
Friday, November 25, 2011

Oh Joy! Day 5

How is your weekend going so far?
Ours went smoothly.....
ok a little hectic at times but nothing I couldn't handle
and please.....
no pepper spray incident.
My goodness what is wrong with some people?
( sorry that just popped into my head )
we'll see if I end up deleted that comment..haha


Anyways I was going to wait to talk about this but with my Joy sign
I thought it was a good lead in.

After months of wondering what happened to her
My Bella came back home today.

Yes 4 months of her disappearance she just showed up.
A little less plump but looking fine.
George had her in his arms and it was like seeing a ghost.
That can't be her I thought? but it was.
Somehow she managed to survive .....somewhere.

The stories she could tell if only she could talk.

Well needless to say we are doing the happy dance.

I think I bored all my customers with my Bella story today....
 thank goodness most of them are cat people so they
were happy for us. Many shared their stories of their babies that came back to them after they thought all hope was lost.

So that's my story for the day.
An early Christmas's all I need

 Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and thanks for praying for Bella.......I think it really helped!




  1. Carole!!! That is amazing news and definitely the BEST Christmas gift you and your husband could get!!! So excited for the three of you : )

    I sure hope that lady is caught who sprayed all those people. She's a whack job. LOL! Glad it was all good news at your shop.

  2. So happy for the return of Bella. Isn't that amazing that she was gone so long. My daughter's cat was gone 5 weeks and then returned quite a bit thinner. We expect he was really lost. Please do a post on her. I would love to see her. Deb=^..^=x4

  3. welcome home Bella...
    pepper spray- must have missed that lovely story- guess I will google.

    I bet Bella is thrilled to have found her way home...Or after fleeing to Paris with Frenchie who abandoned her behind a cafe- the brute! - she hopped a freighter home and will now happily dine on kibble instead of caviar. :D

  4. Hooray! So happy for you...that is truly a special xmas present. That photo is awesome by the way! Wow!

  5. Ah Bella my love! So glad you are home! You needn't have come looking for me - I would have gladly come to you for a visit. Certainly you were looking for me....why else would you have wandered off??!! You are loved, probably would be best if you didn't do that again, okay??? And now Ms. Carole.....I do believe you will have to plump up the Miss Bella ;)

    Purrs for a happy day!

    Romeo and "her"

  6. Oh Carole, That's fantastic news and I'm so very happy for you!!! It's really amazing that she came home after such a long time. Hopefully sweet Bella will stay forever now.
    Your picture of the day is gorgeous. I love everything but especially the dressform and the joy sign.
    Happy hugs to you and Bella, my dear friend,

  7. Aw Carole such fantastic news! I'm very happy for you and Bella too! I can so relate, having gone through it before, by missing our young Riley if only for 5 days and I was so upset and cried and 5 months wow that is really a Christmas miracle that she made it back home! Bravo Bella! Your story sure gives hope to all people that are missing their beloved lost cats.
    xoxo~ Carola
    P.S.: That pepper spray incindent was even in our news here in Germany last night, some people oh my! I'm on a loss for words for that!
    Oh and not to forget I absolutely love your photo and just pinned it! Your mannequin looks gorgeous with the JOY sign and the twinkling lights in the back makes the picture even more festive!

  8. Great news! Welcome home Bella!!
    By the the Joy sign!! Gorgeous

  9. Funny, just watched the pepper spray incident on the news.
    Do not know who Bella is, your car?
    Anyhow, nice that she returned.


  10. carole

    keep those 'thought bubbles' coming!!
    i love them.

    and how about bella coming home ???
    a Christmas miracle just for you.

    love xx

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. ps i adore the new look and THE FoNT IS THE BOMB!!!

    sorry i deleted one.
    my spelling was horrendous.

  13. This is a joyful Christmas story. So happy for you!!! :)

  14. Bella, Bella, Bella. So glad she's back.

  15. What wonderful news Carole.....I cannot believe and George must be so happy. Where was George when he saw her when she returned ? He must have thought that he was seeing things !! I wonder where she has been ? As you say, if only she could talk.
    Sorry.....your beautiful photograph has had to come second place to your fantastic Bella story, even though it is a stunning image !! Your shop looks so magical....I want to jump on a plane just to see it !
    Give Bella a hug from me and make sure that she gets smoked salmon. chicken and lots of special treats.....oh, and one of those cat Christmas stockings, full of stuff that they're not really interested in !!!! haha.
    I'm so happy for you and George, as I know how much you love Bella and how much you must have missed her. XXXX

  16. What a gift! That's awesome, Carole. Happy Thanksgiving.

  17. Carole, I`m happy for you, your Bella came home again- must have beeb such a joyfilled day for you both.
    The fhoto for today is so beautiful-

  18. From the pictures I can see the shop looks amazing! Please show us more pictures please.

  19. love the new header. red barn, freshly fallen snow; it's got Christmas written all over it!!

  20. carole...i am sooo happy that bella is back. i wonder where the heck she was? you may never know.
    i am lovin the new header and look of your blog and all of your festive pictures. the shop sure is lookin good too! i hope you and george have a successful season this year. sure wish i could shop there!

  21. I'm so happy for you ! When my poodle was missing I was heartbroken. Glad to hear the good news.


  22. Gorgeous Photo - love all the sparkle.
    I’ve just put the finishing touches on my new blog ‘Country Style Chic’. It’s a daily blog on country living including chic interiors, stylish fashion, food, flowers and fun things to do.
    I had a lot of fun putting it together maybe you would like to check it out if you have a spare minute!
    PS I am your latest follower!

  23. The tale of a lost kittie would never be boring and it is wonderful she has found her way home.
    A perfect ending to your holiday weekend.
    Susan x

  24. So happy Christmas came early for you!
    I would much rather read about your sweet kittie than pepper spray!
    Magical photo!!

  25. Oh, I'm so glad your baby came back home! what a sweet blessing!!

  26. beautiful image, and oh so happy your bella came back!


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