Strawberry Hollow Farm is a landmark of Guilford Ct.
A must see if you are in the mood for an old fashioned
experience and perfect for this time of year.

A must see if you are in the mood for an old fashioned
experience and perfect for this time of year.
The building is heated the old fashioned way with a wood stove which keeps it’s customers toasty warm.
The farmers SIL who now runs the gift shop
said at times it’s so warm the doors are left open to let the heat out.
Another building where the pumpkins are stored.
We try to make it over every year. We came almost 3 weeks ago
which is why you still see the leaves on the trees and they are
He told us this was the most photographed sign of all.
But this was his favorite.
He used to have it displayed right by the field but he decided that
some of the folks would take offense to it so he removed it.
Some people have no sense of humor!!!!
Turned out that it was also stolen a few times too.
To get to the field you have to walk down a long steep driveway
but the view from above is like a postcard.
The mammoth pumpkins are usually sold in advanced
so he stores them away so as not to entice other customers.
He was kind enough to show them to us anyways.
I’d be proud of these too.
The difficult part is keeping the squirrels from eating
them so he leaves a few
outside that they’ve already started to nibble on
so they don’t try eating all of them.
so they don’t try eating all of them.
Tomorrow we will finally carve our pumpkin before
going to a Halloween Party.
Have you gotten your pumpkin yet???
or going to a Party????
Happy Halloween!
Strawberry Hollow Farm is a true landmark in
Guilford Connecticut. Located on Boston Post rd it’s so popular that they have to hire traffic cops
to keep the traffic flowing on the weekends.
It’s small building is charming and filled with
decorations for the season.
Right after Halloween the store transforms into a Christmas shop full of charming country decorations typical of
New England.