It's White Wednesday again and WOW did the week fly! Maybe it was having Halloween on Saturday that made it go so fast. I did have some pictures from it but it'll have to wait. I did want to show you my face made up. Very scary....and I know how much you all love scary things...ha-ha! Never did get a picture of me in my whole costume. It's always hard for people to figure out my camera. Slr's I guess intimidate people :)
The last few days I've finally gotten into the rhythm of getting the shop decorated for Christmas. Normally we open on the day after Thanksgiving and every year I say I am going to be open earlier but it never happens. Not sure why I think it will be different this year.
Anyways the other day I decided I was sick of looking at this glitzy iridescent tree that I've had for years. Love that it is very narrow and can hold tons of ornaments for a little tree and is pre-lit but it looked so "Las Vegas" I bought it the year when I was desperate for a silver tree and I think I got it on clearance. Pretty but didn't have the vintage tinsel look that my other trees had. Would be perfect in a modern decor.
See....very iridescent almost blinding it's so shiny.......turn away if you must!
But then come back and scroll down!!!!!
The easy way to have painted this was to spray paint but I didn't have any white, but I did have cans of paint....boy do I have cans of paint. Being impatient like I am I was dying to see how it would look so I set out to brush the paint on. I know.... what am I crazy?
some would say I am!
Of course every light had to be taped off. ....but I was determined to change this tree.

Once I got it completed with the white I pictured it with a more cafe au lait color which I thought I could accomplish with a little rust-oleum spray primer. My friend Paula swears by the stuff and has done miracles with it.... Never works for me and it didn't this time either. The globs of rust color were covered back up with white leaving tinges of brown softly throughout.

It still has some of the silver coming through slightly just giving it "some" sparkle and I think this showgirl has put her diamond studded blinking headpiece away for good.
What stays in Vegas should always stay in Vegas!!!
You know what I mean!
Oh Carole! This was too funny....I can just picture you with Paula's rustoleum primer and your face once you saw the result! But I would say that the final result looks great and at least you ended up with a tree you like! Can't wait to see the pics of the store all set up and ready and really hope I get to see it in person this year!
:) Laura
Oh yes it turned out fabulously!!! I hand brush everything...can't really stand to work with spray paint. Very "green" of you to reuse the tree instead of just tossing it and buying a new one :) Your pictures are wonderful also!!!
:) T
Carole you clever girl! Your recycling efforts really created something quite charming. It got me dreaming of a White Christmas.
Carole I loved your tree even in all its gaudiness :) (is that even a word lol) but I loved it after too...I wonder if you could have used some brown glaze with a rag when it was shinny?? hmmm I might have to try that one day, I think I am the queen of wanting to try new techniques on my painting projects...but to be honest I am as my husband told me also the queen of unfinished projects lol hey he bought me the banner to prove it :) besos, Rose
Hi Carole,
Your tree looks fabulous and who would have thought you could paint it.
I look forward to seeing the shop decorated at Christmas time.
Your tree turned out great, but I can't imagine painting it all by hand. Wow! Do you have your Christmas issue of the Jeanne d' arc Living magazine yet? Could you let me know when you get them in. I'm dying to see it.
OK....WOW! That's it, that's the look! OMG! That is sooo fabulous. Can you tell I'm a little excited?! I want one, heehee.
You did a super job! The tree did get the vintage touch and I like that some sparkle is still coming through. I'm looking forward to seeing it decorated and I wish I could visit your shop.
Hi Carole,
This is now a show stopper...but in a GOOD way! I love it and I'm almost tempted to go find one and try the same. I said almost! I can't even imagine the time it took you to tape off every little teeny weeny light. This is a real testament to recycling and reloving something. Way to go girl!
You are really crazy =) I would never have the patiens to brush it. I have to say, you did a good job with the tree.
Have a nice wednesday.
Oh Carole
[no not the Neil Sedaka song!]
I want to see a white christmas... boo hoo
You know it is probably going to be a heatwave here on christmas day... but at least I can look at your lovely tree....
And yes... The tree is much nicer without the Cher impersonation.. love what you have achieved and good for you getting crazy and giving it a go!!
Can't wait to see the face painting pics???? please???? hehe
Have fun xx Julie are so enterprising...I wouldn't even attempt it. It has certainly 'toned it down' from Las Vegas showgirl to 'sophisticated New York Plaza !!'.
I'm afraid that I HAVE to have a real Christmas tree. We have had a 'real' Christmas tree since I was born and, even though the fake ones are really good now, I can't bring myself to buy one.
I can't wait to see your shop, all decked out for Christmas.... and we all want to see your 'scary' face please. XXXX
I, for one, do not want to see you looking scary...I much prefer your beautiful face just the way it is! thank you very much!
un avant goût de Noël!
I would love to visit your shop someday.......
have you thought about opening up online Carole? especially for the holidays and all....
and yeah; you are crazy for taping every single light-----but good crazy ;) taped off every little twinkle light!! i admire your determination...i woulda done the same thing. the tree turned out great. i hope you will be showing more and more of your shop vignettes, i am sure they are fab! it is hard to believe that christmas is creeping back into our lives. time flies! can't wait to see your "face made up"!
Sometimes we need to do somthing "a little out there" to get just the right look. I think it looks amazing!
Enjoy your day,
Hello Carole
I hope that you are well. I love what you have made, it looks so pretty!
Isabelle x
OOOH what a beautiful job you did. I love it! I can't believe you taped off every light. lol I would have just taken them out. Great job!
The Capers of the Vintage Vixens
P.S. I am a member of the ever so fun White Wednesday too. Stop by and say hello.
Dearest Carole, I love your glitzy tree. And I loved your comment so much about my new shoes, I had to add it to the post. Thank you so much for stopping by. I'll be dreaming of those shoes dancing now, to that song.
Gorgeous! cahrming! soo sweet! and inspirational!
Take care,
You are both funny and crazy....thats why we love you,a painted tree who would have thunk it!!! Looks much better...oh and thanks for coming by today! Talk soon,Chrissy
Carole, There's also a floral spray (they sell it at Michaels) that comes in a variety of colors. One of the colors is Glossy Wood Tone. We've used it on tons of projects and it works well. It's almost like a spray on glaze. If you're interested, I'll find out more info for you. Any way, your tree looks wonderful. You sound like me. When I decide on a project, I want it done RIGHT NOW!
you are clever.
it looks great !!
WOW Carole, you have given me tons of inspiration, and a new project. I have this ugly green tree in an even uglier plastic urn. That I am fed up with. So now I know what I can try. But I think I'll wait and buy the spray paint. Yikes, hand brushing sounds like forever!
"Las Vegas", you're such a funny gal. We all want to see shop photos!!!
I loooove it! My sister would love that too she would call it Posh Fab. Thanks for stopping by.
have a great week
Such a funny and creative solution to too much shine! My Mom did the same thing once and Dad said
she was crazy. Hahahaha!
It looks pretty and calmer, too.
xoxoxo Franny
See, you are creative AND you have the patience of Job. I am so impressed, my friend!!! xoxo
Yep! It's much better now! And must have been a lot of work!!! And so fitting for WW!
Hugs, Traude
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