Last Friday as I was racing to the bank before they closed.
I wasn’t really racing….
just getting there with minutes to spare…..I do that all the time
they must love me: )
I drove by one of my favorite houses…..
I call it the Wisteria house…..
George had mentioned it looked more gorgeous then normal so I wanted to make a point to notice it.
I even went back to get my camera……..
thought you might like to see it too.
I hadn’t even realized what a wonderful gate they had with initials and all that crackly paint.
I guess it pays to get out of the car.
and RWD
I wonder what the names stand for and why they are different?
……George doesn’t know who lives here either
…..and he wonders why I care
….I wonder too…but
I may actually know who lives here. Awhile back someone
told me that Mr. G ( don’t want to mention his real name…just in case)
had the most beautiful azaleas and rhodies
and that he had them all along the side of the driveway too.
( I didn’t take pictures of those)
I think this could be his house
but the initials don’t match
The azaleas are fantastic but the real star for me is the WISTERIA
I’ve always wanted a wisteria but you can’t plant them just anywhere.
They can be pretty aggressive growers and can overtake a small arbor.
I often talk customers out of buying them when I realize what kind of support they plan on using.
I can’t tell you how many people ask me how they can kill theirs: )
they’ve tried everything.
We had one root itself out of the pot and into the gravel in one of your greenhouses.
It made it’s way clear across one side but it never flowered. It really needed to go.
Later we chopped it down really hard and it flowered beautifully that season. I thought wow this is pretty cool I guess I can have a wisteria. I waited to see it again
the next year but George informed me that he had yanked it out and killed it.
What??? I was really disappointed.
apparently you can kill them.
I played around with Kim Klassen Cafe textures on a few of these images…..
using warmsun.
Thanks Kim
it was a rainy day today so that was an appropriate one to use.
Rainy days gives me time to play so I’m not complaining.
The sun will shine again.
The sun will shine again.
Prayers and thoughts go out to the people of Missouri
in this latest crisis.