
Monday, June 18, 2012


Ok here goes......

I have been going over and over in my head
about different subjects for a post.
I can't even begin to count how many???
I have to say they mostly sound
pretty darn good in my head.  What happens when I actually write them 
is a mystery
( by the way what's the deal with the font size changing every time you go to the next line....Blogger??? annoying) 
can you tell I'm tired and not in the mood?
Maybe that's why I haven't posted much. 
Just overtired and over worked and maybe a little annoyed.
Sometimes a wrong look from hubby can set me off.
( like today, but we got past it.....ok now is it past or passed....i never know?) 
and btw he gives me those a lot and I usually ignore them. 
That's just what you have to do when you work with your spouse. right? 

I really had no intention on writing a post tonight but George went home early......well not early, just earlier.

I guess the point I wanted to make was that ......

oh yeah what was my point? 

Blogging confuses me.

One minute I "get it" and then next I don't.

One minute I know exactly what I want to say and show, the next
I'm ready to call it quits.

Does that happen to you? 
I never thought it would but for some reason this Spring I have thought of slowing walking into the sunset....never to be seen again.
That makes me a bit sad because I would miss so many of you.  

 I just get frustrated when I don't have the time to commit to blogging. This has been the first Spring that I have really stayed away from it and have tried to concentrate on work. 
I poke in now and then and see what you're all up to but have left very few comments. 
I hate that.  

Ok one more thing!!!

I know we all like to put our best foot forward when we post but 
does it seem real enough? Do we want it to be real? 
Or do want to see fantasy? an escape? 
I know for me blogging, when I only looked at blogs was 
all about escape, but I did enjoy a bit of reality. 
A blog with a little of both has always been my favorite even if it
wasn't a visual reality I liked reading that their lives were not picture perfect. 

lens was foggy from coming outside into a warm greenhouse.

Ok well I don't really know where I was going with all this.....
just ramblings from some chick with a head cold and not enough sleep. 

I'm going home and taking two aspirin....... and will call you in the morning. 

thanks for listening.....


  1. Although I do not have a blog, I am an avid reader of many of them out there. I have always enjoyed yours. From what I read, other bloggers seem to go through these thoughts periodically. Please hang in there, and don't give up blogging. I love visiting you.

  2. Oh Carole,
    Please don't stop blogging ..... just do it when you want to and when you have time. That's what I do. We all love it when we see you have posted....your beautiful photographs, visits to friends and flea markets, your cats and, of course, George.
    I often wonder why I do it but, my favourite part is hearing from all of the blogging friends that I have made.
    Once those aspirins kick in you will feel so much better about it all and, once the Autumn is here and you are not so busy with work, you will be back with bags of blogging enthusiasm !!!!
    Look after yourself Carole and wishing you better. Much love. XXXX

  3. Hi my dear blog friend Carole. I find that I do not have much to say, but enjoy reading the posts of others. I make blogging a favorite pastime when I have time. I do not live to blog. I enjoy the special blog friendships and enjoy what other's are sharing in there life. Have a great evening and let those asprins kick in, you will feel better soon. Hugs Mary

  4. I think blogitis has hit so many of us this year. Perhaps it is the worrisome state of the world. SO many of us have friends and family in peril and goodness knows very few have been untouched by the economy.

    I think we have to be gentle with ourselves and patient and understanding with each other. We're all still here, trying our best and things will return to an even keel eventually. Meanwhile, we support each other, hope for each other and truly care about each other. Take heart in the goodness of this community - we need each other.

    Have a blessed week my dear, dear friend...

  5. I agree with Z - it would seem that many of us are suffering from blogitis. I look at the "last posted" on blogs and notice a growing trend. And feel a bit better about the whole thing - note that it was three months before I posted anything.

    And I had thought about writing up almost exactly what you just did, but didn't have the courage. I wonder too - does everyone want a fantasy world of a perfect life?!? I can't imagine that anyone of us has that perfect life (no not even the man, Romeo). And yet, sometimes that's all we see. Keeping it real makes the person on the other end seem a little more approachable. Maybe. Heck I don't know, now I am rambling. It's almost 2 a.m. and I've already taken aspirin twice today LOL

    Hang in there - no matter when you post it's always good to hear from your corner of the world. Don't quit. Z's right, we need each other.

    Thinking of you often!

