
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ok this may not be anything you would get excited about .......but for me it's like finally entering into the 
21st century. 

 We finally have internet at home!!!
We ordered Infinity internet after realizing that all our tv channels were gone.....well not all, but nothing good. 

It's been over a month that we ordered our bundle plan but with our work schedule we just haven't had time to set it up. Actually it was Georges job.....I'm not touching that stuff!   When we misplaced the instructions then things really didn't progress at all. I'm blaming him for that     
I kept getting annoyed that I even decided to change over now. What do I care if I don't get any channels anymore? I'm not home to watch anything anyways.  All I care about is watching The Daily Show and the Corbert Report at 11 pm.  
At that time of night I just want a good laugh....
and then I can sleep like a baby and have happy dreams

Ok enough babbling for one morning. 

Here's a few more photos for ya.

Liking the new format for uploading a post too.
Reminds me of Windows Live Writer which I use often.
Bigger area to write in and uploading photos was much faster.
Not as fast as live writer but an improvement.
Way to go Google.... but I'm still not changing my template:)

Thanks so much for all your lovely comments.

It really makes my day and I hope to get more time to reply.

Until then I hope you get to spend some time in your garden or at least spend some time outside! 

The World Wide Web is a Wonderful thing 
but so is nature!!!!!

Like you needed me to tell you that:)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Beautiful flowers....I just love flowers!

    Internet....I'd be lost without it!

    Politics.....not so much~

  3. We have discussed this tv thing already, you and I. I feel I am wasting money by having the channels but I am so happy they are there the few times I do want to at 4am
    AS for having interent at home I could never comprehend how you could do it all just on your little phone screen. Your eyesight must be far better than happy snoopy dance for you!

    Wish I could instantly transfer all your beautiful flowers into my yard... :( It's looking pretty forlorn.. and dried up already..sigh...VEGAS%$#@#$

  4. Happy Tuesday, Carole...congratulations on the internet! XOXO

  5. such gorgeous flowers. thanks for sharing. welcome to this century. haha.

  6. Sometimes I feel that Joe and I are so behind technology wise as to never catch up with our 20 year old. Why try? We cannot hook up a printer-we be pitiful. Enjoy your new net. Lovely images.

  7. Yea you!!! And gorgeous flowers. I finally bought and plants a witch hazel. I hope it takes.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  8. Oh my goodness Carole! You will never go to bed and get any rest now!
    Your photos are gorgeous...I love that one called Thrift...hehe.
    Hoping to get a visit in this soon. Laura :)

  9. Hi Carole,

    I love all the pretty photos of your gorgeous blooms and plants.
    I have been out all morning trying to clean up some weeds and feel I have earned a sit down and a cup of tea.
    Congratulations on the Internet, have fun! I often wonder what we did before this?


  10. Carole, congratulations, dear-that is so wonderful,- I could not live without,lol-
    And seing your beautiful flowers from your garden, on this very rainy day here, makes me feel soooo good, and happy.
    Hugs to you,from Denmark.

  11. Congrats on your internet connection. We have Infinity as well and have been very happy with it
    And the flowers are awesome!!!!

  12. Lovely flowers!

    So happy you have internet at home now! Yeah!


  13. Wonderful photos. What a beautiful garden you must have. Congrats on your internet.


  14. So where do you write your posts from? Work?

    I can hardly wait to fill the planters with flowers! My husband planted a bunch of seeds which so far are coming along nicely, except for the lavender that is. Out of 18 little pots of seeds only 1 came up. Bummer.

    I'm looking at planting a red dogwood! We have to take down a crabapple tree first that died last summer.

    Have a good day, Carole!

  15. I love the internet and all the information that s available through it. Love the flowers and nature too and being able to learn about them and new things.

    Like the best of both worlds. Cheers, Lisa

  16. Lookin good at the greenhouse! Welcome to the century. There's so much mystery in our times.

  17. Beautiful photography Carole. I love anything that has that a green flower. My husband thinks I am nuts. He loves Fuschia's.

  18. What gorgeous flowers. Planting my garden today (a bit later than I wanted to). Can't wait for vegetables to pick and flowers to bloom.

  19. hi carole!
    thanks for all the beautiful flower know i LOVE flowers!! so, congrats on the internet at home! i am sooo happy the the bronson pinchot project has been picked up for another year!! woo hoo!
    hope you are enjoying your weekend...van halen was awesome last night...david lee roth can still do the splits at his age!!

  20. Carole- your flower photos are fabulous--- oh my gosh- you're good! Such prolific and vibrant colors-- love spring!!

    Cingrates on the Internet- it will change your life!! Lol!

    I'm still not sure about the new blogger---


  21. Lovely blog with so many interesting and inspiring posts! Love your work:) Would you like to follow each other?

  22. Howdy Carole!!
    Glad to hear you've finally got the internet at home!! Excellent!!.. You know I threw my tv out before xmas and still haven't replaced it.. surprises even me!! although I watch dvds on the computer so.. not as if I have become a purist!!

    Well .. some of these shots are just amazing!! truly lovely!!.. and is that a dogwood in there somewhere! must be watching too many movies.. i got that name from the movie American President.. otherwise I wouldn't have a clue..

    Now about the new google dashboard.. I have to say it annoys me no end.. I'm making a list of things it does badly.. or not at all. hahaha.. I find it doesn't allow you to enlarge the area where you are writing the post. to mimic the size of your blog's posting area.. and other little annoying things that have gone backwood.. alright.. i'll stop complaining.. glad you are enjoying some of it;s features.. perhaps I will also once I change my habits to the fit the constraints..

    Have a fabulous week.. and don''t work too hard [sorry about longwinded comment].. ciao xxx Julie

  23. Hmmm WWW or the garden??? You already know the answer to that by the lack of posts I do : ) But TV, I love to watch when I get the chance. My husband and I are so hooked on DWTS (because we love to dance too)and I LOVE both the shows you love too, and sadly, many more.

    Your photos are just GORGEOUS Carole. The garden is finally getting ready to burst into bloom, but yesterday and today we are having a cold front move through and the wind is so bad you can't stand to be out in it :( I think I just might stay here on the www all day!
    hugs from here...

  24. Your flower pictures are so beautiful! I work in a cubicle no where near a window, so seeing these really brightened my day!

  25. Yea Carole!!!
    Your beautiful images bring Spring to me again, even though it's Autumn over here....
    I love that simple small leaf geranium, the Dogwood and Viburnum - I can almost catch the fragrance on screen - how clever is THAT!!!

    Take care
    Shane x

  26. Hello Dear Carole!
    Your nature photography is absolutely stunning and, as much as I am totally reliant on my laptop and ipad, nothing can compare to most glorious natural world of wonders.
    I haven't used the new blogger yet but I know I will be forced to very soon!
    It was encouraging to read your comments.
    Have a wonderful weekend enjoying all your new blooms,
    Hugs from downunder,


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