As I've been starting this post I've been thinking of what exactly I was going to say. I hoped I would come up with something clever but my mind lately has been like it is everytime in this season a pile of mush! Opps just noticed I put the same picture in twice....see what I mean. I'll remove it now. Well I thought I'd at least show you some of the reasons why I work 14+ hr days 7 days a week for. These little lovelies....

This is a new bacopa we tried this year. Double blue...sorry I don't remember the breeder or exact name...not that I think you need the botanical name I'm sure if you asked for double bacopa they'd know what you meant. It also comes in white.

Geranium " Stephanie" I think??? Gee I'm not being to good on the names am I??? I like this one because it has that airy look without looking too rangy like some of them do. Though my favorite is Rozanne which has the longest bloom time of any I've ever seem and looks great in the garden but unfortunately doesn't look so great in a pot and is often a hard sell.

Salix matsudana " Corkscrew Willow"
I love this plant. I might find a spot to plant this one myself just so I can cut the branches for flower arrangements.
Deciduous azalea usually flowers before it leafs out all the way. Isn't that color spectacular?
Lemon Lights Azalea

It flowers in different shades of pink and light yellow.

Tree peony in this I buy without any specific name like Nishiki or some Japanese name so I can't even tell you it's exact name but it's the biggest blossom I've ever seen on a tree peony before, the thing must have been 8" wide at least. I say had because it sold. I knew I'd better take a picture of it quick because it wasn't going stick around long.
I love this new supertunia called silverberry....not as popular as I'd hoped for my "it's got to show from the road" customers. I get that a lot.....????? Why is that so important???? OK don't get me started!!!!
Columbine Double something???? I guess I could go out there and look it up... but does it really matter??? I've seen other double ones before but is one has petite flowers that you can't really tell from here but just makes it look very dainty as it sways in the wind.
One of my favorite customers Gretchen( on the left) and her friend Gina. She'd kill me if she thought I'd taken this picture of her but I don't think she'll ever know. Shhhhh!!!! Sometime I'll have to show you her house in Lyme, Ct. It's a new version of an old barn that is absolutely gorgeous and has been photographed for magazines a couple of times. She has great taste and is one of the most fun people I've ever known and never takes herself too seriously.

Tree peony in this I buy without any specific name like Nishiki or some Japanese name so I can't even tell you it's exact name but it's the biggest blossom I've ever seen on a tree peony before, the thing must have been 8" wide at least. I say had because it sold. I knew I'd better take a picture of it quick because it wasn't going stick around long.

Last night there was a frost alert and we spent the night covering some tender shrubs and annuals. Being along the shore our risk was a little less but we didn't want to chance it. This morning I noticed even the things we covered looked a bit touched but all in all we were very lucky.
Hello Carole,
thank you for the lovely comment on my blog. Great to have found yours now...I am going to enjoy it!
Love the amazes me that it isn´t a hit. I would buy it immediately.
I love to come back later on the day to read your blog when I have the time.
Have a great day, Jeannette
Well....that was stunning!
And no, haven't seen that bacopa yet, we still have the white...
it is windy out at our place, and unfortunately not much of those 'delicate' plants survive much in the wind.....when I say delicate, it means any container plant :)
wonderful photos (and I envy the columbine's beauty!)
Have a great's wonderful outside today!!
The flowers are so pretty. I didn't know there was a geranium that shared my name! I feel special :)
Hi Carole! You guys need a rest! I hope you can catch a few minutes here and there and enjoy some of this spring time weather too! Love those supertunias! I usually plant some bacopa in my window boxes at the lake...I love the blue though!
Take care! Laura
Carole, I could look at your blog all day.... its a treat to the senses, for sure. Thanks for leaving the comment at my blog on the clock. That particular clock has been in my husband's family for approximately 100 years, as it was a wedding gift to his grand parents. I bet you enjoy yours as much as I enjoy ours. Looking forward to seeing more of your blog! Carol
Hi Carole! I think you have many great reasons to work so much!!! Your plants are simply faboulous and your blog too!
Have a nice wek end!
Warm greetings from Italy
Dear,Carole. The flowers are beautiful,but I think you need a rest. Take care and enjoy. Hugs from Crinoline
Your a hoot!!! Love this post, I can only dream of all those flowers, so pretty!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my busy friend!! Talk soon,Chrissy
Love all the flowers, especially the Marguerites. Yes, you were tired - had a case of what I call the Slap Happies even though I agree with you about the Caller ID name. Maybe it's a family name?
Have a lovely weekend.
Thank you for your comment on my blog..
I ask for theese sorts today...
I tried to find some sorts who gives flowers long time..
I tell you later ..
Hugs *
Hello Carole
Thank you for your lovely comments. It's a wonder that you have time to do anything else working such long hours! You are very devoted to your plants and that obviously shows in the results that you are getting. The flowers are beautiful. I particularly like the new marguerite daisy, it is so delicate and the combination of yellow and pink I LOVE! What are you named it?
Frost has a lot to answer for! We lost our wysteria this year, it grew against the house, now we have to start again. The front of the house will look bear for a while until a new plant gets established again.
I hope that you manage to get some rest and perhaps a well deserved holiday break!
Take care
Isabelle x
Hi Carole you must be in love with your job because your plants and flowers are simply gorgeus!!! I love the geranium blue!
Have a nice week,hugs.
Just wanted to say hello....working now till Sat. but it is supposed to rain here for the next 3 days(planned that well)anyway, enjoy your week, talk soon!!
Wow~ I have grown the white bacopa, but haven't seen the double~& blue my fav color~have to keep an eye out for that!! Gorgeous flowers~ we all have to remind ourselves from time to time why we do what we do!:) Your darlings make it worth while don't they..?! :)
Always such a wonderful visit here, wish I could visit your greenhouse in person!
Hi Carole, your plants are gorgeous! I can never remember names of plants so you are not alone.
You really do work some hours, I will never moan again about the hours I work. ;0)
What a funny name!
Try and get some rest…love Lou xxx
what beautiful flowers! The double blue bacopa & the tiny columbine are wonderful. I'll have to keep my eye open for them next visit to our local nursery.
everything here, the pictures, your words and the lovely water sounds and bird song are heavenly.
very relaxing and I actually heard myself sigh...
take good care and hope you are able to sit down and enjoy all your beautiful handiwork.
Délicieuse promenade au milieu de tes fleurs si jolies et aux couleurs si joyeuses !
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