Today was an overcast day and as I write this it is raining outside.
I've secretly been wanting it to rain (don't hate me) so I could catch my breath a little and get a little caught up......though I never get as much done as I hope on days like today.
OH where oh where does the time go????? I'm sure you don't know either:)) or maybe you do!
I did manage to take pictures of the roses that are incredible this year....a customer teased me wondering why I was taking pictures when I should have been working...... haha
I feel like I've missed taking pictures of so much that has gone by already. Of course I can't think of any right now.....maybe they weren't all that great if I can't think of any :)
I thought I'd continue to show you some of the plants that Paula got a couple of weeks ago. Hope you're not bored with me talking about Paula?
I just love to talk about my very talented friend and lucky for me she puts up with my obsession of her.

The color scheme continued with purple being dominant.
The addition of yellow torenia with deep purple center went so well with
coleus with lime green leaves.
The yellow gives it that extra punch of color that I think really works.
I just love it!!!!
Mrs Cox geranium and burgundy oxalis.
That little cutie fern in the middle is pony tail fern
which to me looks like the stuff you see in fish tanks.
What is that stuff called anyways???
I didn't get a good view of the salvia on the left..called Wendy's Wish. It's a salvia developed in Australia and the royalties go to a charity there. I'll have to ask my friend
Julie if she's ever heard of it. It's one of the coolest salvia's I've ever seen with tips that look like purple velvet. I saved one for myself so I'll get some close ups later to show you.
What a plant geek I am!!!
Variegated licorice complimenting the ferny gray leaf of the lavender.
Osteospermum that I just realized I almost forgot to mention....gee since it's in 3 photos.
Hopefully I'll be able to show you these babies all planted up in Paula's garden this summer.
I'm sure she'll do a stunning job like always.
Thanks still for all your kind emails and comments about George.
He's doing much better and though he still has some pain he's at least walking.
Thank goodness!
Ok I'd better get home to the poor guy!!!
He's probably already asleep.
Good night!!!
Hi Carole, glad you took a breather. I think you and Laura a lucky to have a friend like Paula. I wish I could just hang with all three of you. Anyways take care and thanks for all the updated photo's on the flowers. Guess what I am a plant geek too. XO MARY
Wow Carole...those photos are amazing! And the flowers...oh my!! Such luscious colors and textures and shapes!! I am in love for sure!
hi glad to hear george is coming along, i've been wondering and worried. you have posted such beautiful colors, would love to see it all planted out. i just LOVE purple combined with chartreuse! take care, sweety.
Hey Carole, I was just thinking about you glad to see your post. Good to hear that George is's so hard when the hubby's not well. Mine has been struggling with a couple of health issues lately. It's hard cause I'm used to him having boundless energy and going non-stop.
Ahhh, the flowers...just beautiful combinations and, of course, your pics! I've not seen the yellow it! Torenia does very well here..I'll have to try to find the yellow. You can also add me to "Paula's Fan Club" too! Looking forward to pics of her garden.
Take care and don't work too hard,
I love purple flowers and leaves too Carole!
Exquisite photos!
xoxo~ Carola
Time really flies!!! It´s already 10:th of June and my vacation starts in a month, more or less.
I hope I´ll be lucky enough to go to NYC this fall, and I promise, you will be the first one to know!
It would be awesome to get together!!!
Have a wonderful evening.
Hi Carole,
Glad to hear George is doing better. The purples and greens are beautiful and I am sure they are stunning in Paula's boxes.
I certainly love both you and Paula but wouldn't call it an obsession! :)
Hope you and George can catch a break soon....
Take care, Laura :)
Hi Carole,
Lovely to see you have found some time for a little break, to post some beautiful photos.
I love the pretty flowers you have shown and what gorgeous colours.
Glad to hear that George is doing better now.
Have a happy weekend
Hi Carole,
It's so lovely to see your stunning photographs of your beautiful flowers. Those colours that your good friend Paula chose are so pretty together. I am a little behind getting things for my pots. I must get onto it.
I am so pleased that George is getting better although, it must have been a really nasty accident as it's taking a long time for him to be fully recovered. Poor George. I bet he is fed up with it all now.
Lovely to see you posting again Carole and lets hope for a few more showers !!!! XXXX
Such great color combinations. She has a great eye. So glad you have a little down time to rejuvinate for the rest ofthe Summer.
I love my new magazine.
That is all so beautiful together. That's where I seem to fall short, combining things for just the right look. then again, there are only a few things that can take the heat and humidity here. YUK
Hi Carole, I needed to catch up with you. Your photos are just amazing as usual. I can get lost in all the blooms, the colors are wonderful!
I love those combinations of flowers:) I am glad you got to take a break. We all need one now and then;)Have a great weekend.
Blog: capers of the vintage vixens
oh her home and to see/read anything about her...I follow her on 52 flea also
Wonderful color & texture! So thankful Paula doesn't mind sharing!
Take care,
What gorgeous unique seeing the garden shots!
Happy day!
Hello friend,
I am late to commenting on this post, I'm all caught up in the chaos around here.
Hate to gush, but golly gee these combos of flowers are simply stunning. The photos are so clear and crisp, I swear I could just reach out and pet a bloom or two. Hope your weekend is going well.
Hi, beautiful color combination! I know everybody has said these words already, but the post is so lovely that I can't stop myself from commenting.
Hi Carol. Thanks again for all the complements-but your the one who has all the beautiful flowers in your greenhouses!!! I hope you can get over here to see the gardens this summer-I've never had so many flowers on the hydrangeas-hundreds!!!In a couple of weeks they will be gorgeous. Hope George is doing better. Save me a magazine,I'll see you soon. love,Paula
Carol, I enjoyed my visit to your blog & these beautiful photos of picturesque settings! We are re-doing some of the landscaping in our backyard. We are doing the work ourselves so it is SLOW! Now I know why they call it MANual labor . . . not for grandmas like me! Ha ha.
Warmly, Michelle
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