My life lately has been all about Christmas decorations, boxes, bubble wrap, tissue, invoices and outdoor cleanup. Decorating a shop for the holidays has it's ups and downs. One minute I'm excited about how a display is turning out the next I'm frustrated that I can't lay my hands on something I just saw 5 seconds ago. The list could go on and on but rather then complain I'd rather take you and me to something completely different.
I've been cooped up inside for the last couple of days and nights. It was wonderful to see some pictures that I took last Friday. I was unloading my pictures today mixed in with images from the shop. There's still plenty of time to show you those later.
These are some wild parakeets that have been making their home near the pond. George had noticed them a few months ago. They make a huge racket like....well parakeets do I guess but with about 25 of them you can imagine the noise they make. It's really not that bad just very different then the melodic sounds we usually hear.
:(Maybe Santa will bring me one. I've been extra good this year!

I even climbed on the roof of our shed but by the time I got there they had flown away. I was able to catch glimpes of their amazing yellow color on their wings but alas you can't see them from these pictures. You believe me right?

They say that they've been causing problems with the nests that they build on the powerlines and that the electric company has to remove them. Not sure how it causes a problem. We haven't seen any nest around ourselves.

The last of the maple leaves still hanging on. I love the golden yellow at the very end of the pretty against the blue sky.
But I guess it's all worth it when you see these trees this time of year.
Our Christmas trees had just arrived that morning and it was raining and lighting. It made for a messy delivery but by late morning it had cleared and the sun was shining again helping to dry our wet clothes. It felt good to do some real work. My favorite kind!
Ok, little subject change! This is our new addition to our ever growing cat family. This is Bella! She's a stray that has just made herself right at home along with our 9 others (7 of ours and 2 other strays) Plus Nigella at home.....11. Sorry!:))
I even climbed on the roof of our shed but by the time I got there they had flown away. I was able to catch glimpes of their amazing yellow color on their wings but alas you can't see them from these pictures. You believe me right?
They say that they've been causing problems with the nests that they build on the powerlines and that the electric company has to remove them. Not sure how it causes a problem. We haven't seen any nest around ourselves.
Not if I have anything to say about it!!!
Having the leaves hold on so long sometimes makes fall clean up difficult because just as we are trying to get ready for Christmas the last of the leaves haven't fallen. The next spring a million little maples saplings will pop up everywhere. Anyone with Maple trees in their yards knows exactly what I'm talking about.
Our Christmas trees had just arrived that morning and it was raining and lighting. It made for a messy delivery but by late morning it had cleared and the sun was shining again helping to dry our wet clothes. It felt good to do some real work. My favorite kind!
She's enjoyed getting to know every inch of the shop and office. Evident by the cobwebs and debris on her face. .
I'm surprised she didn't have a bit of glitter on her too!
"No need to get fancy with plates I'll just eat it right out of the can thank you!"
Hope she likes her new home?
Sorry I haven't been blogging as much as usual. It finally hit me that time was closing in and there was still so much to do. When will I ever learn??? Looks like our tradition of spending Thanksgiving at work will continue. No biggy! We'll just have a tofurky sandwich and be good to go!!! Opening day is this Friday.
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Hi Carole!
Beautiful blue sky and amazing pictures of those parakeets! We saw a tree full of parrots in my parents backyard in Florida last year....birds are so beautiful! Opening day is Friday! I am sure the shop will be glorious! I can't wait to visit! Don't work too hard!
Laura :)
I so love seeing a flock of birds in the sky, and how wonderful that you were able to capture these with that beautiful blue sky. I'm sure Bella will be very happy to join your family...she's a beaufiful kitty!
Have a wonderful week.
Hi Carole,
I can't wait to see pictures of the shop as I am sure it will be fab!! I for one completely understand the work and effort that goes into something like that. Until then, I will enjoy these beautiful shots of the Parakeets and blue skies...I have never seen Parakeets in the wild?? Congrats on your new feline friend...I am getting a new kitten at has been a while since we have had a baby animal in the house, we are totally looking forward to it! Best of luck on the zoom lens! me too Santa!
Welcome to Bella. She's a beauty! The maples still look so beautiful, but I can see where it would make clean-up a drag.
We got 4" of snow today and I did just get the leaves up. I know you must be so busy and I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Hi Carole,
Thanks for dropping by the Open House. I am so happy to meet you and discover your blog. I am fascinated with the parakeet story and your shop looks wonderful. I'll be back soon to spend some more time getting caught up with you. Good luck with your pantry. ~Jermaine~
Oh, Carole...
Belive me, you don´t have to feel guilty for not blogging... I think all of us, ladies are...
I´m prepairing christmas , and it seems like I´m going to be stressed , just like every single year...
The snow didn´t fall here , yet. We are having, a London weather in Stockholm.... Rain, rain, rain...
Well , I wish you a wonderful start of the week.
Take care/
Wonderful photographs of the parakeets, Carole. I love the 3rd one with the beautiful blue sky and the golden yellow of the leaves...... and your new stray cat. I think that it was the best day of Bella's life, the day that she decided to come and live with you.
I can't wait to see your shop, all dressed up for Christmas Carole. XXXX
wonderful post!.....but you know how I love those birds!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Great pictures Carole :) I could just picture my mom running around trying to catch a few :)Bella is pretty. Sorry I hadn't visited in a bit, been helping my mama, trying to make Turkey day plans and keep her busy...She is still making all my dads favorites in his honor :)Even though you are so busy, I hope you take a moment to stop...breath...and just smile :) Besos, my friend. Rose
Ohh I forgot, I love your new header and background. Have a lovely Thanksgiving :)I was gonna post about the Hydrangea I told you about but uhmmmm I kinda haven't watered it enough and had to take off all the leaves :( But as soon as it is lovely again, I will...sad I know but that is the status of my garden at the moment. Besos, Rose
Carole ~
Love your blog photos! How lucky to have parakeets around...someone must have let them escape? Can they survive the winter?
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and don't stay away too long :+)
Hi Carole,
I know what you are saying about blogging ~ can take up a lot of time and hard to get around, to what one should be doing ... I know. Your photos are beautiful.
We have Parakeets here too and they often scare off the Native birds. I love your new addition to the family, what a sweetie Bella is.
I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and
that you can have a little time for some rest and relaxation.
Hello Carol if I lived nearer I would come and help you! Beautiful pictures as always.
I would like to send the new member of the family a big kiss from me! Xxxxxx
Try and get some rest love Lou xxx
I have seen and heard those parrots at a friends house by the shore. They have the biggest nests I have ever seen. It is amazing that they survive our winters here. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
The capers of the vintage vixens
Hello Carol,
what for nice parakeets you can observe. You are also a right animal lover... no miracle why the cats to yourself come, hihihi!!!
Completely lots of love and see you soon,
Bless your heart for giving Bella a home!
Lovely photos, have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh, such a pretty kitty. The cat pictures on your sidebar are gorgeous! I cannot believe you have so many cats. I only have three, but that is a house full sometimes! I am going to be an old lady in an ancient Victorian house with 356 cats when I grow up! THanks for commenting on my blog. I posted several new ones today.
Sweet kitty! Lucky to have found you.
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