Christmas in Black and White.....nothing quite captures the nostalgic mood in the same way.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Christmas in Black and White
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
I hope you all have a wonderful day to be with your family and friends....and even if you can't be with them take time to reflect on your life and be grateful for what you do have. I am so lucky to have great friends that are willing to put up with our erratic schedule. It may be months, sometimes years before we get together but know that you are always in my thoughts and in my heart. I am truly blessed.
This year I have been so lucky to have gotten to know you all too. I have laughed and cried over the stories you share. You can't imagine how much it has meant to if only I could get my husband to understand:))) but I'm still working on him. He knows you guys better then our own neighbors....boy that doesn't sound good!!! He does listen patiently as a rattle on and on.....kinda like Wilson from Cast Aways.....that's a line I'm stealing from my friend ZuZu from a Cottage in the Woods.... her husbands kind of the same way at times. I think you might all be able to relate to that one?
I want to thank you also lately for the sweet comments. I haven't been able to respond as I'd like but be sure that as soon as I get some time I'll be over dazzling you with my wit:)) haha! I wish!
I want to share a lovely Thanksgiving card that I received from one of my dearest friends Adrienne. You may remember me mentioning her HERE.
Thanksgiving Parisienne style!
It's from an original painting that she did. How did I get so lucky to have such sweet and talented friends? She sents me one for every holiday. Can't wait to see the Christmas one I get!!!!
Lucky girl!!! indeed
see you all soon I hope!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Bird Watching and Bella
I even climbed on the roof of our shed but by the time I got there they had flown away. I was able to catch glimpes of their amazing yellow color on their wings but alas you can't see them from these pictures. You believe me right?
They say that they've been causing problems with the nests that they build on the powerlines and that the electric company has to remove them. Not sure how it causes a problem. We haven't seen any nest around ourselves.
Our Christmas trees had just arrived that morning and it was raining and lighting. It made for a messy delivery but by late morning it had cleared and the sun was shining again helping to dry our wet clothes. It felt good to do some real work. My favorite kind!
I'm surprised she didn't have a bit of glitter on her too!
"No need to get fancy with plates I'll just eat it right out of the can thank you!"
Hope she likes her new home?
Sorry I haven't been blogging as much as usual. It finally hit me that time was closing in and there was still so much to do. When will I ever learn??? Looks like our tradition of spending Thanksgiving at work will continue. No biggy! We'll just have a tofurky sandwich and be good to go!!! Opening day is this Friday.
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
White Wednesday

Little church on a box
Some of my favorite snowmen are those from Dee Foust....all roly poly and covered in mica.
...with sweet little baby faces
Friday, November 13, 2009

I find myself thinking of the movie "Great Expectations" many times when it rains.

Please view one of my favorite romantic rain scenes below!!!
Do you think the scene would be as powerful on a
Sunny day???
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Ok kinda weird White Wednesday!
I came upon a post where I couldn't believe my eyes!!!

Read the story here!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Oh Martha!

There's my lovely Martha welcoming us to her beautiful home with her

From a botanist
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Fall in Black and White!!!!

Try to enjoy the last days of Fall til we get to the next season....
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Halloween.... again???

part is seeing the kids in their costumes.

You can't do that with fixed cabinets but they got tired of the old drawers that were hard to know how that goes!

Their house is dated 1785 or around there built by a sea captain. It's dimly lit but they like it that way....more like the way they would have lived in the 18th c.

A few scary monsters around the house that night!

Some of her collection of Christine Crocker dolls
She keeps these out most of the year except at Christmas time.

You may remember seeing this cloche in the article about Christine in Romantic Home in the same month. A old paper candy container. The soldered pendant is made by her friend Cathy Penton. Another one of my favorite blogs to visit and I know many of yours. Wouldn't it be the perfect gift presented that way?
Well I guess that's about all the scary things you'll see til next year ( threw in the last couple just for balance).
Maybe orange,black and white will be my new Christmas colors this year...