
Thursday, May 10, 2012

A giveaway win and a new member

Today it rained and not just rain, but down poured.
I think we received all the rain we didn't get in all of March and April.
 Remember the warm spell we had in March?
It was wonderful but I knew it would turn into a cruel joke Mother Nature likes to play
on us who depend on the weather for our livelihood.
Last week after freeze warnings for the whole weekend
 we had a solid week of rain and cloudy days.
It's ok though because we all need a break now and then.
I caught up on a few things.....not as many as I should have.

I will never catch up and the list will never end.

About a month ago I received a lovely gift in the mail from Suzy of Suzy Qu's Threadworks.
I was so excited and photographed everything right then but when 
I looked back at them I decided that they weren't up to par.

I had taken them too late in the day and they were a bit flat so I vowed I would reshoot them on a sunnier day. It was worth a try.
Well sunny days came, and sunny days went and I kept busy with 
......well too many things.
 those plants sure are demanding:)  even if they can't talk.

And so I tried but once again the lighting wasn't great but I didn't want to wait any longer.

Suzy is an artist when it comes to sewing and could probably make just about anything. She has a real talent for putting fabrics and
different elements together. Some people just have an eye for that.
I urge you to see her blog and her creations.
You won't be disappointed. 

When I get some time during the Summer I hope to make a few things with what she sent me. 

As bloggers we are so lucky to have friends that send us sweet gifts like these. As I write this I'm touched that someone that lives thousands of miles away from me, that I may never meet, who lives in a country I may never get to see would take the time to collect up pieces of their collection 
to share with me. How special is that? 

Suzy I love everything you sent and am so happy to have met you.

And now I'd like you to meet a new family member of ours and another reason why I have been extra busy.

Our new sweet baby boy Petey. He's a rescue we got about a month ago. I can't believe it's been a month and I'm just showing him now. George thought I should wait until I knew how it would work out. I was so excited I was telling everyone. 
That's kind of the way I am. George is the opposite!
He's like a steel trap. 
Me I'm ?<;(*^#))blah blah blah!!!!!!!
what do you want to know??? which is why blogging is so hard for me sometimes. I have to restrain myself.
Ok why am I talking about ME? see!

Well I have to get to sleep, it's really late and so I'll tell you about Petey another time.

Say Night Night Petey.

Actually he's already asleep and snoring.


  1. What beautiful fabrics!! Love them!
    And Petey is adorable

  2. Oh Carole,
    Petey is lovely....he looks so faithful and a real softy !! How is he getting on with all of the cats ? Are they all the best of friends ?!!
    .....and, what beautiful gifts Suzy sent really do know some very talented people. I love the lace....old and new lace is one of my favourite things.
    When I saw that sign in my post about not forgetting to 'wet your plants' I thought of you straight must put it up somewhere in Maynard Greenhouse !!!!
    Hope that you are getting loads of customers but are not too worn out !! Your weather sounds exactly the same as ours. March was beautiful but, ever since it has been raining. Hopefully, we should be getting some better weather next month. I hope that it doesn't affect you too much. Lots of love. XXXX

  3. Your new addition is just adorable.
    I'm sure Petey will make a great addition to the Maynard household.
    Don't work too hard, I know this is a really busy month for you.
    Susan x

  4. What lovely gifts. Isn't it fun? I'm heading over to check out Suzy's blog right after this.

    I love Petey! He's so cute. My puppy has been with us about a month too. I had forgotten how much work they are and how they can frustrate and entertain you at the same time. My Annie Britt hasn't come in the house since Bekah came to stay, but it's her decision.

    We've had a bit of rain here, but need much more.

    Have a great day,

  5. He is so nice!Bytheway it is true what you said about someone from a far away country etc.Can you believe it that I am so looking forward to meeting you whenever I manage to come to my friend in your area?AriadnefromGreece!

  6. oh carole, petey is just adorable with the cutest little face, i just love that ink spill on the top of his head! you are such a sweety to adopt a rescue and i am sure petey knows how lucky he is...especially to be able to nap on such a great rag rug!
    don't work too hard, but sell lots and lots of goodies!

  7. are adorable. I can't wait to hear about him, Carole. xoxo/Susan

  8. Welcome home, Petey!!! (aren't rescue dogs the best!)

    Ruby says, "Hi", too ... or she would, if she weren't sleeping here on the couch.)

  9. What beautiful gifts from afar! Suzy must have an eye for beauty... I love everything she sent to you!

    Petey is adorable! I must say when I first read there was a new addition.... I was expecting to see a cat! :)

  10. Oh Carole, He is sooooo adorable, I can't stand it!!!!!!! And what a great gift:) Have fun!
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  11. What a beautiful gift to a beautful person. Have a great week Carole, I always think of you and your friends. Hugs Mary

  12. Oh Carole, you and your George sounds like Henning and me---just the same :me blabbing he telling me to keep all close to heart ,LOL--
    What a beautiful win from dear Suzy, yes she is truly a fantastic artist, and creates the most beautiful things.
    And congratulations to you also with your Petey, he looks so wonderful, and I love you adopted him from the rescue place.

