Do you love Lemons as much as I do?
I love the way they look, the way they smell
and of course the way they taste.
Every year we sell lemon tree plants…
mostly Meyer lemon….they have the sweetest and best taste and the thinnest skin.
I’m sure the skin has little to do with the taste but I’m sure the shipping of them does.
You often find the thick skinned ones in grocery stores in
areas of the country that are too cold to grow them natively.
Lucky southerners.
But don’t get me wrong I’m a true blue New Englander and enjoy our
4 distinct seasons.
and love being a Connecticuter!!! (that’s not even a word)
Every year we’ve sold out of them…but not this past year.
That’s ok …….more for us to enjoy throughout the Winter months.
They keep so well on the bush.
George had taken some lemons home in late November but as we were so busy during the holiday
season they dried out…..
like this.
They look like walnuts now.
Cute, but not too juicy.
Determined to not let that happen again I’ve been on the prowl for lemon recipes.
I promised our host and hostess tonight
that George would make dessert.
He’s the baker and the sweet tooth in this family….or yeah so is Charlotte and Nigella!
but no they don’t bake…
too bad.
So whataya think??
Coconut Cloud Cake sounds like the perfect dessert to make.
Lemon Curd
the key ingredient to why we should make this.
and OMG my favorite
Fluffy Meringue Frosting!!!!!!
some of you already know my obsession with Marshmallow fluff!
I thought George was kidding me that he found a 6 minute version
of 7 minute frosting!
it’s like a silly joke between us.
“It would be the perfect frosting if only
it was done in 6 minutes.”
We laugh about the silliest stuff…..
and I love that we have things only WE would find funny.
It’s what keeps us sane sometimes.
Have you ever seen the movie
Of course you have!
Remember the scene with the hitchhiker.
and his invention of the 7 minute abs?
instead of 8 minute abs.
Tried finding it on YOU tube but it’s no longer available.
Ok what does this have to do with
New Years????
hum?? not sure?
In the 2011
when life gives you lemons make lemonade…...
or better yet Lemon Coconut Cake?
or better yet Lemon Coconut Cake?
Life is full of sour and sweet people
pucker up and kiss the sour ones Good bye?
( Well no, but that one might be a good idea)
My wish to you is when things
get hard, the working hours are long, and the goals too far out of reach
as it well may be in
2011 .
Keep your sense of humor.
Get silly and have fun with your friends and the ones you love .
Laugh until your cheeks hurt!
is what I wish for all of you!!!!
because without that,
no money, or “things”, or promotions or awards
really matter!
Happy NEW YEAR!!!!! 6
plans changed.....
plans changed.....
Now making CHOCOFLAN Cake
watch video
Being flexible is important too!