    "Her" and Romeo

  6. I know what you mean. I thoroughly enjoy reading blogs but find that I have a hard time finding time to do so!! Ha!!
    All we can do is out best..and that is good enough!

  7. Sweet Carole, I would just like to come over and give you a real big hug. Please don't take blogging so seriously. It's something that should be fun and not an obligation. Just blog when you have the time and you are in the mood. You are such a busy and hard working girl. No one will be mad at you because you don't find the time to blog or comment.
    I hope you can get some sleep and feel a lot better in the morning.

    :-) :-) :-) and xoxo,

  8. Dear sweet Carole,
    sometimes the sky is a bit darker, sometimes bright and filled wih beautiful sunshine. Yes our worlds is both one and the other, and there are place for that in blogging I ,also, believe. You`r working so hard in spring and summer, so naturally there is not energy to blog often,as well.
    But we are all here I`m sure, when time and dayes again seems longer for you, and you can relax a bit. TAKE CARE -Hugs and love,Dorthe

  9. Hi Carole,
    I think that many of us often feel the same as you about blogging.
    Lately I've been going through a very hard time and I have been tempted to blog about it, yet there is a side of me that will not allow me to expose myself so openly. It seems as though when we take our blog in one direction we just can't switch and make it personal, or at least I can't.

    I love your blog and I think that you should write when you feel like it. We will always be here ready to visit.

    Hope you have brighter days.


  10. ohhhhh I would miss you, even the ramblings are a visit with you and that makes me happy! I hope your 2 aspirin worked and they kicked the head cold to the door. YOu are in your busiest season and as much as us women like to think we can do everything... excuse me while I adjust my cape... sometimes we do everything in smaller doses! that's o.k.. Your blog always lifts me up and makes me feel connected to you, my dear friend from far away. I think we all go through those times when life is busy, hard, or exhausting and then we went and added one more thing to our plate... blogging. I can't keep up most days and I wish I could also, but when I can, I'm glad I'm here! Especially when I see you on my sidebar! Take care and I hope you feel better soon, t.xoxoox

  11. Love your blog and all you have to share ! Real is wonderful...alittle fantasy is wonderful...just don't stop cause your posts always make me happy even when you need to gripe alittle bit..(from a gal in business with her hubby)!

  12. We all go through cycles, whether it's with blogging or anything else in life. That's what blogging IS, after all ... a periodic slice of life.

    I love hearing from you when you're here, whenever that is, at your own pace and time. Am I blogging today? Probably not. Too many weeds to deal with before it gets hot later today.

  13. Well, Carole... I think blogging should be a joy, a creative outlet... a place for you to express yourself.. however you want that to be. I don't think there's a right or wrong way to do it. I like the reality blogs as well. I do try to keep mine upbeat because there's enough negativity out there already... but I think keeping it real too.. a mix... is the best blog.. atleast the one I want to read.

    Hope you're feeling better soon!...

  14. Hi Carole. I feel your pain...... When I look at other bloggers and see how they post every single day, and have something to say, I can feel quite inferior. It is good to read your musings (rantings) as my guess is so many of us feel insecure about our posts and the validity of what we are doing. Well, it is all a journey. As a reader of your posts, I hope you keep moving forward. Best, Lisa

  15. Trust me're not the Lone Stranger when it comes to these feelings. I'm going over the same questions with myself...and getting no answers. Self must be sleeping.
    I do know I almost hit delete last week, but a friend talked me off the ledge...for the time being.
    Hang in there and if nothing else just type "George" and post photos and I'll be a happy girl.
    Your photos are gorgeous and I just like to hear the name "george".

  16. I totally understand what you mean, and do not need aspirin :)

    being yourself in blogland can be start wondering and doubting your own abilities

    if you are having those doubts or just even thinking deeper into your blog - I do believe that is a good are learning more about yourself...

    writing is such a good release of thoughts/concerns/hopes/dreams....
    some might complain - but others not

    whatever you feel comfortable with...this is your journal and your place....this is why we love you are you!
    Anne Marie
    p.s. having any seed problems this year? I am!

  17. Ooooohhhh Carole I'm totally agree with Jackie! Please don't stop blogging!!!!Do it when you want to and when you have time. That's what I do,too!!!!
    Have a nice time.