  13. Petey is adorable! I'm chatty, I was just telling Duane how I actually had to stop myself from talking so much the other day, and felt like I left my new friends rather abruptly, but the truth is that I do know myself well and although they did not have that glazed over look in their eyes yet, it is a distinct possibility! I try to stop myself before that happens :) So I bid the good bye and worried on my drive home that I scared away my new friends :) It was their fault though, they started talking about repurposing stuff and well.......
    see, there I go again! Happy Weekend Carole! t.xoxooxoxo

  14. Wow, such special gifts! She sure is thoughtful. I can't wait to see what you do with it. I'd probably just stare at it and draw a blank. Petey is adorable. I'm going to miss my Buddy as he moves away with my daughter. He is her dog, afterall. :-(

  15. Dear Carole
    Yes sometimes we wish we could just turn off the rain tap for a wee while to give us a break but somehow the garden and plants are rarely the worse for it in those quantities.

    It is my utmost pleasure in sending these little pieces to play with. It is a real "thank you" also for displaying my Giveaway - Bloggers are just the kindest friends.
    I'll look forward to seeing what you might come up with after casting your creative eyes over everything!!!

    Petey is such an adorable addition and just how big is YOUR heart for giving him the most loved home to go to.
    May he bring you many years of loving companionship!

    Thank you so much Carole for displaying my gift so very beautifully. I could not have done a better job myself!
    Love and hugs,

  16. Blog friends are SUCH a huge blessing, aren't they, Carole? What a sweet gift! And Petey....well...don't get be started on how adorable HE is...! :)

    Happy Mother's Day, sweetie!

    xoxo laurie

  17. Someone was telling me the other day she thought blogging had seen it's day and I thought to myself..."Oh I hope not". Some of the dearest folks I could ever hope to have in my life came through the back door of my blog.
    Lovely gifts for a lovely lady.
    P.S. I wonder if Petey realizes what a lucky guy he is? I got a hunch he's gonna be one pampered pooch. I'll tell you this much...he is doggone handsome.

  18. Carole,

    How wonderful of you to adopt! Petey looks like a sweetheart of a pal. I will have to take a ride out soon to meet him in person. Since your cats seem so laid back it should be easy to have a doggie friend.Congrats!!


  19. Carole, Petey looks adorable...he has come to a loving home, I can tell!! I surely hope Mother Nature will be kind to you, working long hard hours for such a short, unpredictable season. And as far as blogging buddies we make from total strangers, it warms my heart that women can make such strong connections by opening their hearts and minds through simple honesty and sharing ! Amazing! You being so kind and generous to me ! I wish you a happy, love filled Mother's Day. Much love,N.xo

  20. Petey is darling. Our new puppy is wearing us all out. The cat is in a coma in my lap right now.

  21. He is a doll Carole! Look at that face!
    I love the beautiful giveaway you won from Suzy. She is such a beautiful lady and I love her artwork so much. She sent you so many great things to put together in artwork. I love how she does so many things and has so many talents. She has such a lovely garden too!!!
    It frosted hard here last night and I am mourning over some of the plants in the garden that got bit...oh well...maybe they will perk up in time to get it again : )
    Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you get some rest!
    sending hugs...

  22. Carole- your treasures from Suzy are fabulous. She is the Queen of all things lace and makes beautiful creations that leave me breathless---

    Petey is adorable- more than adorable!! I love him!! What a lucky puppy to get to come to your house to live!!


  23. Hi Carole
    Lucky YOU!!!
    Gorgeous images of Suzy's creations - she is so talented and the sweetest in blogland!

    Oh we've had rain off and on all summer too (not really a summer for us this year) but our Autumn has been wondrous!!!

    Darling Pete, I would love to pick him up for a cuddle - that face is sooo cute! Who could possibly abandon him??
    LOVE his little rag rug too - he's SPECIAL in the household already!!!


  24. I love Petey already! Z told me you had a new addition - he's darling! The laces rock, too...just beautiful - blessed in friends, you are. Happy Mother's Day, Carole - XOXO

  25. Hi Carole!
    Petey is adorable and love the name! He is a perfect lookalike!
    Your new treasures are lovely, enjoy!

  26. Hello! Petey is adorable!! And,what lovely gifts! Have a happy day, Carole!

  27. I LOVE Petey! The name suits him to a T!
    What a lovely gift! I am off to visit her blog!

  28. Congrats on the beautiful giveaway win and what can I say about Petey! He is adorable. You guys are lucky to have found such a precious fur baby.

  29. Hi Carole,

    Love all the beautiful gifts you got from Suzy. Old lace and hand embroidered doilies are so lovely.
    Petey is adorable and hope your sweet new addition to the family, is working out well.

    Happy week

  30. Hi Carole!
    I too knew the warmer temps in March would get us in the end. I lost most of the pears from my espalier on the only night I didn't wrap!
    I know you are probably super busy...think of you often!
    Petey sure looks like a sweetie!
    I am so missing having a dog around. Maybe next spring when things calm down a bit
    Have a great week
    hugs from here

  31. Oh Carole, now you have a Pete too, well a four legged one...
    He looks calm, and I hope he does well, surrounded by cats.
    You two have such big hearts.
    We always had two dogs and four it seems so empty here.
    Pete is one lucky dog to have found you. Enjoy him!!
    Many hugs and much love,
    PS. I have been missing from the blog world too. Too much to do, and priorities shift.

  32. Your package of lace and doilies from Suzy is lovely! Lucky you.
    Petey looks harmless enough, even kind of cute... but you know I'm afraid of dogs. Why couldn't you adopt that baby bunny? :)


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