Welcome to White Wednesday!!! and hosted by our lovely hostess Kathleen at
Faded Charm. We're still in
I had another post ready to show you until I noticed it wasn't really all white so that'll come next time.
This was a booth we drove by when we were driving to our parking area in the New England Motel field. For those of you who haven't been to
Brimfield before it is a series of fields with different names. Makes it easier that way. Though once in the field you can easily get disoriented. But what a great place to get lost.
I digress. When we saw this booth we just went "WOW" I know where we're going to stop in first.

This is
genuine Swedish painted furniture. The pictures I took on the first day were the deleted ones and so these are the ones I went back to take on the 2nd day. By the time we went back to that field it was late and they were packing up. There was still some pieces left but all the clocks that lined the front like big tall soldiers were gone. There was a clock mounted in a cabinet and that's what you see in the second picture. The top one of all the furniture is from their site which you can find
HERE. I highly recommend looking at their site. Click on the before and after and you'll be shocked at the difference. They import some pieces "as is" but many of them are as they say " in rough shape" so they have to refinish them.

This furniture is not inexpensive but they are gorgeous and the finish is one of the best I've ever seen. My friend Kathleen thought they were reproductions but after looking at the website I realized they were the real thing.

Great chicken wire hutch. I remember a time when I wanted my husband to make me a cabinet with chicken wire and he thought it would look awful. He came around after we started seeing more and more of them. Of course that was almost 20 yrs ago. Now their pretty common.

Dental moulding...... Yummy

Opps this ones lost a drawer pull !!! might get a deal on that one..lol

You can see from the contrast of the white slipcovers that the paint is more grey then white with some kind of glaze over the top.

These pictures don't do it justice. Like I said it was late afternoon and not much light under these tents. I tried to show some of the wonderful details that makes swedish furniture so special.
This obviously is the After.
Who would think they started off like.....


