I wanted to start off by thanking everyone about the kind comments that I received on my last post.
Boy you guys sure made me blush.
I've always been a little uncomfortable with getting
compliments but you sure made this old girl
feel darn good!
It was also nice to learn that I'm not the only camera shy one
out there either.
Hubby did manage to read that post and
man did he think I was conceited.
Knew I was crazy to think I'd get away with it.
Meant to throw a new post up right away.
He never has the attention span to read more then
one post at a time....thank goodness!
Do your husbands or (significant others)
read your blog???
or think they're silly?
or think they're silly?
Onto a better subject........
I got a lovely package the other day from my
friend Joan of Anything Goes Here.
It was all prettied up with pink tissue
and ribbon....
and lets not forget the beautiful paper rose she made me.
and lets not forget the beautiful paper rose she made me.
Two of which were of this couple on their wedding day.
Don't they have the nicest smiles?
I ordered these wooden handles.....
They were from a company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
I remembered my friend Paula buying handles like these and
doing something clever with them....
but I can't remember now.
What I had to have were these .........

Bingo Cards that were in brown.
I'd never seen them in brown!
have you?
Joan has been in the antique business for 30 yrs or so and
she'd rarely seen them either.
Bingo Cards that were in brown.
I'd never seen them in brown!
have you?
Joan has been in the antique business for 30 yrs or so and
she'd rarely seen them either.
I like the way they look on my flour sack.
Seeing the Middletown Ct seems ironic now!!!
I was just there today for jury duty!
My first time ever going.
We were dismissed before any interviews even started.
Whew!!! that was a relief.
I had my responses to their supposed questions all figured out:) ha
The worst thing was that I missed our luncheon at
I was so bummed.
Hey Carole,
Love those handles you bought from Joan, and the brown bingo cards are really unique. I love her Etsy shop and check it out just about every day. I have to exercise extreme control most of the time! I'm kinda on Etsy and Ebay restriction for a while! Just because I don't get out often doesn't mean I can't shop...hehe!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Brown bingo cards are marvelous! Can't wait to see what you do with the handles.
I'm sure you were missed today..but jury duty is a necessity. All you have to do is watch CNN today to be grateful for our system... even with it's faults..
Happy weekend girl!
Hi Carole, I love the brown bingo cards and haven't seen any before either. Those handles are wonderful too. There are a few in my studio but I haven't gotten around to do something with them.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sorry, that was the cat, sitting on the + key :-). Now, what did I want to say? Ahh, now I know again. I've seen those hangers used as clothes hangers for fabric or paper clothes in a Somerset Life magazine a while ago. It looked fabulous and I thought that this was a great idea.
Have a great weekend!
HUGS to you,
Hi dear Carole
Well.. sorry you missed your lunch doing your civic duty!! those wooden handles are fab.. and I love those vintage photos.. you know me.. but these are exceptional.. so lovely
Have a lovely day/evening and fabulous weekend.. ciao xxxx
PS.. don't have a significant other..but used to hide my blog from my work pals.. but.. my brother reads it all the time.. and just occasionally says nice things about it.. hahahaha
Dear Carole,
I wish that you wouldn't show me all of these Etsy shops and the like.....I'll have to go and have a look now !!!! I think that my favourite part of buying from Etsy and fellow bloggers is the beautiful way that they wrap everything and Jane of Anything Goes Here is no exception. How beautiful does that look ?...... and, I get really embarrassed when my family and friends read my blog.....and they all wind me up about it too !!!!
Happy weekend to you and George Carole. XXXX
Though I was proud to serve on the jury...it sure was a pain! Ha! I never really got to sit on the jury...delays and delays took up the entire three weeks! Sigh! And I was looking forward to a trial!!
Love the paper rose...what a sweet gift.
And those wooden handles are awesome!
Carole, you bought wonderfull things--those handles, I would love to find,too- and the bingo cards are so rare ,I even did not know they were to find!--Lucky you, -I love the beautifull package, too, with the rose, how sweet.
I would`nt mind being a guest at Evi`s , must be a great experience ,to see her wonderfull home, and creations.
Hugs, Dorthe
Hi Carole! Love the handles, and can't wait to see what you do with them, as well as the bingo cards! Nope my hubby doesn't read my blog, my daughter and son do once in a while, but I don't think any of them really 'get' why I do it! Have a great weekend! Theresa xoxo
Hi Carole,
love that sweet gift with rose paper!!!So lovely! And the bingo brown cards,waw they are so beautiful!!!
Have a nice weekend and happy Valentine's day to you.
yes - any man i know thinks the blogging thing is dorky.
i love all you new things...
i just opened my eyes not 5 minutes ago,
and when i saw the handles-
at first i thought they were little sticks of dynamite!!!
wow that woke me up.
btw all the compliments were truexx
Love the brown bingo cards...how unique!
Love those bingo cards and handles. The colors are amazing.
oh...love the brown bingo cards! and the handles...can't wait to see what you will do with them? sorry you had to miss your lunch and then not to be even called to serve on the jury? i have served 3 times and never, not once did any of the lawyers ask me any questions. they just accepted me to serve on their jury on my "innocent" (ahem) look! must be the freckles?
have a good weekend,
I think I've seen those handles used as additions when you have a large package with the skinny paper like handles...that are so hard on your hands. Folks with arthritis or weak hands, like me, sure appreciate them when we can find them.
Hi Carole,
Thanks for the visit!!!
I love those handles. Can't wait to see what you do with them. They are just cool.
Love your music, she is one of my favorites.
About wearing the crowns, I am camera shy most of the time.
Have a Happy Valentine's Day!!
LOLOL I ordered the same handles and got the green (I think) bingo cards. Do we think alike or what? I just love her etsy:)I am glad you didn't have to stay for Jury Duty. What are you doing with your little handles? I'm thinking of making little purses or using them to hand some fabric and handmade. I am sure you will come up with something fabulous.Have a great weekend:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
OK I meant to say hang something fabric and handmade. What is wrong with me? lol
~D xxx
I remember when they used to give you those handles when the box was heavy! I still have some!
Can you see the ground yet? Maybe by next week they say! :)
If you don't do a cotton pickin' thing with those handles thingies...that's ok. They are cool to look at!
The only time Cat Daddy reads my blog is if he thinks it's about him and then it's just the comments. That man has an ego now the size of Texas...thanks to all the kittens in his litter!
P.S. 70 degrees predicted for Sunday! Can you say yee haw!
Hi Carole, love the brown bingo cards. My husband just got me some that look like leather......they have plastic sliders to open up the number. I am thinking of doing a post on them. Take care my friend. HUGS MARY
What a wonderful surprise! I just wandered by to say hello and I said to myself... "Self, i know that stuff." it all looks much more wonderful in your photos than it did on my kitchen counter while I was wrapping it!!!!!!!!
Aren't those the best photos. They are from a large group i got from an Estate Sale. The guy took photos of all his friends and family during WW2. The photos are now scattered all around the world!
Thanks for the great post about my etsy shop!!!!!! Joan@anythinggoesehere
Carole - such a beautiful paper rose - all packaged up so prettily~~ love all the treasures - you will create and make and we will all swoon over the treasures that will come from your projects~
I had the feeling that this would happen. We missed you and we decided that in the late Spring we will get together here (God willing), and that you are being kidnapped to come . Somebody will HAVE to take your place for one day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is always a place for you here !!!!!!
I love you girl,
PS. I'll write you the latest in an e-mail.
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