I just couldn't stay away!!!
I was inspired by a blog recently that I'd just found thru my friend Jacqueline from Home. She had just won 2 giveaways and a gift from a blog friend. Well most of the time when I read about someone saying go visit this blog.....I'll be honest I don't often go.....but I love Jackie's taste and thought if she likes these blogs there's got to be a good reason....well to make a long story short I went over to Gigi's blog The Magpies Fancy . Her post was about the beautiful place where she lives in Massachusetts and the gorgeous sunrise she captured on her camera. It made me want to share the walk my husband and I took yesterday. Ours was without the butterflies and birds like Gigi's but it was still a lovely site.
For most Summer is the time they come to the water....for us it is in the Fall when we finally get some time to relax and enjoy all the beauty that is around us.
George had been wanting me to walk in the morning but I'm really not a morning person. Ask me to take a midnight walk and I'm there. I love the dark!!! ahhhhh so creepy!!! I know! maybe because when I was a kid I used to sneak out of the house in the middle of the night.
I never did anything wrong!!!! Really!
I just liked walking around with no one around. I did drag my best friend out with me.
Obviously, we lived in a safe neighborhood.
Anyways, I'm getting off track.
Oh yes we went walking down the causeway at around 6 pm. This connects Saybrook Point to Fenwick Borough and Knollwood Beach and one of the prettiest areas of Old Saybrook.

Look at her view!!! You can't see it from here but she lives across from where Katherine Hepburn lived. It's been totally renovated since the new owner bought it and now the trees have gotten so big it's hard to get a good view of it.
I think this is the 2rd hole...not sure.... I don't like golf except for the fact that your walking thru some of the most beautifully landscapes you'll ever see. Why ruin it hitting a little ball around... I say!

The moon last night was so big we both thought if only we had stayed to watch it but
maybe tonight if the sky is clear.
There's nothing like a Fall Moon!
Oh wow Carole...you live in the most wonderful place...I'm so envious...it's absolutely beautiful and your photographs obviously do it justice.You have taken some beauties here.
Your friends house is gorgeous...i bet its amazing inside....I want a visit....can you get me an invite please ?
So glad that you went over to Gigi's blog. She is lovely and wasn't my giveaway the best?. You two would get on famously...photography and cats are a good start....AND Carole, blow the trumpets and bang the drum....you've reached 100 followers...congratulations and well done, although I'm not suprised.....your blog is so friendly and interesting and inspiring.Here's to your next 100 followers !!!! XXXX
Dear Carole,
I am really touched that my post inspired you and that you mentioned me here in your own post. It is so lovely here at your blog, and I love the photos of your walk!
I, too, like nighttime walks, although here on the island I have to take a flashlight because it gets pretty dark!
Meeting friends like you and Jackie is exactly why I love blogging. Thank you so much!
xoxo Gigi
Absoluteley breath taking photos. Beautiful!
Jackie is right, you seem to live in the most wonderful place...
Have a nice weekend.
Oh Carole these photos are stunning! So wonderful and romantic sunset...and marvellous landscape!
Your friend has such a gorgeous villa!
Thank you so much for sharing all this beauty!
Have a nice week end!
Hey Carole!
I think I will be right over for a visit....well, maybe in a few hours....such a beautiful sunset....And tell George I'll walk in the mornings with him.....Rob will roam the streets with you at night! Isn't it funny how morning people end up with night people? I think it is the secret to our long marriages!! haha!
Anyways, hope to see you soon!
what a beautiful sky...I love those.
I can watch for hours!!!
Oh Carole
I always love your walks, whether they be by the beach, small town New England and even through your stash of goodies each Wednesday, they never fail to having me wanting to do, or own the same!! So beautiful [as was your b&W last week].
This house is fantastic.. only $2.5mil you say? Well maybe I'll wait till the exchange rate fares a bit better, however the view of the golf course and the sea really is something. I love the light you have captured in these shots!!! perfect!
