One of my favorite designers is Krista Larson. I think the first time I saw her clothes was in one of my favorite shops in Mystic Ct. called Whyevernot ( sorry no web site) an eclectic store full of unusual items from painted furniture to greeting cards. It's like the modern day general store but oh so much cooler.
In the back section of the store they have some of the best clothing ever. They are not inexpensive but they run sales all the time. I've been able to get them occasionally on Ebay and have been really happy with what I've gotten. I have been a good girl lately and haven't even looked on Ebay in months. You can really get addicted to it so as of the beginning of this year I've sworn off even looking. I remember the first time I bid on something I was so nervous my heart was beating so fast. I got such an adrenaline rush. I won the first thing I ever bid on. I thought that's not so bad.Then the second time I bid on something I thought I was going to win. I bid up until the last 5 minutes, when went back to work and came back a few minutes later to find I was outbid by a $1.00. I was so mad, but since then I've realized that happens all the time. I'd gotten pretty good at it for awhile. That was the problem I was becoming one of those people who gets packages in the mail almost know the QVC people.( Oops I hope I'm not describing anyone out there). Sorry!!! Most of the things were for selling in the shop at Christmas time. Got lots of vintage Christmas ornaments. Don't need any more of those for awhile!
Well anyways ......back to Krista
These are pictures of me just kidding. I got these off her site. It's called Blue Polly which is her online site where she also sells jewelry and shoes from other artists.
Some of her outfits remind me of prairie clothing...or Little House on the Prairie.....though I don't think Mary Ingles wore anything that nice.
This collage was from the site so you're probably wondering why there's a picture of a dog in the 3rd frame. Apparently Krista's a big dog lover and owns a few dogs. I love this shirt with all the pleats. The raw edging.
I love the quirkiness of her clothes......the folds
the pleats.

They're kind of my dream clothes. I have only a couple of pieces but I treasure them and whether anyone compliments me or not I always feel a little special wearing it......and isn't that what it's all about?????
Who's your favorite designer????
Delicious details Carole....and no wonder you always look so casually elegant!I was not familiar with Krista Larson and will have to do a little "research"! Sort of reminds me of Paula's wonderful Cynthia Ashby clothes which all look like they were made for her! Or of Laeriss from A Heart in Provence... Thanks for sharing this wonderful designer with us.... I think she designs just for you and your unique soft and comfortable but oh so feminine and sophisticated look!
Hi Carole
Ooh what an interesting post! I REALLY like the grey cardigan in picture 3 and grey coat in picture 15! I like wearing 1940's, 50's and 60's clothes..If I had to chose a modern one though, it would have to be ALBERTA FERRETTI. Sadly do not own any Ferretti clothes...
Take care
Isabelle x
There is such an organic peacefulness to her line. It makes you want to walk in them outdoors, with nature and the sky as the backsplash. I'll have to check her store out next time I go to Mystic Ct.
And Carole, reading of your bidding on Ebay...made me smile! We go back to being little kids with our favorite toys, aren't we? :)
ewa i walla is one of my favorites.........but uh.....sorry................
have to go shop over at blue polly!
gotta go!!
Aren't they just wonderful and so fun to look at.
What fabulous colours and details she uses!!! I love all. My favourite designer is Giorgio Armani that often uses grey shades.
Have a nice evening.
I have got to have the brown dress in the second lot of pictures.....a lot of these clothes are so me.....thanks for sharing....and thanks for wishing my husband a Happy Birthday. He is so chuffed that all of my blogging friends are saying Happy Birthday to him !! XXXX
I'm so far behind on design trends, I don't even have a favorite designer. I love this line though! However I am short, over weight, have big boobs and a short neck! Scary Huh? So a lot of ruffles and layers are NOT a good thing on me! I did see several things that I loved, probably the long grey shirt that could be worn as a jacket! Have you seen Magnolia Pearl's line. They're cute too!
These are fab! However, I'm very short too, and many pleats and layers don't look good on me. I LOVE the blouse at the top.
Smiles, June
Thanks for the visit! I love it when you come by.
I have passed out and gone to clothing heaven...this isn't clothing it is a life statement..makes me want to empty my wardrobe ( I know I am being very materialistic here!!)and indulge in this , as you say 'vintagey prairie almost wistful and magical world.....with the lifestyle to know lost château...summer days.... dry Autumns mellowness.
Well a very very big thank you for a gorgeous post....what a fabulous start to the day.
Lots of hugs
Lynn xxxx
I didn't know this designer! Her clothes are very special! She is very talented! Thanks for sharing the web-shop link! My favourite designers are Dolce & Gabbana and Prada...but I usually wear much cheaper clothes!!!
Wish you a nice week end!
Morning!! Neat post,and clothes...I live in skirts,both at home and at work and I love that style!! Come by when you can,did a post I think you will like!! Have a great weekend,Chrissy
Me again!!!...thanks so much for coming over and leaving a comment....and what a lovely comment it are very kind and I LIKE YOU TOO!!!you will just love, love, love Simone from The Bottom of the Ironing bsket and Janet at French Blue....Oh my God.their pictures are absolutely wait, you're in for a treat and you know Julie already.....speak soon and don't be a stranger, come over anytime or I'll pop in to see you for a cup of tea!!!!!.
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