on the laptop as we have about five hopeless channels and only murder and mayhem re-runs from regular networks are on them. 7 Minute frosting is lovely. You are a very good zombie and I one or two come to the door tonight.

  10. You girls look not too scary but very cute, Carole! The cupcakes look a little more scary but still yummy. I hope you had a great Halloween evening and enjoyed the movie.
    Have a wonderful week :-)!
    Hugs to you,

  11. I love it all. Happy Halloween to you. My husband and I just put on our Republican hats and haunted our town hall.

  12. Hi Carole, your cupcakes look good even if the glass didn't quite work out the way you wanted. I laughed my head off at sticking your head out to hide your chins. Your costumes look great, looks like you had a great time.

  13. I'm totally making those, Carole! Delicious!

    Glad you had a nice evening with friends. Gosh, we haven't been out for Halloween in years!

  14. Thought id say hello while passing your blog by, and i hope you folks have a very nice weekend. We are maybe a little past fall peek colors for taking pictures of our tree's here in central Pennsylvania, but ill try anyway to go out one last time to snap some images. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon Pennsylvania.

  15. Hey girlfriend--- ohhh! You scared me!!

    Such a fun visit here for all of this- love the cupcakes! You guys went all out for your costumes- I'm so pressed! Great picture-- I think you should frame this one- lol!! I can tell you had a fun evening!

  16. I think the cupcakes turned out great. I would have been tickled if you had crashed, the more the merrier.


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