  18. We are listening and you've hit the nail right on the head.
    A little too much perfection, showroom living spaces... where's the canning pots piled on the counter, dirty gardening gloves by the back door, destroyed bedding from the doggie burying her smelly toy.
    The pics of the flowers are beautiful Hun and I know its real hot there so take it easy, slow down a bit and put your feet up...
    Susan x

  19. Very interesting read today as I have felt the same way many times. I can't even begin to comment as much as others because I am still on dial up internet...SLOW dial up! lol I am able to really blog hop once in awhile when I am visiting my son {like tonight}...high speed zone! :) Hang in there...we will be here reading and lurking.

  20. Oh, Carole - don't stop blogging! You are so loved in the blogging community, girl! I understand what you're saying. The way I look at blogging is that it's a place where I can share my love of writing, photography, interior style, and gardening. Second, it's a place for me to meet new friends from all over the world and take a peek inside their homes/lives - like a mini-vacation! And third, it's a community I've grown to love because of the way blog friends lift you up when you're down, encourage you when you've lost your way, and pray for you in support and joy!

    The one thing I hear so much of is the stress and pressure gals feel when they don't have time to blog, comment, or can't come up with something to say. That's totally OK!!! There's no pressure here in blogland! It's supposed to be a place of fun and inspiration. When it's not, take a break...but then come back when you're ready. Because if you don't, we'll nag you til you do. lol! Love and hugs, sweetie pie! Oh, and hope that cold gets better soon!

    xoxo laurie

  21. I totally 'get' where you are coming from (I think:) Because it is where I am right now. I just can't seem to sit and write anything and all I can come up with is photos for the posts. My heart just hasn't been in it and I'm feeling a little estranged from my blog right now. It is almost a love/hate relationship I am having with it because when I do it, I know I 'should' be doing something else and when I am doing something else I feel like I should be connecting with all of the people I have learned to love online (are you understanding what I am trying to say here?)because I kindda thought it was what you might have been saying)) and was really hoping it was so I know I am not alone)))

    I do like my new pace for blogging though. I don't force it, and just post when I truly have the time for it.
    Now get some rest and try to get over that head cold, okay?!

    sending hugs...

  22. I for one (or more) would miss you blogging. I totally get it, though. Seems harder and harder to post these days. I agree that some of it could be the state of the world, but I also think Pinterest has taken some of us away. I seem to get distracted by it instead of blogs. I also feel like quitting when it doesn't seem like many are listening. I try to remember that I'm not really doing it for "fame and fortune". If a few want to listen, then I try to be okay with that. You've been working hard and blogging should definitely not be a worry. Do it when you feel like it and get some rest!

  23. Oh Dear Carole
    I have only very recently discovered your blog and it has been a breath of fresh air with so much natural beauty to see and feel.
    The most important thing I feel is that it should never become a chore so it is not about having to be committed - to me it's about blogging to share, inspire, chat with friends, being inspired and feeling like you can really connect with friends and with the things that warm your heart and are meaningful.
    It's quite simple really only blog if your heart is in it. There is absolutely no pressure from anyone and we will always be here Carole to be inspired by all your so gorgeous garden and flower images as none of these ever tire us and niether do you!
    Give yourself a break - let go, feel well and regain your energy.
    YOU are the most important thing there is!
    Love and big warm hugs,

  24. Wow Carole....can't believe how much I related to your post. I've been so frustrated by blogging that I had to start a new blog!
    if you are interested. I explained everything I felt in my first post there. Just didn't know what direction to go in. When I posted pictures I felt like "what's the point of this?" Then I felt I was letting any followers down because I pretty much stopped posting. So now I'm going in a new direction, and I'll see where it leads. But it is very time consuming for sure.
    Feel better,

  25. I've been feeling the same way lately and am glad it's summer when I post less anyway. I want it to be fun to do not a chore. But, don't go away, I'd miss you!!

  26. I'm rushed, Carole, so forgive me (& the rest of you, too) if I don't read all the comments.

    I think it's really important to take breaks. But I like it when someone has a photo & a "I'm on a break" or some sort of clue about what's going on. I've taken a month off, even a little longer.

    Perhaps because I wrote on deadline for so many years, it would not seem to be a big deal to me. But it's not easy. Even a photo & some nice links takes time. More than anyone who doesn't have a blog can imagine. I know you know that...

    Put up a lovely photograph & say I'll be back in ____. And then stick to it. Even if you come back & say: you know what? I'm not into like I thought I'd be. Just give yourself enough time off. Don't do it for a week.

    Cheers & love.



