I'm not sure when Rachel Ashwell came on the decorating scene but it has definitely not gone away and here at the Madison Bouckville Show it was front and center. This was one of the first booths we saw perfectly positioned for visibility along the main road.

I instantly liked it. Now my tastes have varied a bit from all the pink. But how does a girl not like some pink......well there are some out there. Even a few good friends of mine do not like pink at all, ......but they are in the minority.

This is the lovely owner of this booth. Erica Erhardt of Au Ciel Antique Studio in Bridgeport, Ct. Doesn't see
look like her booth??? Some of her most famous customer have been the one and only Rachel Ashwell. I'd hoped Erica would have a website to show you but when I googled her it did say something about her on Rachel Ashwells blog on the google search board but nothing on the actual blog post......drats!!!! just that Rachel had been to the Brimfield Antique Show in July 09.

I really loved this candelabra and though she was willing to give me a better price we had just gotten there and I couldn't just jump on the first thing I liked...... or could I ???? no,no,no!!!

Fantastic corner cabinet are a decent price.

I liked this little shelf but it was sold, but that's ok I didn't have a spot picked out where it would go.
Now don't forget Christmas is just around the corner and you can shop for Christmas all year long I think.

The glass is so paper thin it makes you wonder how they've survived so long. When I break one I can't stand to throw it out so I save them to add little pieces to projects and tuck flowers around them to hide the edges.

This is one of the 2 boxes filled with vintage millinery.

These were a set of tiles that came with more pieces that Deanna found...... they would have been perfect in her home. One of the tiles was miss marked $12 but of course they were much more then that. The owner of these exquisite tiles said that most people make frames for them and hang them on the wall. They came from an old fireplace surround.

This booth was set up very well too with a feminine touch and attention to detail.

I thought of getting this window. Love the leaded glass but what bothered me is that they had painted over the chipped paint. Possibly it was a bad color and they needed to. But it gave it too much of a new look.

Now that I look at this picture again it reminds me that I was going to buy that stool though I really didn't need it.......I have so many. I think that was when we met back up after being separated for a little while. Thank goodness for cell phones. How did we ever dare get separated or lost before we had those.
It was lunch time and we went and got a bite to eat.

Young girl selling refreshments to a thirsty crowd.
I thought the saying on this wagon was interesting
" We never Sleep .......We always Eat"
never saw that saying before!!!! maybe that'll be my new mantra.
Til next time.......
from Madison-Bouckville
You still have until my next post to enter the 100th post giveaway
HEREAlso visit
Laura and see more of your trip
and all the wonderful things we found
Carole! I didn't realize there was that much shabby chic there! I guess when you put it all together....it sure does look yummy! Your pictures look fabulous! :)
Hi Carole...now...I was thinking that you were becoming a good friend in blogging world but I think you might go off me as....I DON'T LIKE PINK.
Sorry ...BUT i do love that old rose colour...does that count? .... Am I back in the gang again ?
I also love the big jug that you have shown and that has got a little bit of pink in it. On reflection, perhaps I DO like pink just a little bit.I also would like the candelabra and the corner cabinet. I am so envious that you have these fantastic markets...Oh well, you can't have everything, can you?
Lovely photographs Carole. We really get the atmosphere. I have really enjoyed these posts from you and Laura. Thanks so much. XXXX
Hello Carole! Your Blog & pictures are lovely! This looks like a place I could really have fun & get in trouble at! Thanks for sharing! I'm new to blogging & this is the first time I have visited.. I'll be sure to stop by again.. BTW.. My favorite color is Pink... ~ Teresa
Thanks for the tour. I am afraid I would have bought so much I'd need to rent a truck to get it back to WA. Wonderful things. Sharon
Hi Carole,
I really love all Erica's items. Especially that piece she's standing in back of... the one on top of the table (not sure what to call it). She is lovely, just like her beautiful pieces. I need to catch up on your past posts of your adventure. I think that's how I'll spend some of Thursday (when school starts ;)
Hi Carloe~just found you and so glad I did. What a treat the MB is, wow. I've seen Rachael in Los Angeles a few times. Someone told me a few years ago that shabby was over, well needless to say they were wrong. There are tons of cottage/shabby shops here and going strong. I think the look we love is here to stay. Stop by for a visit sometime.
Hi Carole! What a nice place to visit and where doing shopping! Lots of faboulous old stuffs!!! I'm not fixed on pink, but I think that a touch of this colour makes everything happier! You seem to have spent a very nice day with Laura!
Warm greetings
YOu girls ... having all the fun!
WEll I have to say I don't drown myself in pink, but a bit here in there is nice. This all looks wonderful. How did you ever decide why to buy and what to 'walk on by'? [maybe by the size of your boot.. haha... ie Trunk]. Well Carole maybe I should just pretend I was there with you [your great photos help me in this task], but remind me, what did I buy?
Sorry I didn't get here sooner.. work work and work! xx Julie
wish i could have gone. so many treasures :)
glad you had a great time.
So pretty... my favorite is the vintage Christmas ornaments... I too collect those, many of mine are Pre~WWII... thank you for sharing...
Hi Carole,
I loved seeing your photos and what a wonderful time you must have had, with all those treasures around.
My favourite was the little corner cabinet and the vintage millinery.
The Lady Erica, looks lovely in her pretty hat and dress and she does look like her booth.
hi Carole!
love the shabby chic booth!! Rachael writes a beautful (and bittersweet) blog. she is so talented, it's so sad her biz did not fair well. what treasures you came across! lovely images! all the best,
Your pictures are beautiful. I love the one with the chandelier and the "Antiques" sign. I have to ditto Erin in saying what a shame that Rachel's Shabby Chic has gone through such difficulity. She's an icon in this business!
Thanks for sharing your lovely photos. Blessings... Polly
Wow Carole! You must have been overtaken with all the delightful goodies there! Brimfield didn't have a lot of shabby chic stuff last time around. Great pics. thanks!
xo Roberta
let me rephrase myself on the post I left before...next August I am not visiting MB, I'm CAMPING there!
Now I'm off to start a piggy bank the size of my car ;)
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