Fresh strawberries....or should I say local strawberries are one of my favorite treats of the season.
I can't seem to bring myself to buy the California Driscoll kind.....
the ones bred for shipping long distances on refrigerated trailer trucks.
Native strawberries should never be refrigerated.
They should be eaten immediately
...after washing of course.
...after washing of course.
We used to pick tons and tons when George's father had fields of them. Getting up in the early
morning to go picking was a seasonal ritual.
On weekend George's sister Maggie would round up her 4 kids and we'd all help pick for the busy weekend.
Their reward for their hard work was breakfast out with grandpa.
When you're a farm family breakfast is never the meal you miss.
Unfortunately now we have no more fields of strawberries only a small patch for ourselves.
Time passes and things change.

Seeing these strawberries which by the way we had growing in some pots we were selling.
What's so wonderful is that these are just putting out fruit now's the middle of JULY and HOT!
Anyways it got me thinking about the other kind of Strawberries that my friend Evi
makes with her own 2 hands.
These cute make-dos!
I can't imagine the amount of time and patience you have to have to make these.
Sewing every little seed bead precisely in a grid pattern.
This one above even has a little strawberry pouch that
holds a pair of antique scissors
Is that the cutest thing or what?
I look at all the work that goes into Evi's pieces and it astounds me.
If you want to see more of her great work and her beautiful home and gardens
visit her HERE
Now I'm going to eat some juicy strawberries!
Hey those strawberries look unbelieveable! And you are certainly right about the Driscol berries! There's a big time "Strawberry Festival" in a town nearby in May, and the local berries are delicious. I do have a strawberry pot, but I think the squirrels get to the ripe ones before I do!
I was viewing Evi's blog yesterday, and was blown away by her strawberry make-do...WOW! She must have tons of patience...and good eye sight!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Delicious post!
Strawberries? In July? Do you think they'll come back next year?
We used to grow them in a garden but eventually gave them up. We may need to plant more though because fresh strawberries are so expensive! Wonderful, delicious photos!
Where is the shortcake and whipped cream? Oh, or how about ice cream for milk shakes ...or, or, cobbler, yeah, let's make cobbler.....oh dear the heat is REALLy getting to me...
I visited Evi for the first time yesterday. Her work IS amazing!
I just picked the last two strawberries off our plants. I don't think there will be anymore this season. Our tomatoes are doing great though :-)
Your memories are so sweet, Carole.
You really make me feel as if I was there with you, picking the strawberries...
I love strawberries , could eat tons of them, haha.
The heat continues , here as well...And if you ask me , it´s a bit too hot.
We´re hoping for the rain, but it desn´t seem to come, even though we´ve been promised some...
Well, well...I guess it will come , sooner or later.
Wish you a wonderful weekend, sweet friend.
It look all delicious!!.....happy weekend Ria....
i am with you....
the fresh fruits, the just picked kind, are SUPERIOR !!!
Here strawberry creations are fabulous!! Wow!
And the strawberries look scrumptious!! I will take a bowl full please. Nothing can beat fresh strawberries! Nothing!
Only you can make a strawberry look gorgeous:) lol I had a small patch of them but the chipmonks would eat them before I had the chance to. I love Evi's work. It is amazing how detailed everything is. I am on my way over to see her site now. Hope you are having a great weekend:)
~Debra XXX
I planted strawberries in a cement planter this year. Sweet, juicy alpine strawberries the size of a bean are starting to turn red. A bumper crop of at least 2 dozen strawberries! Woo-hoo! :)
I'm on my way to visit Evi - her work is gorgeous!
Happy weekend to you & George!
Frsh picked strawberries are the best! My summertime favorite.
Hi Carole
All I can hear through this whole post is the Beatles singing "Strawberry fields Forever"
They are beautiful!
I personally wait for the cherries to come in, I know, not grown in the Midwest but they are my fav
Blessings to you Girlie
Love strawberries and the just picked ones are the better
Hi Carole, Hopefully you enjoyed your strawberries! I love them too and we've had some for dessert today - with ice cream :-). Your pictures are beautiful! The red and white strawberries look so pretty together. Your friend's creations are very lovely!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Hugs to you,
Yummy, the strawberries look so delicious, and Evi's too!! Both her and I have had strawberries on the brain! I love her work!
Margaret B
Carole, your strawberries look sweet, but you are the "sweetest' of them all.
Thanks a bunch!
Hugs, Evi
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