Cape Cod Vintage Jewelry
Just so I wouldn't lose her card I took a picture of it. There is so much more then jewelry as you will see. All the next photos are from her booth except for the last 5.
Like I said in the last post my day at Brimfield was not long enough. Most of these photos were taken by the end of the day. I had spent most of it in the Central Park, Hertan and then a little in J & J fields. You can view the fields HERE . I remembered late that I always like to visit Sturtevant's, Crystal Brook and Shelton fields. So with a less then an hour left I did some hoofing. Ok along the way I bought a couple of things.....but remember I was still holding out that the patio furniture would still be there. I was lucky and it was still there when I was going back to my car... yeah! I had my big camera with me the whole time but never even took it out. I used my phone for all these photos......I never thought I'd say this but I love my iphone. Are you getting the new iphone 5?
I promise I will show you my goodies whenever I get time to photograph them. It's a gorgeous Fall day, after yesterday being windy and then finally lots of rain .......I'm so happy the season is favorite so need to get me some while it lasts.
Have a great day!