We've all seen chairs like these and thought how could these ever look good? There isn't enough paint or fabric in the world to do something with these chairs.
Well, I guess I was wrong again!
I think I need to get out my paint brush!!!
Til next time from Brimfield!!!
Thanks for stopping by,
Happy White Wednesday!
Oh Carole....shop for me too, please! Wonderful post...beautiful furniture. I left my camera at the store...can't post until the AM...oops. Have a great time for all of us...xojana
Wow, sweedish furniture, beautiful!
Just Gorgeous and very tempting!
How pretty is all that white!!!
Thanks for sharing,
Hi Carole,
I would love to go to Brimfield.
What a lot of wonderful furniture, loved it all.
How amazing the contrast of the before and after of those chairs.
I hope that you are having a great week
More beautiful furniture...
Thank You , for letting us be a part of this...
I wish You a wonderful day.
These are just incredibly gorgeous. Thanks for sharing these photos!
Carole, what gorgeous furniture...as I was oohing and ahhhing...My mind was working on what I could paint like that in my house lol then reality set in...it is realitively peaceful in my casa till I say I want to paint furniture...still you never know..it just might be worth the fight :) Rose
What yummy furniture! Thanks so much for the tour. I enjoyed seeing Brimfield through your eyes.
What a great place to get lost. I've always thought that Brimfield would be the ultimate antique show...just never made it that far! Enjoy and may you uncover hidden 'treasures'!
I am seriously drooling all over my keyboard. You weren't kidding about those before and after pictures, wow! I am in love with those Mora clocks...must.have.one. now.
Happy White Wednesday!
Looks like you are having a WONDERFUL time. I've always wanted to go to Brimfield, and I know I will .... sometime! What I need now is someone who can do a quality "before" and "after" (like the two chairs you showed) on ME ... lol!
Hugs and have a super duper day!
Betty :)
Hi Carole
Beautiful furniture and the finish is wonderful
Sounds like you are having too much fun
Oh Carole, what gorgeous photos!!!! Absolutely dreamy ~ the color palette is so relaxing and the lines of the furniture? Beautiful ~ xxoo, Dawn
Ahhh, futniture!!those are just beautiful...
Hugs and have a great day,
Magdalena/Color Sepia
Carole, I am getting really fed up with it now. IT'S NOT FAIR. I want a 'Brimfield' near me, here in the U.K.
Everywhere you go, they have the most wonderful things.....oh how I love Swedish furniture and everything Swedish. I love the chairs, the dressers, the table and every single item in the first picture, especially the Gustavian clocks.
I have thouroughly enjoyed this White Wednesday...thanks for showing us these swedish delights and I can't wait to see more of your trip to Brimfield.
Hi Carole! This place is a paradise! I'd like to buy everything! Wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing!
Happy Wednesday!
We died and went to Heaven...Old White Heaven!!!Thank you for sharing!! We hope you'll stop by our place on Monday and play Junkin' Monday with us...you will have some treasures to share for sure!
Clara & Marcela
Died and went to Heaven is right. That place is awesome with all the gorgeous furniture.
OH CAROLE~That is eye candy for sure. Thank goodness I'm going to the flea market this weekend otherwise you would have sent me over the top.Beautiful pictures.
Yep Carole, I so want to get lost there. All the swedish furniture is amazing. I love their furniture, but just can't seem to get the hang of the pared down look of swedish interiors. I like stuff too much. I need two houses.
Thanks for stopping by! Your blog is gorgeous!! I love all that painted furniture! BEAUTIFUL!
Wonderful wonderful pieces of furniture!!!
Hugs, Traude
Hi Carole
Thanks so much for always leaving such encouraging comments on my posts. I had such a nice trip to MN and saw all the grandbabies and the weather was perfect. I was so blessed and I really found some wonderful deals, anyway I want to pass the blessing on so if you will please send me your address, I will send you the bridal head piece if you would accept it as a gift you will be blessing me even more.
PS I sent this as an email and got it back so I am posting it
Hi Carole,
I love thesevirtual shopping trips you take us on! So cost effective, LOL!
I have't bought my mums yet..that was last years pic. I hope to pick some up tomorrow.
My sister from TX is coming for a visit, and my little gson will celebrate his 4th bday with us Sunday..so busy days coming up.
I hope the weather is nice, sis misses the LI beaches and we just want to go sit and relax!
Show us your mums..I bet they are gorgeous, pick of the crop...:)
Thanks for visiting always a pleasure my CT neighbor!
Hi Carole! Love your blog! If I'm not mistaken I think these guys are in Warrenton during Round Top Week in Texas. Beautiful!
Hi Carole, so mush gorgeous furniture! I do love Swedish furniture. It’s no good I’m going to have to come and do some shopping there one day. I have no idea how I will get it all home though. ;0)
Have a lovely day love Lou xxx
Thank you for your sweet coment on my blogg.I love your blogg to,so many beautiful pictures.
Have i nice weekend.
Hugs Heidi
LOVE your gorgeous white chippy finds and makeovers!!! Blessings, Janna
Once again.. I'm with Jacqueline.. I mean really.. how can you gals get all this fun and leave us with.. well.. not this for sure!! Disoriented? I'm disoriented just looking at all your fabulous photos.. and please.. not do it justice? ... the only lack of justice is I wasn't there too!! hehe.. oh well.. at least we have your photos to dream. OH>... and you've changed your background colour... looks great.. really makes all those wonderful white images pop. Well it's been a busy week for me and I only just got the chance to catch up with you guys..so glad I didn't leave it too long.. would of missed out on all of this beauty.. Have fun xx Julie
I know where we are going next holiday!!
What a post full of beauty.
♥ Jeannette
OMG! I love all the painted white furniture pieces & the clocks. I have long dreamed of going to at least one Brimfield show. I'm adding it to my "gotta do" list for 2010. Thank you for sharing your adventure.
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