Along the way coming back from our first day of shopping at Madison Bouckville we came upon what seemed like on old abandoned barn. On the outside were piles and piles of old spindles, doors and shutters.

Part of someones home was once
loved and cherished.
I think I might have fancied a few.

The next day this was some of the other "well love pieces" we found

I like this was pricey if I remember.
Such a lovely weed Queen Anne's of the prettiest I think.
This is Laura's picture....
her taking a picture of me.....
taking a picture of....

The next day this was some of the other "well love pieces" we found

The old alligatoring we love so much that to my knowledge can't be replicated the same way we do with other faux finishes. Do you ever wonder if folks back 200 years ago liked that look or did they just want new and pristine????
They would probably have laughed at us liking these old pieces.
Well, I know a few people
that think that now.
Different styles for different people.....or one man's trash is another man's treasure.....Thank Goodness right????

It would look much better if I had moved the wooden candlestick in the middle. Cute little swans on the outside edge.
Never a shortage of little girls white cotton dresses at the fleamarket. Most of them were probably used as undergarments or nighties. How did they ever wear so many layers of clothing back then? No wonder they passed out all the time.....

too many clothes....
and bonnets. That would have kept the sun off their faces at least.
I still wish we could dress that way at times. Just not in 95 degree weather mind you. Details and laces that we rarely see anymore. The art of tatting nearly gone.

