While having lunch today and sitting in front of my computer
I remembered that I didn't know
where my pictures of last years plugs and cuttings had gone off to.
Then I found them on my little zip drive kicking around in my pile of papers.
Have I mentioned I hate to file papers!!!
These are from last year like I said but in a few more days some of the
same will be coming in.
Most of our trays have 82-100 plants already to get planted.
Most times they come on a heated grower truck. My favorite way for
them to arrive.
We used to start planting first week in February
when oil prices were less but we've changed what we grow
to accommodate that.
Sometimes they arrive in boxes sent Fed Ex where they are stacked on top
of one another divided by cardboard.
We get to know our delivery guys pretty well.
They know our plants are perishable and know that they
need a little more fragile handling then most of packages and need to be
left in a heated house.
On occasion we get the boxes delivered tipped on it's side and the plants
are damaged a little or the soil gets bounced out.
Doesn't happen that often.
We used to have to pick up at the airport in Hartford but I
avoid having to do that. Many growers do it that way to save shipping costs.
It amazes me that they can arrive in such good shape
with the cold and the handling.
Coleus is very tender as you may know and the slightest cold will damage it.
This one is called "El Brighto"~ appropriate name!!!
Vegetative coleus (from cuttings) had been touted as being
the best plant around but it took our customers a long time
to fall in love with them. Now it's the first thing
everyone wants to buy when we first open.
It can be a sunny, cloudy or a rainy day in the greenhouse and it's always a place
I love to spend my time in.
Right now we're still cleaning before our first delivery and the heat is only set at 40 deg.
or 4C. but that doesn't bother us.
We dress warmly but gloves are things I have a hard time using.
I see my hands in a picture and I can't believe how
wrinkled they look but that's ok. I guess when I get
really old::))) if I'm so lucky
I can look at my hands and know I did work hard but enjoyed what I did
for a living.
We work long hours...7days a week for months on end
but I can't imagine doing anything else.
We are truly married to our work.
Good thing we work together...haha...
we'd never see each otherwise.

There was a time we used to seed so many trays
ourselves but now we purchase them
mostly in plug trays.
Just pop them out and plant them.
Easy squeasy!
Marigolds, herbs and some veggies we still do.
The first day they poke there first set of leaves still excites me.
What do you plant by seed???