Last week my friend Paula called me to remind me about the free concert on the green in
Essex, Ct.
It sounded like the perfect way to break up the week.
Hubby unfortunately didn't want to go ......but that was ok we got enough people together to make a good fun loving group. Essex is only one town away from Old Saybrook where we live/work.
I have to tell you George still tells people we live in Old Saybrook. I've given up correcting him a long time ago. If you tell people we live in Westbrook they sometimes think you mean Westport which is known for being a very affluent town made famous by the one and only Martha Stewart. She sold her home a few years ago. Can't remember what she sold it for.? big$$$$ I'm sure.
Anyways here I was in Essex in the Summer!!!! I'd forgotten how pretty it is here. I'd worked in this town in my 20's. It's better known as a tourist location then some of the towns around. It has quaint shops and the main street is lined with beautiful historic homes. One complaint you hear is that the town has too many real estate offices but with housing down you never know if that'll change. There have been a few shops that have been there for years but there are always old ones going out and new ones eager to replace them. Thank goodness. There so many store vacancies in Old Saybrook that it's getting kind of scary. Many of our gift shops have gone in the last year but then our town has more box stores (Yuck) then others. On my sidebar you'll see a button on the 3/50 project which is all about helping to keep your small businesses in your community from going OUT of business. It's a great concept so please take a look at it. I'd explain it all to you but they do a better job. Communication is not my strong suit....neither are a lot of things but I won't bore you with that now.
I'm more of a visual girl!!!
So on with the pics please!!!!

This is the window of the Seaflower Florist........
Aren't these rusty metal flowers fabulous.... and the best part... they don't need watering!
I could see them in the garden even just to hold up droopy blossoms.

Perfect thing to put in a hot window......succulents. They can take the heat of being in the sun all day. Not a good look to have a wilted plant in your display window so these do well here.

This is "
Weekend Kitchen" owned by Nancy Smith. That's not exactly her whole last name has a hyphen in there somewhere with another name but no matter! her shop is lovely and that's all you really care about right?

Just some lovely doorways.....

This is the office of a well known architect and his wife who is a landscape architect. I just love their planters....very sculptural.
I had a customer tell me they had her come for a consultation just to give them ideas on their garden and it was $150 an hour. Wow.... but she is a licensed Landscape Architect.....there is big difference.

This is "The French Hen" owned by Laurie.....very cute shop full of pretty girl things and of course french inspired.

Can someone tell me how to eliminate the reflection of the buildings on the opposite side of the street in the window???
RIVER" owned by Joe and John

They moved here last year from their location down the street. It's a much bigger shop

and in the back they have a beautiful display garden to show off their antique planters and accessories. This was just the view from the street. They have a wonderful website that shows off all their talents. The last 3 photos are off their worth taking a look at. They've been featured in many magazines and Joe's done work for Martha Stewart ( boy her name comes up a lot) .
Johns a photographer and hence why his photos are so much better then mine.
photos from River website )
These were planters that belong to the homeowners who live right along the street. Nice home but I don't think I'd like living that close to the it's right next to a tavern. Must get pretty noisy at night. They must be very patient people or hard of hearing.

Not sure why they did them differently but their both magificent. They look so good in black wrought iron urns. I took the picture after it had gotten dark out so they came out a bit blurry.

One of the antique shops on the side road with furniture that was not really my style but I really liked the chandelier. I just realized in the 1st pic the lights were on and on the second they're off. You might not have noticed but I couldn't figure out what seemed
off about it. I thought it was that awful flash in the window....
sorry I took the 2nd pic on our walk back to the car. The price for the chandelier was $1100. It seemed reasonable by Essex standards.
..........Now I just have to convince my husband!!!
Oh by the way the concert was a blast.....lots of people showed up with their families and friends. We drank wine and eat brownies and watched Paula and Bill dance. I'd shown them dancing before so I thought I'd better not push it and save it for another time but I will show you the children that were running around and dancing to the music.

It was fun watching them have such a good time just running and laughing.
............Don't we wish we all had that much energy!!!!! lol
Hope you all have a fanastic weekend!!!
keep smiling!