Maybe because we know that they are becoming fewer and fewer. When was the last time you saw a barn being built? Lots of houses but very few barns. There are still people who go around looking for old barns in decent shape to re-erect somewhere else and make houses from them ....and though I have no idea what that costs I'm sure it is not cheap. Taking them apart piece by piece and cataloging where they all go back can't be easy but isn't nice to know they can.
This first picture is of a shed not a barn of course at Binder's farm. Mr Binder was a builder before he retired and has always grown vegetables and him and his wife have a handful of animals on this land. They didn't make their living off the farm but it surely helped with the basics like a lot of folks relied on years ago.
The small shed by the road was where they would put out their extra produce and would leave it to the honor system. This year they didn't do that due to the fact that the honor system wasn't working and their food and the money were getting stolen.....How sad is that???

It would be tough on anyone to keep up let alone at their age....but maybe that's what keeps them healthy and in shape?

Just can't do it!
So til then I'll just have to be happy seeing this place from this corner of the lot along the road.
I took this pictures last Spring when these guys were still babies when I did my one and only Outdoor Wednesday post HERE. That was the first time I did a hosted party post and I didn't even know you were supposed to link to the hostess....... ah so naive.
And back then I also didn't do all this altering stuff either.
I can't help myself!!!
I can't leave anything the way it is....

I wished that day the sheep would have come up closer but I liked the way they lined up perfectly on the sloop except for one......there's always one that's got to be different.
"follow like sheep"
I really enjoyed your farm photos, and of course the sheep are my favorite. Love your photo "altering"...looks like a really old photo. Thanks for coming by with good thoughts this last week. I just love coming over here to visit!
Debra know how my heart aches for my burned barn and how memories are the only thing I this post is so true - in that sense... and yes, we had the opportunity to take down a barn, and re-erect it, like a puzzle - they do it that way - naming/labeling each and every piece.......just to move that barn was going to take $15,000.........and that didn't include any re-erecting....thus; why we haven't had another barn put up artist cousin of ours said he would paint a few oils and try to earn money to the 'barn fund'...and someone suggested a fundraiser here on the farm - but - i hate to 'beg'........and that's what it would feel like to me.....i hope you kwim?
talk soon (sorry about the ramble here - but this subject is close to my heart)
awesome picts. btw.
The barn looks very nostalgic - an I LOVE sheep (white sheep, black sheep - and the one who's got to be different ;-)) Thanks for the nice fotos!
Love the pictures. Old barns have always caught me eye when we're "country driving" Your comment about the "one that's got to be different" cracked me up.
Love your blog! Happy Monday :+)
I would think the farm couple would be delighted with your interest and the pictures. And those lambies are so dear.
P.S. I too have a sheep post, but most wait until Feb or later for the pics.
HI Carole
I love this barn/shed and little sheepies
I'd have to drive a bit to see something this pretty and just like you cannot help myself but alter everything that crosses my path. Be it photos, homewares... etc... Everything gets the 'treatment' hahaha.
LOVE these photos and your alterations add a wonderful dimension. x Julie
Hi Carole,
Great post! Friends of our family took down my grandparents 200 year old pegged barn and reconstructed it up near the Albany, NY area....
I was so sad that day.
Love the sheep your altered effects!
Take care, Laura
I love old barns, and even have a file with pictures of my favs, which I hope someday to paint.
Just wanted to let you know that I truly enjoy your blog, and, as a result, I am awarding you the "Honest Scrap" award. To learn more about this, just visit my blog. Thanks again for sharing!
Such pretty photos!! Love to see barns!
You have such a great blog!!
My topiary is still doing fine.
i enjoyed your pictures :)i love old barns too. the stories they tell.
Hi Carole,
I love this post. Your photos are so amazing, as usual. My favorite is the lambs. I love sheep.I don't know about you, but I would rather have an old shed than a new one any day. I love that they have character and have stood through many a storm. I love to take photos of old barns and sheds where ever I go. The first picture on this post, takes my breath away. LOVE it!
Be a brave girl and go ask that Mr. Binder if you can prowl on his property.
I'm sure that Mr. Binder would be very flattered that you wanted to take photos of his property...he knows your George, doesn't he and you could show him these photographs that you have taken.You're too shy and modest Carole..that's your trouble !!! Hehe.
Barn renovation is very 'the thing' here in the U.K.and they can look fantastic. Perhaps I should do a post on Barn conversions !!
Your photographs are brilliant...I love the sepia one of the sheep....I love ALL of them.We will all be waiting in anticipation for the ones you take INSIDE the farm boundries after you have got permission from Mr. Binder. XXXX
Great photos!
many hugs
Magdalena/Color Sepia
Old barns always look very magical too me! I would love to do a really old barn up and live in it. I would have loads of animals…now I’m dreaming!
I’m off too catch up on your other posts…love Lou xxx
Wonderful photos, again.
I think You have a point there!
No one is building barns , anymoore.
For me , it would be a dream comming true, to have a house with an old barn beside of it.
There are still many such houses to find in Sweden, but unfortunatley, we´re not made of money... One can´t have it all.
Have a great day!
Hi,Carole.I really enjoyed your photos and the old barn.Have av nice week.
Hi Carole,
I loved your post of farm living.
The old barn, sheep and lambs are lovely.
I always love how calm and peaceful it is, living on a farm away from the hustle and bustle of City life.
Happy week
Anne Marie, I enjoyed this post. I live in the land of barns(Iowa) though I still love when I discover one I've never noticed before. There is something about a barn I can't explain but I just love them. Traci
i love these bucolic scenes! especially the fourth shot of the dear little sheep. so precious! carole, don't be shy, i bet that farmer would love for you to stop by and take pictures? go for it!
Oh I love old barns and these photos! My husband took me to an old farm that one of his friend's just purchased and I have to say- I am SMITTEN.
I took photos and plan to post them on my blog some day. It has an old farm house and old stables, even an old playhouse for the kids with paintings on the wall. it dates to the late 1800's and even abandoned as it is is beautiful and full of soul!
That is so sad that people steal from him. We still have the honor system here at some of the farm stands..a throw back to nicer times!
what a peaceful looking farm. I think I would like to sit there all day and take it in, this is not at all like my city surroundings.
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