Well not only have you reached 100 followers, but you've also passed your 100 posts!! Congratulations.. I've loved every post I've visited and look forward to the next 100 or more!
xxx Julie
PS Thanks for the reminder to go look at Gigi's site. I was remiss in not getting there earlier my only defence the flu!
Simply amazing Carole.
You live in such a pretty place. I just have to visit there sometime.
Have a lovely weekend, and please enter my giveaway.
Wow Carole, what a beautiful walk you had. This would make a morning person out of anybody, I think. What great views of the water!
Your friends home is beautiiful too, and her views stunning. Why would she ever want to move?! I love seeing things through your eyes. Just wonderful!
What breathtaking pictures. It was worth dragging yourself out of bed at the crack of dawn! I'm not a morning person either. I used to sneek out at night too. But I got caught and there was heck to pay so I didnt do it again!
p.s. Dont be a stranger and take a blogging break unless you really have too. Your posts are so lovely!
Absolutely Gorgeous!!!
Carole, your photos are just magical. And the house, yes, I'll take it. Let me start counting my change. Everything is gorgeous. I always love coming over here! And I love seeing your spot of the world. How nice to be asked to go for a morning walk, but I'm like you, a night person.
Have a great weekend!
Beautiful photos. So that's what a 2.5 million dollar view looks like...not bad! LOL! Really, it is a beautiful home.
Wooowwww Carole you live in Paradiseeeee!!!!! Your photos are great, wonderful!!! Tank you very much for sharing with us!
Have a great weekend
Oh what "heavenly" pictures!!! Sooo pretty!
(Im also not a morning-type!!!)
Hugs, Traude
Gorgeous, Carole! Thank you for taking me along. I love walks, but in the morning when it's really cool and it so peps up my energy. Have a great rest of your weekend and tell Nigella meow (I mean hi).
Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures! We have been to Old Saybrook for a vacation some years ago. So this brings back lovely memories! Have a wonderful Sunday! Julia :-)
Wonderful pictures, wish I'd been there. I really enjoyed seeing the Hepburn house. Wow, I would LOVE to own that little beauty. Thanks for sharing. Lisa
hi carole! i am so glad you shared your walk and beautiful images with us! and please, please don't 'stay away'?!we would all miss you! isn't it great that we can cull inspiration from each other. wowza, sheila's view is unbelievable...is that a light house in the distance too? gorgeous! in response to your comment over at my blog, no haven't heard of "miss huff"? but guess what, like you, we are zone 6 here too. weird that we are in the same zone. keep the posts coming, my dear and have a great sunday! erin
I gave you an award go to my blog to see how to claim it...Blessings Emilie M.
I could feel the bracing air on my face looking at your wonderful pictures (and by the way, I'm a former golfer ;))!
Old Saybrook...! Oh, what sweet memories!
What a beautiful place to take a walk. I love your story about walking at night. It is a peaceful time to go for a walk. Although we had a bear 2 nights ago, out for his evening walk through my back yard. So I must be cautious...! Sharon
Carole how amazing to be able to go on a walk and see such beauty...it is breath taking! So do you have a guestroom ready? Cause I know you now have ALOT of people that will want to come stay and retrace your steps to see such beautiful sites, including me :) Rose
these pics are fabulous.
they look very much like where i am heading on tuesday morning.
mid-coast maine (to spend time with my mom)
What beautiful pictures! And what a view from that lovely house!
Glad you decided NOT to stay away!
It has been a beautiful Fall in our area hasn't it??
Good morning,
these are so fantastic pictures again. The sundown is like from a picture book... super-duper you have caught him on your photos.
I wish you a good new week, all the best and see you soon,
Carole those photos are amazing!!!! I would walk everyday if those were the views! I can't imagine. THANK YOU for sharing.
If I win the lottery this weekend, I'm giving y'all a call. That view is fabulous!
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