Now our clothes are mostly made overseas.
Such a shame.
went into these pieces and love them all the more.
What's your favorite fashion piece
from years ago????
Now don't forget to visit
Kathleen at Faded Charm and all the other
lovely participants in
Gorgeous - all of it. I wish I could have come along and crashed the party!
You are so lucky. We never see the things you are showing on the west coast. Ilove every bit of it. Sharon
Hi Carole,
I love all the beautiful white bonnets, and dresses.
Living back then would have been so lovely wearing pretty clothes like these.
It is sad when most of our clothes are made overseas and they do not have the love and work that go into clothes like you have shown.
Thanks for sharing.
Faboulous old stuff! These embroideries are marvellous!!! I like the old wooden shutters!!!
Big hugs
Hi Carol!
I am sooo glad you left me a note, your blog is wonderful!! So much beauty at once, and all the treasures :)
I add you to my favourites if you don`t mind,
Friendly, Aina
Hi Carol, I loved it all and as for the shutters, I have booked my plane ticket and hope to be with you soon. ;0)
I’m off to have another look at all that beautiful old treasure, so many lovely things all in one post.
Love Lou xxx
Oh I love these old shutters so much.....
And the vintage clothing....beautiful.....
Thanks for sharing
Fabulous post Carole! Happy White Wednesday to you! :) Laura
Beautiful Carole
I love your photo of the 'queen anne lace'?
Dont' think we have them here. What a wonderful post to brighten up a working day. The only bad thing is it is making me envious!!
Take Care x Julie
what do you mean *wish* we could......from what I gather, the clothes you wear are stylish yet feminine.......
You made my heart skip a beat looking at the blouse - wow -
So many treasures!!! Thank you for sharing them...we also know people that think we are crazy for liking old, beat up stuff...Let them shop Pottery Barn! LOL!!!
Hello Carole... ooh everything is so dreamy, I cannot pick a favorite... everything with lace from days gone by just melts my heart... Julie Marie
Hi Carole
Thanks so much for your encouraging comments today...everything went so well - I am so relieved today.
Your whites are amazing today and it looks like you gals had a blast.
I just noticed how many times I said "today" lol
I am fried...
Love your pictures, such wonderful whites. That blouse is gorgeous and it is such a shame we don't have needlework on our clothes like they used to.
What a lovely 'dirty' old cupboard!
I am such a sucker for old lace...I would love that 'jacket' in the front on the rail....can you get it for me ???!!!!!!! If only....and the just have so much 'stuff' in abundance....I want it all, Thanks so much for showing us all of these lovely treasures. XXXX
How very delicious your blog is, simply scrumptious. I must look some more.
and the treasures just keepa comin! wonderful post! and yes, i often wonder if people 200 hundred years ago "liked that look"? I spose they were more interested in the usefullness of these pieces. my 84 year old mom-in-law doesn't "get it" at all and thinks old pieces are "dirty".........she grew up with little money and "distressed" was not cool. i for one love the look and i'd love to distress some of the old furniture she has given me, but i don't out of respect! not yet, anyway...
Hi Carole,
Those wood pieces and the shutters, so cool.
Love all of the photos!!
You girls are so lucky to have these great places to go.
Gosh all the linen is so beautiful, and the tatting and the lace, amazing!!! Thanks for stopping by, I have you entered in the draw!!! Good luck, maybe if you win you could share some green thumb tips, I am always killing my plants, I forget to water them! I just want to be able to grow african violets and ferns, is that too much to ask!!!
Thanks my dear, have a nice rest of the week!!!
Margaret B
Isn't it sad to think all that great stuff just going to waste. Loving all your whites today. Thanks for all your lovely comments and can't wait to get my magazine.
Take care,
Carole, My stars those salvage pieces reminded me of that outdoor dinning room your friend Paula I think was her name and her husband built, I have shown it to Mr wonderful for future projects :) and then all those beautiful items you saw and found...I am just a tad green :) I have been looking forever here in Ca, for some old baby bonets like that and nada. The clothes are so gorgeous..But then I so loved that huge piece you found too, I have something similar to it that was a sidewalk treasure. Too big to use in my studio but now looking lovely on my porch :) Thinkin of adding some crystal knobs, what do you think :) And that Queen Anns Lace, is it really a weed??? and does it grow in Ca, because I am telling you now, my yard is FULL of weeds and I have NEVER seen anything that gorgeous :) btw, ever heard of a pepper tree? I have some quest. if you don't mind :) hmm I wonder Carole, is being a professional garden designer like being a DR w/everyone asking your advice :) just sayin...take care and remember to smile...Rose
Hi Carole, just one more thing before I forget, thank you for your sweet comment on my blog, you know when I find a blog that I REALLY enjoy, I go thru it from the latest post to the first just merrily scrolling along and I stop and look at pictures that I love and end up reading the posts and you know what...I was just thinking I have to go back and reread your whole blog because if you have mentioned The French Bear before and I missed that gorgeous stars what else have I missed :) Because in just the few min. that I looked at The French Bear I found Mouse Droppings and just fell in love with all her tiny creations,just gorgeous, Now I have to go thru all your great links to see what I have I might have missed...just think what new pretties I might find...Rose
Carole, oh, I know MAANY people who think I am silly looking at those chippy things... I can't help but LOVE THEM (the chippy things, not people!LOL)!
Oh my gosh I love this post!! Your photos are so.....perfect,so calm and peaceful looking!!! Been busy as of late,have family arriving on Monday from Ireland,can't wait to see them!! Talk soon,Chrissy
Truly some of the best antiques I've ever seen...wonderful!
Yet another beautiful post ful of fascinating things! When I visit a reclamation yard I often pause to think that the item I am looking at once belonged in a house. Who's house, where, what did the house look like. I would so LOVE the answer to that every time I see an old door, window, key...What happened to that home...
Take care
Isabelle x
Sounds like you and Laura had tremendous fun! And to think that I was only an hour away from such place on that weekend...sigh...but Laura already informed me that this fantastic event goes on every year!!!! Guess who will be there next August ;)
Wow...So many wonderful things!
I love the juxtaposition of the old architectural elements and the Queen Anne's Lace. They just seem to go together.
Beautiful, beautiful clothes! Thank God that tatting and fine lace is back in style and women are learning the fine art of it again. I have seen it all over the web. What a wonderful site you have. Thanks, for visiting me! And thanks for this joyful blog. Pearl
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