If you want to be environmentally friendly BUY ANTIQUES!!! or if you can't affort the good stuff then buy Junk! well within reason of course.
I realized after looking over my pictures of the day that I had no large views of the market but then I figured you all knew what a fleamarket looked like......big tents, grass or dirt floor, thousands of people running around and of course lots of stuff. Not all that different then any other except this one is huge and one of the oldest celebrating 50 years since 1959. It was a misty day in the morning and the vendors had to keep covering their delicate things with clear plastic. By early afternoon it had cleared up.
Lets go shopping!!! shall we?
Loved these hats....the milinary flowers are what attracted me to them. They were just the right shade of worn elegance.

I couldn't resist a little photo editing.

This kind of printed linen was in a few different forms. Pillows, frames, towels. Some were the original pieces......some repros. The best booth was a ladies that I took pictures of..... but will post those when I find her card again. She said there are many who buy her printed linens to reproduce but it doesn't matter to her.....the quality is never the same. It's like people who buy knock offs. The person who buys those would never be the originators customer in the first place. Some people just want the "Good stuff"
Lets go shopping!!! shall we?

I couldn't resist a little photo editing.

I thought that it was a good attitude to have.

There was no lack of painted furniture. Some orginal and repainted.

All things metal

Vintage Victorian booth

Bought some things in this booth. I'll show you those later.

Well that's it for now. You might be thanking me for having accidently deleted my pictures the previous day there. Ha-ha!

Hopefully you'll enjoy the rest of the tour!!!!
Laura unfortunately wasn't able to come this time but don't feel too bad for her.....she's visiting Italy with her family and I'm sure doing a bit of shopping herself.
I missed your keen eye and your ability to find just the perfect booth to stop in!!!and of course your smiling face and enthusiasm!!!
so many beautiful treasures! it would have been hard for me to pick what to bring home, without doing too much damage to my bank account :)
Thank you Carole, for sharing your day of Antique hunting.
I adored the old hats and vintage millinery flowers,
they are beautiful.
Also the wooden furniture and the printed linen.
Have a great week
Ohhh goodnes! What a wanderful things to start week with!
Magdalena/Color Sepia
So much love for everything you've shared. I am crazy about the room full of dressers, especially the robin's egg blue ones.
~ Anne
You're so lucky, Carole, to have such wonderful Antique Fairs to go to and you seem to have so many of them....AND they have such fantastic things there....I would just want to buy EVERYTHING.
And your photographs Carole. They are so lovely...the ones of the hats would look lovely framed...I'd buy them !!!! You should start being the lady who sells the lovely aged looking photographs !! I do so enjoy 'coming with you' on your antique gathering trips. Please don't stop taking us on these tours . XXXX
Beautiful Carole! Thanks for taking us to Brimfield with you! We dont have anything like this where I live.. I love the painted furniture & mirrors! Everything is beautiful! Hope you have a great week! ~ Hugs ~ Teresa
Just fabulous, Carole! I wish I could come antiquing with you someday!!
Hello Carole! Laura left from Lucca this morning! You're right...she is a fabolous girl...I had a very nice time with her and her family! It's a pity she lives so far...
What a nice place to visit and to do shopping! Thanks for the tour!!!
Hello Carole
What a lovely place. I spotted a lot of things which I like including a piece of furniture which I am on the lookout for over here! I also very much like the mirrors and the painting with the roses on.
Glad that the weather cleared up for all to enjoy.
Take care
Isabelle x
Brimfield is reason enough for me to want to move to the US! ;)
♥ Jeannette
Yes...I will take the pillow,the chair and oh,yes the little metal teacart...thanks!!! What an awesome post Carole,lucky you!! Talk soon,Chrissy
I would go nuts and poor, if I went there with you. So many beautiful things in one spot...
I want it all!!!
Thank You for sharing Your amazing photos.
Have a nice day!
Another tour and fit of jealousy.. hehe I always enjoy these virtual visits to wonderland and I agree your photographs are fabulous.. I cannot help but edit and alter myself as you know. So I love that silver thingy [image #12 i think]. don't know what it is but love the shape and lustre and all your hat photos are divine. How jealous we are not having these great fleas. Lucky I have you to share your fun with me. Sorry didn't get over here last night was a bit held up with non-blog life. Have a great week Carole.. look forward to your White Wednesday. xx Julie
Carole, viewing your photos is the next best thing to being there. They are gorgeous. I love seeing things through your lens.
I think that I would have taken home some of the mirrors. I love 'em.
I want to shop with you !!!!!!!!!!
What a nice things i see on the pictures !!!
Thank you fot sharing this ...
Love from holland
Ah Brimfield, my old stomping grounds. Although, I have not been able to attend for years. Thank you for the tour through your eyes. Can't wait to see what treasures you brought home.
P.S. Have tried for several days to post a comment, haven't been able to get through.
I'll spare you my jealousy ;)
that looks like a great trip - love the hats -
WOW Carole...I so enjoyed these BEAUTIFUL pictures!!!
:) T
All I can say is.....WOW WISH I COULD BE THERE!!!!
you blog is so great. your pictures are fabulous.
it makes me miss the time i used to spend antiquing for clients.
i would like to add you to my blog roll.
do you care to exchange links with me ?
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