Just wanted to say hi again.....sorry I've been absent in the blog world.
I've been in the weeds so to speak.
George took my camera the other day to get a picture of Charlotte.
Gee, you'd think she was our only cat the way we go on about her.
Really I don't think our other kitties mind:))
So since the camera was out I took a minute to get a few shots.
Ok maybe more then a minute:))
Heuchera "Paris"
as close to Paris as I'll be seeing for awhile.
Heuchera is one of my favorite perennials. I have a tendency to want to order a ton
of them but for most customers they're not showy enough. Not enough "big fat flowers" like I call it.
Not that I don't like those either but you need to break it up, add textures and
even some great foliage plants just to make it interesting.
Now there's one of those biggens!
You can't help but notice this color.
One of the figs plants we saved over in the greenhouse. New variety that we hadn't had before.
Will have to see if it's as good as Black Jack or Brown turkey.
I can't remember the name now?
Miss Charlotte thinking it's cool to lay on my plugs.
Don't worry I moved her.
Look at that face....
Look at that face....
it's like she's saying
" what? I can be here"
This is her being more angelic.
This is the one that George rushed in to get the camera for.
Such beautiful plants, and beautiful kitty! ♥
Your cat is amazing............so your plants are............thank you Carole for such beautiful post!!!...............hugs from Ria
Carole amor, what beautiful pictures...and to think you get to look at all these beautiful plants all the time :) You lucky girl! I think I saw my husband drooling over the fig :)He loves them...me not so much lol Charlotte looks beautiful in that last picture...man her eyes are gorgeous :) Hope you have a beautiful week! Besos, Rose
Hi Carole, just came in from cleaning the garden...still:) Your greenhouse looks awesome. I can't wait to get there. And Charlotte is so pretty:)Have a great week.Talk to you soon.
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens
Your beautiful pictures belie the hard work you and George put into those greenhouses!
That little shrine of Charlotte...what a picture!
Enjoy this lovely spring weather!
Take care,
Charlotte is stunning ♥ The last photo of her is gorgeous.
I believe Miss Charlotte is saying something much more profound
"Blessed mood,
In which the burthen of the mystery,
In which the heavy and the weary weight
Of all this unintelligible world,
Is lightened.
While with an eye made quiet by the power
of harmony, and the deep power of joy
We see into the life of things."
:) seriously we know how brilliantly smart she is!
Wordsworth plagiarized her I swear!
Such pretty flowers. Your kitty looks like mine. Hope all is well, you've been missed, T
I think Miss Charlotte definitely deserves the press! She's a beauty! Love all the flowers, I know you're enjoying yourself out there digging in the dirt!
The Shrine of Charlotte. Perfetto. She's an oracle, no? Julie is jealous, now she wants me to make a plaster niche in the apartment...which I of course will do. Tomorrow.
ciao (lovely pix of the nursery)...
Carole, your kitty is just gorgeous!!! i have an orange long hair and boy is he a stinker...i always wanted a gray kitty...and i found one...an all gray kitten, who as she got older, got more and more mottled with white and tan...oh, well...she is still a cutie...your nursery looks like a little piece of heaven to me...the garden center that i loved here, closed last year...i am so sad about that...i LOVE coral bells!!!
Never tire of that lovely cat of yours...love her name too! Been way to long,think of you often!x0x0x0
We had a cat that looked so similar to Miss Charlotte! I've got to send you a picture Carole. His name was Moses and he was an inside only cat. His previous owners had him declawed.
I can hardly wait to go pick out plants for the garden! It will be a few weeks yet though. We're still having frost at night. I've never seen a Poppy like the white and yellow one. Interesting.
Don't work to hard ; )
Beautiful pictures Carole!
OH Carole
Your flowers are beautiful... and the fig!!! amazing!!!! however.. I just can't stop laughing about Charlotte... what a crack up.... you are so right about her expression there.. I see you speak Charlotte speak.... but of course the winner is 'The Shrine of Charlottle'.. I agree with Susan.. perfetto!!! bellissima....You and George take care.. don't work too hard!!! xxx Julie
Oh, that last pic IS priceless!