  27. dearest Carole,
    boy, do I know where you are coming from!!!!!!
    I enjoy blogging, but.... I need breaks, I hate when it becomes one more thing to do, not an "I want to, and feel like it" thing. I love the friends you make through blogging, the thoughts you get to share, but it is not MY LIFE, just part of it. So, I too get blogger many times can you take pictures of the same garden, or a house that is finished...more or less....without driving yourself crazy to make it different and interesting. I have come to the conclusion that it has to be on your terms, or it becomes a chore.
    It should be something that gives you pleasure.
    And I am no longer making excuses when I am not blogging for a couple of weeks. With the side bar showing when something new is popping up on your favorite blogs, you know that that person is ready to share a moment....
    Sending you and George lots of hugs and love,
    PS...... and as far as spelling is concerned, or wording things,who cares! You are not taken an English excam. Well, for the world out there, I was neither born nor raised here, did not go to school here....and if you speak my language as well as I speak yours, you are allowed to criticize me, or chuckle at my mistakes.

  28. Right there with you! For me right now, it's just an effort to get through Blogger...nothing seems to be where it was with it! Maybe I'm the only one that feels that way. Anywho...don't stop, just show up every now and then, like I do. Best, Vicki

  29. Carole--- I think we all feel like this from time to time. Sometimes I just don't have the energy for it either-- lets face it- blogging takes a lot of time- and work- and concentration. You know- sometimes I think it's good to take a blog break- for a couple of months. Then you can decide if you missed it or not.

    I love love love your beautiful blog- id sure understand if you took a break- I may take one too-- but I'd be sick at heart if you gave it up forever. Please stay---


  30. Carole, All bloggers have experienced this, including myself. Sometimes you just have to take a break from it. Don't stress yourself over posting, just post when you feel like it and your readers will still be there.

  31. I have random posts and I visit my blogger friends at random times. It is hard at times to keep up with everyone. I agree with Z that most of us have felt this same thing lately. I think our blogging community is there for us, good, bad, real life situations and not so perfect posts. I love reading your post, but if you have to just step back, take a breathe, we will be here to catch up with you when you return!

    xo Cindy

  32. You crack me up girl! Everything that you said is so true! I'm just now commenting on your post and it's been a week since you wrote it! Running behind here too! I just posted and was looking at my pics. I noticed that you could see the toaster and the can opener in one of them. And they don't even match. Oh well....the heck with it. THAT'S reality, that's the way we live. I tossed most of the crap that we usually live with out of sight.Sometimes that's just all you can do.
    P.S. ....if you decide to walk off into the sunset, please give me a call. I may just want to go with you. I'm having that kind of Spring here too!

  33. Dear Carole, Hang in there. I always get overwhelmed too but I have to step back and realize I can't do everything. I think women have always tried to handle it all but we do need some quiet time too. I love your blog would miss your inspirational posts. Thinking of you and hoping this is a good day!


  34. I'm late chiming in too! I think blogging itself has a season and summer is a natural time for a break. I enjoy stopping by whenever you post, but often don't have time to comment. My blog is a creative outlet for me so I would miss not posting. But I never get as much time to chat as I would like. I'm glad you gave us all a chance to put in our two cents worth. Glad you're feeling better!

  35. I know EXACTLY what you're saying, Carole. Every week I say that I'm going to quit blogging. Then something 'happens' and I think just one more post. One day I may *poof* disappear, but for now I'm still here.
    As for perfection vs. reality - I like the mix. I visit quite a few "perfect" blogs, but I LOVE blogs that share what's up honestly.
    The thing that I have the most trouble with in blogland is cliques - but when I find I've stumbled into one, I stumble right on out again.
    I hope you won't quit blogging, Carole. I don't always leave a comment here, but I do enjoy what you share. I'll tell you what others have told me. Blog when you have time. Blog about what you'd like to share. Pop by for a visit when you can.

  36. Well, well, I am late to the party. I say do what you want...when you want. Blog without obligation...take each day as it comes. It's been a busy summer up here at the lake...and time to blog or even get on the computer has been hard to what? You have to live your life first anyway! Hope your cold is better. Sending hugs to you and George :)

  37. Yes, blogging can be frustrating huh? Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't have the time or interest to commit as often. I think it's good to take a break from it all, then come back rejuvenated. And I agree, escapism mixed with a dose of reality is a good balance.
    I enjoy visiting you here, Carole. You've got a good mix! :)


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