I thought I'd take a break from my Brimfield excursion and do Black and White Sunday about the historical
Town of Guilford only a few towns from us along the shore. It was settled in 1639 and boosts the third largest collection of historical homes in New England. This is the very condense version and not really about the historical homes. Sometime I might show you some of them. This is just our own personal version of our short afternoon there and our walk on this beautiful and serene town green.

This is the First Congregational Church built in 1830 and except for the steeple which toppled in the 1938 hurricane the church remains basically the same.

The green is the hub of activity for the town. It is the largest green in Connecticut. It's a great place to people watch and for families to bring their children

Pretty quiet on this day. It was during the week and getting late in the day. It gets dark at 7 now....the only thing I don't like about Fall but there are so many things I do like. The ever changing colors of the trees, harvest time, pumpkins, cider, the smell of cinnamon and spice, and of course Halloween!

The Civil War Memorial
This monument commemorates Guilford residents who gave their lives during the Civil War.

Who was that guy?
I'll never tell!
to see more Black and White Sunday participants visit
Anne Marie at Na Da Farm Life ***Edited at 11:00 am Sunday***
when I did this post I had forgotten to title it so I went back and wrote in Black and White Wednesday....when it obviously was B&W Sunday.
I wouldn't have even noticed if
Julie hadn't emailed me to tell me. Thanks Julie for waking me up!!!
I have no real excuse...it wasn't even that late at night but I guess working everyday makes you forget what day it is. I do a White Wednesday post most every week too.
Ok...that's enough excuses....
just apoligize and say you're sorry!!!
I'm sorry!
I'm a dumby!
What's that movie where the girl says 'I'll never tell.....' [actually she would be more akin to me... locked up in the loony bin....haha]
So i LOVE these... at first I thought the first landscape image was going to be my favourite...but then it became the one with MR I'll Never Tell walking along deep in thought with that glorious sunlight streaming through...
Actual I like the first shot too with the church steeple and clock...
Well I have just enjoyed another tour of small town America... somewhere the world seems to turn at more gentle pace...
Lovely Carole... love going on these tours!
Do we get a prize for guessing the mystery man? My guess is Mr G! xx Julie
lovely b & w's!!! so much blogging to catch up on! later.........
these rae great in b/w - very evocative. Well done you !
Gorgeous pictures!
Hey Carole,
Guilford is such a pretty New England town...my favorite photo is the first....beautiful, artistic photographs!
Hi to George!
:) Laura
Hey!! This is my town!! I live in Guilford. Although I live in North Guilford up in the farming part of town. We are right on Lake Quonnipaug!! How cool to see Guilford on another blog besides mine!!
♥ Rebecca
p.s. my other blog (The CTTraveler)has lots of photos of North Guilford and our beautiful lake
I actually live in Guilford, and the green was a main attraction for our decision to move to here. Your photos are beautiful, and the green looks absolutely lovely, you've captured it perfectly!
I have thouroughly enjoyed my walk around Guilford Green. It is an image that always comes to mind when I think of New England... the green and the white church with the spire.The first photograph is beautiful, as is 'the mystery man' photograph , looking a little as if he has had a beer !!, although I'm sure he has not. Perish the thought!! Could it possibly be Mr. M.G.?
What a lovely Black and White (Wed..OOooops) Sunday, Carole. XXXX
That church is so beautiful.
All of Your photos really makes me consider going to New England...
Hope You had a wonderful weekend, and that You get a really good start of Your week.
Caeole what lovely pictures..I think I would love to live there...It looks so peaceful and beautiful..and your not a dummy, just a goob like me :) Rose
What gorgeous pictures! The first one is my favorit! love the perspective, the church looks wonderful!
Hi Carole
I recieved my magazine you sent me today and I can't tell you how thrilled I am with it!!!
WOW...you were right, it is absolutley amazing. The photography is breath taking - thank you so much, I am so enjoying it. How did you subscribe to it?
Your black and white pictures are beautiful on this post, love the church.
PS I have a hard time getting to the post office but your package is going out first thing tomorrow...sorry this week has been hectic.
hi carole! i would love to order the new jeanne d arc living mag , but dummy me can't figure out how?! please help!! are you selling them? i'd love to buy from you if you have it. when i click on the picture nothing happens? PLEASE HELP! :O) erin
Oh Carole you're not a dumby, we all make those kinds of mistakes blogging! You see, when your photos are so wonderful, most people don't even notice a teeny little mistake :) And I do love these black and whites!!! The historical shots just seem right at home in the b&w...
:) T
That is so pretty!
I don't like that it is getting dark early, curtails my shopping trips.
I like to be home by dark!
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