This is my first Outdoor Wednesday post....seems kind of ironic since I spend most of my days outside. Lucky me !!!
These beautiful creatures live only a mile away from my house. The other day when I was driving to work with my husband we spotted the babies and he mentioned I should remember to take my camera so I could take some shots of them. I thought well you don't have to ask me twice. The next morning it was slightly raining when I got there and was only able to see them thru the brush along the fence that runs the property. They made their way eating what looked like bare branches and sticks while the adults ate the nice green grass. Eventually they made it to the front fence, 100 bad pics later where I could finally get a clearer view of them.

A nest that's been in our Butterfly bush for a few years now though I don't think I've noticed any birds nesting in it for a long time. Isn't just so perfect? How does it stay together even after being out all's nature at it finest. We'll have to check back and see if it gets occupied this year.

Stay warm everyone!!!! Summer's not here yet!!!
Oh, almost forgot.....this is in honor of Sylvia from Villa Extra in Sweden who always inspires me with her Outdoor Wednesdays. I can't even come close to recreating the beautiful images and collages she makes. She's truly talented.
Hi Carole!
Wonderful post! I can't believe those little lambs are right down the road from you! How sweet and idyllic are they? I just love your white daffodils too....just beautiful! Have a good night! Go home and go to sleep!
Be well, Laura
Your post today reminds me so much of Ireland, no matter where you go you see sheep.....lots and lots of sheep!! Your blog is so refreshing and so unlike any other, I just love it!! Have a good day!!
Thanks for your visiting..
You have a lovely blog...An the pictures are wonderful..
I`ll be back..
Have a nice weekend
From Kerstin
Hi, I love the pictures of the sheep, sooooooooooooo cute!
Thank you for your lovely comment it was so sweet of you!
Have a lovely weekend…love Lou xxx
What gorgeous photography! THe lambs are so dear! I can only imagine being so close to them where you live! What a treat! And your white daffodils are just amazing. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your sweet comment. I'll be back here for more reads! Have a lovely 1st of May!
Your photos are GORGEOUS!! I am loving my magazine.
Hi Carole.Thank you for your encouraging words about my gardening. The lambs in your post are incredibly cute. Have a nice weekend.
Hi Carole,
Those little lambs are too precious and your photos make me want to reach out and pet them.
Your Photo's are always so Beautiful!!! I love the ones with the sheep!!! They are such sweet animals. Just Beautiful!!!!Blessings, Deborah
I have truly enjoyed my visit to your blog ~ such beautiful things you share!
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