
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Save me

Shaggy thought he was bringing me a present tonight. I thought it was a bird at first and 
I screamed for George ( like I always do) and he ran right over.
He knows I'm useless with things like this. 
With 6 cats this is a common occurrence.

He covered him quickly with an old pot and slid a plastic banner
 under it.  We carried him to where we thought his mommy was. 
Being careful to not frighten him....hope the big blue hands
didn't scare him too much.

Happy Ending


  1. This is so sweet, he blends right in! We had two big owls in our yard tonight chasing squirrels. I love nature, but I hate to see animals after little babies. Hope things are good with you!

  2. What a sweet little thing. I hope it wasn't injured. I remember the days I worried about every bird and chipmunk near our property but now our cats prefer to just laze around and dream of the 'good ol days of hunting'. Glad it's over. Deb

  3. Oh yes, I remember those days! I loved it when something large was sucked into the vacuum cleaner every now and then... usually headless. Oh sorry I digressed. So glad your little guy hopped away!
    How have you been? I hope you are having a good season.
    Wishing you a lovely evening.

  4. What a sweet gift...glad it was still alive! :-) There goes Peter Cottontail.

    Had a friend that had REALLY expensive white wool carpeting in one room, with green ivy patterns running through it. She had a Westie that hunted birds in the backyard - was over one evening when she brought a dove in...mangled, but still able to flap around and drag bright red blood ALL OVER that lovely white wool carpet, before we realized it! Plus, the friend (the guys were out) was afraid of birds, so it fell to me to get it! Such fun and games.

    Hope all is well,'s the pup?

  5. Aahhhh....My cat brought a baby rabbit to the front door not long ago. In my old age blindness, I thought it was a rat and screamed like a banshee. Scared the cat so bad he dropped it and ran for cover. Hubby about had a heart attack and declared that I need to vary my screams according to the emergency. He thought I was being murdered on the front porch! Happy ending here too. Baby bunny was returned to the wild. The kitty came home, and Hubbys heart rate returned to normal in no time!

  6. Awww...George is such a softie. Listen to those peepers in the background! Glad there was a happy ending. :)

  7. Oh my cute is that!!! Just came by to say hello...been way to long! Hope all is well in your world my sweet friend! Much love,Chrissy

  8. A sweet bunny tale. Baby bunnies are so darling! All's well that ends well.

  9. So glad the little baby was okay, good thing you have a handsome man around to protect you!!!!!
    How is your new guy doing....what a sweetie. I bet Petey keeps you running!
    Love the parcel you received, what a lovely gift or should I say gifts!
    Margaret B

  10. Growing up in Pa with tom cats who ran loose we frequently received "presents" on our front stoop. Often baby bunnies, and they rarely survived. Looks like this one has a grand future after all. Love all the green - jealous as all get out. : D

  11. Saved just in time!
    Oh the joys of our pets! But it's all part of what happens in nature.
    How is dear Petey going? Was he there to see it all!
    Hugs Carole,

  12. Hi Carole,
    Oh, it's heartbreaking, isn't it and I know all about it. When we had 3 cats, we had 'presents'(or, bit's of presents!!) all the time ! The video wasn't working for me but, I shall be back to try again later.
    Long email !!!! so sorry. Will make up for it soon. We are off to The Chelsea Flower Show would LOVE it. I shall take photos and tell you all about it.
    Lots of love Carole and 'speak' soon. XXXX

  13. Hi dear Carole, I`m sorry but I can`t see the video, tryed this morning and now again 7 hours later, but they still write :This video is currently not available...
    I casn read that it was something so very sweet- and I`m glad for you, you could save whatever it was , :-)

  14. Ah this time I see the video and the release of the dear little rabbit!
    That must have made you feel so relieved! Your property sounds abundant with bird life - a bit like here!
    Love and hugs,

  15. Carole, thankyou dear, now I could see the sweetest little on....We have them here in the garden, also-eating all the new green plants coming up!!!
    What fantastic bird song,- sounds like in Paradise- I could never hear so many and so loud here.
    OOx Dorthe

  16. Carole- we have kitties too and your experience is often ours as well! Yesterday I came in the house to find a dead ground mole in the dining room-- we had left the door open---- ugh!

    It's an adventure for sure!

  17. This is my biggest fear with our newest member of the family! Last week I'm not sure how it happened but a chipmunk got in the house and soon we had chipmunk followed by Oliver followed by Jazz our old dog who gave up when the mom was standing on the couch yelling "Duane, don't let them kill it... just get it out of here!" I'm sure we looked like a cartoon! He was finally able to get it outdoors, yet another happy ending! I'm sure that I have mentioned before that I am a bit of a wimp... can't help it, I am afraid of all tiny critters. sad I know.
    Your baby bunny is adorable and lucky! I bet the greenhouse has you two working like crazy, I hope business is wonderful! Have a great week! t.xoxo

  18. Awwww. Glad to see the little bunny appeared ok!

  19. I found three in my front flowerbed while deadheading...they forced me out of the bed. But I think Mama has moved them to the hosta bed, as I have not seen them for days. And it's usually my golden retriever that brings them to me...

  20. Oh how this made me smile!!!! Such a little cutie and boy can he hop, eh?!?! A couple of years ago I was mowing and scared one out of the blueberries. He recovered like yours did which of course makes me VERY happy. Romeo? He doesn't like lawn mowers either - good thing because he knows how I feel about presents ;)

    Hope all is well!

    "Her" and Romeo


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