It's White Wednesday Hosted by Kathleen of Faded Charm Cottage and thank goodness Joan did her post early or I might not have realised it until it was too late. Thanks Joan for being of top of it or at least knowing what day it is.
It's really not that hard for me to find anything white....though I thought at first to feature all the white flowers outside but thinking that might be too easy and to expected from me. 
I decided to stay on the inside and look to the unexpected white like in this rusted white candleholder that hang off a cabinet. It's more rust then white.

The white lily of the valley resemble vintage ones....though not sure if they are. They're from Tinsel Trading in N.Y City... a wonderful store full of millinery,ribbon and all things fabulous. Known for many vintage ribbon and bits and bobs( as the English say) I think that's right???? I hope they correct me if I'm wrong.

I decided to stay on the inside and look to the unexpected white like in this rusted white candleholder that hang off a cabinet. It's more rust then white.

The white lily of the valley resemble vintage ones....though not sure if they are. They're from Tinsel Trading in N.Y City... a wonderful store full of millinery,ribbon and all things fabulous. Known for many vintage ribbon and bits and bobs( as the English say) I think that's right???? I hope they correct me if I'm wrong.

The doll dress is one that I've placed over a candle and holder in hopes that it would get the wrinkles out.....though it's still a bit wrinkled I'm beginning to not mind it as much.....well anything to not have to iron anything that small.
You knew I couldn't resist throwing a few white flowers in.
The begonia are nothing to exciting or different. They really get no respect in the horticultural world but they are one of the few that will grow in sun or shade and never need deadheading. These were looking pretty shabby a few weeks ago but we began feeding them heavily and they perked right up. Same thing with this Allysum. It looked horrible with all the flowers having gone to seed so at first I sprinkled on some organic fertilizer and left a few without to see if I would see a difference. Within a week I started seeing a change. Usually every year when they get to that stage we just thru them out. We've never had them come back and looked so good. It's a silly thing but I am so proud of those darn things.

The babies breath above is from one of my customers/friend that I planted for her last year. She's been patiently waiting for me to do some maintenance to her yard. Thanks Bonnie. I hope I'm worth waiting for! lol

This gorgeous plant will be recognised by those in warmer climates but here in Ct. we still get asked all the time what this plant is .....actually I'm going to have you guess........ ????? It's also know for it's heavenly scent at night and can grow 8' tall and probably more in it's natural habitat.

Thank you Kathleen for hosting White Wednesday!!!!
Now go to Faded Charm Cottage and visit all the other participants
in the beautiful world of White


Hello Carole! I adore your white posts! The stuffs you show are so lovely and the white flowers are my favourite!!!
Happy Wednesday!
Your welcome for the early heads up...always here to help and I am glad your remembered because your pictures are just beautiful. Lovely and varied shades, colors and textures of white in all its glory!
Hi Carole, I adore the rustic architectural pieces and of course white flowers are my favorite. Thanks for sharing-
This is only my second time to post with WW but has enjoyed looking through the vintage, chipped...Faded Charm of yesteryear. Lovely pieces.
hi Carole~
very nice post.......the more chip the better....
now if only my charming carpenter husband would agree........
Once again...a beautiful post! I love all your whites and the photos are great! Speaking of white....I would love to buy one of your Jeanne D'Arc Living magazines!
P.S. Glad you didn't leave out your white flowers....
So pretty!
Those are all gorgeous whites...Thank you for sharing!
Thanks so much for stopping by. I love your white post, especially the hour glass on the music sheet...great photography.
Thanks for the nice comment - hope you have a great week
Hi Carole,
Bits and bobs is totally correct.....and what wonderful the curly ironwork from Jeanne d'arc ? It's something that I was going to order and I love the little white dolls dress...creases and all....that just makes it even more lovely. XXXX
I love all your whites...the beautiful little doll dress is precious and of course all my doll dresses when I was a little girl were wrinkled since I never put anything away properly!! lol!!
The allysum and baby's breath are stunning in masses like that! And I think fertilizer at this time of the season gives that little boost to the flowers that they so need. The last picture~is that a trumpet vine?? Even if it isn't, please tell me why mine has not bloomed for the 2nd year in a row...I'm beginning to think it is a weed!! It is not in full sun nor total shade. I am at a loss!!
Happy White Wednesday, Carole! :-)
I Love them all! Glad you joined in on all the fun.
Take care,
Yummy yummy! Your flowers are beautiful and I love chippy-rusted-white anything!
Oh Carole, visiting your blog always make me long for my own garden. What a great set of pictures!
Hi Carole,
I adore your white posts!!!Tank you for sharing!
Tank you for your sweet comment
Have a nice weekend
White Wednesday photos are amazing! Chippy white with beautiful blooms, can't get any better. Tinsel Trading huh? They are on my bucket list!
So pretty Carole!!!
Have a great weekend,
I love the little dress drying on the candle holder. You just gave me a sweet idea. My Grandaughter is 5yrs. old and wants to help me decorate my craft room in my new house. She is so excited and love's pink! I'm going to get some pink candles with a white doll dress and attach them to the candle permenately with glass beads and drops to put in her little bed area when she spends the night with Grammie. I love accidents in art! Things not meant to be but are. I love this site! Pearl
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