What can I say when I walked into this tent....and a big
tent it was I felt
like I had walked into a different world.
and it wasn't because I necessarily ran into these strange
body parts either. I think I walked in
from the otherside actually but this side is much more dramatic, don't you think?
It might explain what I bought later on my second day:)) huh?
Aren't those huge anatomy prints just too cool!
I don't like the sight of blood.....real blood that is and have to turn
away when I see shows with real operations being preformed.
No thank you, not for me!
Thank goodness there are people out there that can stomach
that stuff!
Ok what I meant to say before I went on about body parts(sorry)
was this booth reminded me of an old military tent.
I half expected to see Napolean himself walking around the corner.
Well, at least a good look alike.
The feel of the place was incredible.
It was swarming with people and not only
lookers, people buying these huge pieces
of furniture.
Isn't this an interesting chair?
Even their keys where HUGE
I bought one of these seltzer bottles.
They looked great in large quantity but no I only bought
a measly 1.
Looking back at this photo I could have swore I
I saw a French flag but the place sure seemed French.

Just so cool I wanted to go back the next day but I never did.
Maybe next year?
and then with a bigger vehicle.
I'm joining Kathleen at Faded Charm
for White Wednesday
thanks for stopping by!
I'm Speechless...I know, an impossibility for mwah.......
I am so jealous.....holy cannoli how much fun this must be...
See, I'm NEVER speechless..... sigh
how fun! to see all of that great stuff! love that seltzer bottle....that's a cool item to bring home.....
So many choices, so little time. Great place. Would love to go one day. Thanks for sharing.
Oh, Carole! You are a lucky girl. I guessthe next best thing to actually being there is looking through your pics. Thanks for sharing with us, but next time can I please come with you? Maybe some day.
Have fun!
All I can say is I want to be that vendor when I grow up! What ARE those globe thingys?
It looks like the paradise - so many interesting thinks on one place - the chair is more than interesting - it is wunderfull !!!!!
Best regards from germany
Oh my gosh! That place was/is fabulous!! I would have totally spent my entire time and money just within that tent. Loved the seltzer bottles and that mannequin!! Just from your photos I saw so many items I would have loved to walk away with. So cool!!!
Wow...really interesting things! I've never seen the likes of that at Brim! You got fabulous pics! Love the cabinet with the clock!
This looks amazing!
I see several thigs I really could have brought home myself!
You really got some incredible photos!
I hope you brought home some goodies!
Hugs and blessings,
Sigh...what wonderful inspiration on WW! Thank you!!
Those first few pics are just awesome. That looks like a booth that should be at the Texas shows, I bet they'd sell it all. Do you know whose booth that is? Great things.
HI Carole ~ I love it! I know I didn't wander into that tent (and am miserable that i didn't) yes maybe next year - and maybe I'll get to meet you there then as well. Great photos. It is a crazy magical place, isn't it? This time around, I mostly came home with photos - sometimes thats all I really need....and kettle corn:)
Wow, I went two days and never made it to that tent. Sorry I missed it. What an awesome display. Glad I got to see it through your lense:)
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens
It is very different-but I really like it. Sometimes I get bored seeing the same thing!
That is a terribly intriguing booth Carole. The rotund vessels were very pretty. The large pieces were all pretty also. I would have impulse control issues! hugs♥olive
Cool !! all this stuff!!!.........nice!!! happy evening...love Ria....
Whoa, that all looks awesome! I can see half a dozen things I would like to bring home. Also, the staging of all these pieces in that tent is very impressive, someone really knew what they were doing!
There is nothing like this here. AMAZING, beautiful finds ~ you lucky girl!!!
Happy day to you,
I'm so glad I discovered your blog! I've always wanted to go to Brimfield. I actually made it to Roundtop in March, so next is Brimfield! Your blog is beautiful! Come see me sometime! I'm your newest follower!
OHHHH MY! Such gorgeousness EVERYWHERE! I'm so happy I saw your blog on the old grey mare! It's fabulous! I'm going to pour over all your other posts now! If you have a moment, I'm having a giveaway, so stop on by! Oh, btw, I'm your newest follower!
oh my God Carole, I could have furnished my whole house new with these wonderful things.
God, I wish I had a money tree in my yard!
You thing with all this gardening I do.....Oh well.
Lots of hugs, Evi
Hey Carole
This is wonderful... I love it all.. My fascination with anatomy prints became more so when i was studying massage.. I think If i'd gone ahead with a clinic I would have filled the space with things just like this... Reminds me of my youth visiting the homoepath with my mum.. Just a wee bit jealous of the seltzer bottle been trying to buy one of those for years... fabulous!! oooh and the globes.. Just too much goodness here!!
Have a fabulous day... I'll just be drooling over these photos.. xxx Julie
the signs , the military prints,
and the keys are for me.
what great fun!!!!
OMG, so much eye candy, thanks for sharing!!!
Hi Carole,
Looks like a wonderful place to visit and I really enjoyed looking at your fabulous photos.
Everything looks amazing and glad that you came home with a lovely seltzer bottle.
Thank you for the offer of, help with my photography, have been reading up the books and playing around with my new camera and having fun.
Happy Wednesday
Holy cow, Carole.....that place looked like a French museum! Gorgeous! Wish I were there shopping with you, girl!! :)
xoxo laurie@heavens-walk
This tent is so great!!!
I would do anything to be there...
Such wonderful details and furniture....
You are a lucky girl!!!
Thank you for sharing with us...
Have a great day!
Oh my gosh!! Your photos are gorgeous, the booth is AMAZING! I have never been to Brimfield and WOW am I missing out! Really, just stunning, beautiful things, my heart is racing just looking at the pics, and I am not even there! They may have needed smelling salts to revive me if I were :O Thanks for sharing, I am enjoying living vicariously through you right now, we both seem to admire the same things! Theresa xoxo
WOW Carole,
It looks like a field hospital in the Crimean War !!!!.... and a wee bit gruesome....although I don't mind the sight of blood and CAN watch those operations on the tele !!!! I think that I must be a bit warped !!
I love those great big pieces of furniture and I really love the unusual chair.It would look wonderful in the hall, although I think you would need a pretty big hall !!
I have a soda syphon, but it's in a cupboard....I think that I'd better get it out now.
As usual, I am so envious that you have such great Antiques Fairs !
Lots of love. XXXX
looks incredible! I missed Brimfield this year so thanks for sharing!
Hi,Carole.Gosh,what a place with many beautiful things. The other wreath is made of cowberryplants.Have a nice week-end.
Oh that tent looks fantastic! Those keys must open giant castles. :)
There is an award for you on my blog as well. :)
Oh my goodness, what treasures! The furniture is so beautiful and the book press is great! I just love the suitcases and those selzer bottles are wonderful. You must have had so much fun, Carole!
Big hugs,
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