I can't believe it's been almost 2 weeks since that memorable visit to Evi's house. There hasn't been a day since that I haven't thought of it. It's like seeing a great movie and for days later parts of it happily swirl in your head. The difference is that this time you and your good friends are in it. It's a good feeling. As you may have seen in posts done by Laura and Evi herself, her home is decorated throughout with touches of Christmas that are totally enchanting. There is an undeniable European styling to her decorating and testament to her German heritage. Evi grew up with the dollhouses as a young child in Germany. Her father would take them out and display it on Christmas Eve and a couple of days later would pack it up until the next year. Now Evi leaves it out in her downstairs family room all year long. It's too wonderful to stay boxed up and not enjoyed. The 6 year old child in me wanted to play with the little farm animals and make pies in the bakery. Speaking of cooking lunch was divine with the creamiest mushroom soup, green salad, Waldorf salad and two different quiches. I had two helpings of all of it....I have no shame. I need to get some recipes. Laura was saving herself for dessert. I didn't deny myself that either. Deanna wanted to get a better look at Evi's studio to get ideas for her own so we headed downstairs. When I grow up I want to be as organized. She was patient with us as we pulled out drawers and drooled over her art supplies. That was when we got a glimpse at the sketches that she had done years ago when she was in the fashion industry. In her folder were etchings her granddaughter had done by using examples of her grandmothers. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Planting the seeds of creativity I think :)
four things | twenty-three
14 hours ago
Carole, how fabulous Evi's home is, I never get tired of looking over (and drooling) each and every nook and cranny.....
The sketches, oh my, she is just sooo talented, I love them. It must be so wonderful with all of you creative gals together, I can just imagine the inspirations and ideas you all have after being together!!!!
I just want to come and play with you girls, make things, play with all your ribbons, oh yes I still remember them all!!!! I love so many of all the things each of you girls make, good to see and hear about them.
scrump·tious. All of it. How lucky you are to be her friend, Carole!
Thank you, thank you for inviting us too. :)
~ Zuzu
I love how your eye always searches for the smallest detail. Just beautiful shots and oh those nests! <3
I so enjoyed your today's post!Can you believe it that I expected your visit to Evi's to enjoy her decorations?AriadnefromGreece!
I'm beginning to look forward to this post each year now dear Carole!
I was over at Evi's blog recently and read her lovely post about friendship and you girls! Loved the photo of you Carole, now I know you a teeny bit more ha ha!!
I would love you to come and visit me - I've joined 2 Bags Full Vicki on her GYB party so I've put up a little bio. You can learn a bit more about me too (if you want)... and enter my little GIVEAWAY!
Love your images of Evi's house - OMG the food and the dolls house, and her GD's sketches... you're so right the apple doesn't fall far from the tree - how proud must Evi be!
Shane ♥
I feel like I want to go to the nearest bakery....right now! Yummy desserts, food and a feast for the eyes! I can just imagine how fun it would be to go through Evi's drawers and such, and I'm certain everything is perfect. Evi is one amazing gal with amazing friends!
Dear Carole,
oh you are such a lucky woman,being able to visit with Evi, in her so cosy and beautifully decorated home,-and there also see your other friends.
Your photo`s show that this home, is a very speciaL one, with love for all things country and hand made old lovely pieces-as well as new gorgeous ones made by Evi and her friends.
I love Evi`s special style ,also,-her amazing handmade pieces and her beautiful skills of decorating her home.
She is a wonderful friend, too!
Thankyou Carole,for showing your part of the wonderful visit,- I so understand you have had it with you for many many dayes after returning home again.
I've enjoyed everyone's pics. so much. I love Evi's home and always absorb every corner of it in every photo! And was that a pic. of you I spied along the way?? You elusive girl you!
What a lovely post, I had been over at 52Flea also, so now off to see Evi's blog....your photos are great Girlie, love that mouse in a shoe!
So glad you ladies have so much fun!! Makes me smile :))))
Just delightful seeing it all through your lens!
Dear Carole, this is so lovely, and you zero in on all the sweet details.....loved to read about this wonderful visit you share every year.....you are all beautiful, in many ways! N.xo
Hi Carole...what a wonderful day for you ladies, looks like Evi spoiled you all again!
Beautiful photos!!
Hi Carole,
I LOVE hearing and seeing your visits to Evi's home ........ she dresses it so beautifully down to the minutest of details. I am sure that you all have such a wonderful time together.
Sorry for not replying to your email yet ...... seem to have been a little busy lately but an email will be winging its way to you very soon. Lots of love. XXXX
Fun to see these pictures too and I clicked over to Evi's post...you are young!!! It was great to see faces of these people I hear a couple of you mention!
I loved every picture! Especially the little guy in the red shoe! Oh my goodness..so cute!
Love this post!
Beautiful and the soup looks too good. My IG is broken and I have missed you. Olive
WOW! Beautiful pictures!!! And I'm with Cindy, the little guy in the shoe made me say "ohhhhhh" out loud ;) He is just too stinking cute!!! Everything looks beautiful and I'm so glad you took time to photograph your "adventure" - it is all beautiful!
"Her" and Romeo (who wants to know where his piece of quiche is....)
What a beautiful house! I'd still be dreaming about it, too. Thanks for the images.
gorgeous photos, carole!! i love seeing evi's cozy home and every detail...but what i really loved seeing (at evi's blog) was the picture of all of you!! yes, i got to see your beautiful face!! funny, i have always pictured, in my mind, you with short hair...didn't you show us a glimpse of your short haircut one time...must have been a while ago? and i love your cute top and those boots too. you are so lucky to have such a wonderful group of dear and talented friends! looks like you had a fab time of it. hope you are having a good start to this new year....
Dear Carole, what a pleasure to see our wonderful get-together through your lens and eyes. The pictures are very beautiful. Funny, how we all capture the same things in a very different way.
Thank you sweetie!
Love thinking of our fun day!!!!
Dealing with sciatica right now.
Things are at a stand still. Must be the weather.
Tons of love,
Sending hugs to George too.
Are you frozen yet? BRRRR!
Guess it is global warming, lol.
I follow all of your lovely ladies blogs'....and there is a lot of talent among all of you....but, as a first generation American....my mom was German....I can see so much of my mom in the things Evi's does.......my mom was very talented in many, many things, like Evi.....I think that is that German blood........
Finally here...love this post Carole...and love seeing it through your lens. Your photos are wonderful..I love all the different angles and shots. It was, indeed, a wonderful afternoon! And, it always is such fun to be together.
Take care, L
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