from Franklin, Tennessee
It was set up like a gift shop....which as I found out they have.
Will have to ask my blog friend Erin from Erins Art and Garden if she lives near by. I think it would be worth the trip and as you see more you'll see what I mean.

Another wonderful dress form. The only other one I found was a brown one for $350. Never got the price on this one.... I don't know why???? I can see the tag hanging from the top...?????

This shade was very cool and looked like they had covered it themselves with vintage fabric.

They also have a blog that is all about their store and their junking travels. She said she doesn't update it often but it looked pretty good to me. You can find it
Don't you just love the name Scarlett???

SO plants up front works great and in this case red would have looked out of place. The green foliage plants works well in this whole serene romantic garden look.

This vanity dresser I contemplated getting. It was pretty nice with it's marble top. It was a great price but I really wasn't looking for one. The problem is that the dresser it would have replaced has more drawers..... but has no mirror. It would have gone in our master bathroom and I would have had a good view of myself every time I jumped out of bed and went in there. Not sure I would have enjoyed that! Hard to primp before you go into the room to "primp in" ha-ha

Well only one more post of Brimfield.
A booth full of great garden containers and wire pieces and coincidently from Danbury, Ct.
Glad you found her! She was one of my very first followers...And I agree about how wonderful the zinc covered furniture is! Everything looks great and you took some very nice pictures.
Hi, Carole --
Thanks for the comment. The thing about making $$$ for my going back to London ... #1 very hard to part with ANYTHING and #2 way too easy to find NEW THINGS ... lol!
Hugs and have a great weekend!
Betty :)
Wow, I really liked this booth too...wait like it too mild a word :) You truly got to see so many lovely things...How I was wish I was there, I know I will probably regret asking this...but did you see lil tiny bisque bebe dolls, even like one you have here on your last picture on the right? I can't get those out here either :) I can't wait to see the Brimfield #5 post...Rose
Take me with you on your trip!!!
Magdalena/Color Sepia
More wonderful things, Carole. I don't know how you resist. My house would be jam-packed and I'd be broke !!!! I love that white shelf with the silver teapots on it ....I think Julie might like that. We'll have to fight over it !!!!
That rusty candle sconce is really nice and I also like the covered books and I love....Oh , I don't know why I tell you all the individual things that I like....I love EVERYTHING !!!!
Looking forward to Part 4. XXXX
I feel like screaming ...yes... SCREAMING.. We have nothing this good here. I want everything here.. yes everything.. and forget it Jacqueline.. the silverware's mine! and the zinc tables and the mercury glass and the dresser, and the mannequins . and even the saint [St Rita?]. And the prices are not too bad for these types of lovelies! [thanks for including the price tags!!!]
OK I'm tired now. Too much goodness.. too much coveting.. too many glorious photos.. and too much disappointment that i can't get my grubby little hands on them.!!
Fabulous post once again. Have a great weekend Carole xx Julie
AND the framed print behind the graphic covered books.
Hi Carole!
I'm back and seeing here what I missed! It all looks fabulous!!! Your pictures are amazing! What did you bring home with you?? Will be posting soon but still jet lagged and hundreds of pics to go through...Missed you!
CAROLE!!!! well, i just got back from the beach (like an hour ago) and im perusing your blog and guess what...YES!! i know Scarlett Scales!! and her fantastic shop in franklin!! what a small world!! did you ask her if she knew me? you would love, love her shop!! actually, there are many places in franklin that i know you would love, but Scarlett uses the white/taupe palette that you are into (me too). she graduated with my daughter and learned "junkin" from her father. really a sweet young lady. TOO COOL!! well i just had to comment...i should be unpacking or doing laundry but just HAD to get a "blog fix"! besides my whole body is aching from the jet skiing we did yesterday for 2 hours on choppy water! ouch! i feel like iv'e been riding a horse if you know what i mean...
That looks amazing! So many wonderful pieces I would have liked to bring home with me ;)
Eek...I don't know why my typepad name showed up as those crazy numbers! But it's me...Alice ;)
One of my customers came in the store today and told me about your blog. Thanks so much for all the nice comments about my booth at Brimfield. I love all the pictures you took. Thanks so much
I am running to next year's calendar and putting a big circle on September with the words Brimfield.
After seeing all these, I HAVE to go!!!!
What an amazing time you must have had! Wow!
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