St. Kitty Cat of the Garden! ;-)
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Both you flowers and your kitty are beautiful. Hope you haven't been working too hard and taking some time to yourself. Speaking of which, I received my magazine and had a chance to look through it last night on my porch with a glass of wine. What, dare I ask, could be better than that? Thanks. Can't wait for the next one!
Enjoy your week.
Hi Carole,
Well, you and George must be working your socks off !! Your plants look beautiful and, so healthy. If I lived nearby, I would be buying up a storm !!
I LOVE heuchera too. We have a few in our garden but not as nice as that 'Paris' variety. ...and, are those 'Icelandic' poppies ? We have those too, and they seed themselves all over the place. We seem to have lost the white and orange ones as they have reverted to yellow now. They still give a cottage garden look though, which is really pretty.
Oh Charlotte looks as if butter wouldn't melt, sitting on your precious plugs ! Our cats used to do the same. Mind you, she should be allowed to sit where she likes. After all, it is her home too !!!! .... and, doesn't she look wonderful, sitting in that niche ? We have some wonderful photos of our cats, sitting in flower pots, and urns and even in the wheel barrow !!
You and George look after yourselves and try and put your feet uo, now and again. Lots of love to you both. XXXX
Hi Carole, That last picture of Charlotte is so gorgeous! Her gray fur together with those aqua shades make a perfect combination. You could make a postcard from it and sell it in your shop.
I love such fragile looking flowers like your heuchera.
Have a wonderful day!
I adore poppies...can't grow 'em here...but I love their faces! I also love Miss Charlotte's...very "Our Lady of Guadalupe".
You've got to love a man who would take that photo! Miss Charlotte is SO beautiful. Hope you hang in there through the busy season! Hope to get down there soon.
Hi Carole
My your flowers are so beautiful...wish I could spend some time in the garden.
I had a few poppies but they were man eaters so I moved them to the south side of the studio...they were supposed to be pink but they lied!
Don't work too hard!
And I love your Saintly kitty cat!
Oh Yeah! That is a perfect kitty picture. The colors are amazing. One for framing for sure. Thanks for all of your pics. I love getting a peek into your greenhouses!
hi carole, well if that isn't the best kitty cat picture EVER!! you must incorporate it into your header somehow??? i just love coral bells too...one of my favorites, they do so well here. don't work too hard, sweety!
Beautiful Carole,
Wish I could shop there.
Happy weekend!
PS, love the kitty!
well...the figs looks great,
and your gorgeous kitty looks so lovable.
Hello Carole
I like Heucheras, especially the very dark variety! It is a busy time of the year for gardeners, I have just started planting a few things to add a bit of much needed colour. Several plants died again over winter! Too much rain again and not enough sun!
Your cat looks very handsome. In the early 80's I cat a grey cat (short fur) who had a wonderful nature, he was a great friend and still think of him from time to time. Sadly he went missing, we never found out what happened to him.
Have a lovely weekend and happy weeding!
Warm wishes
Isabelle x
Just passed by and I liked your blog a lot. So count me in as a new follower. What a beautiful cat you have. I've worked a lot in my little garden this week, cleaning, painting but it is worth it....
Hope you have a great weekend,
Greetz Madelon
Nice to hear from you Carole!I understand it's a busy time for you! I'm also a bit absent lately!
All these flowers are faboulous! I didn't know the Heuchera but I truly like it! I love little flowers! We'll have a plant fair in the next days...I'll try to find it and have it in my garden!
Wish you a nice week end and enjoy all the beauty you have around!
Miss Charlotte is a princess, and she knows it!!!
Hehe, well, she is beautiful, and so are your images.
I left you something at my blog ;).
Welcome to come and get it.
Have a nice weekend.
Hi Carole, hope you are having fun in the garden, I AM just getting to it, it is still a little chilly here, I have a lot to get to and like you the spring and summer keeps me real busy outside. Take care my friend. XO MARY
Charlotte is beautiful among all the lovely new plants and flowers! ~ Angela
Hi Carole! I can imagine you must be so busy! Your greenhouse shots are so spectacular and so fun for this garden loving girl!!! It's just starting to be the time we can start planting here in zone 5 and not have to worry too much about a nighttime frost {although it's still possible}...so I'm just getting started...
Have a great week ~
:) T
Your cat plants are amazing, Thanks for share
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