Trying to find photos for this post was harder then I thought it would be. I love the video and wanted to capture the feel of it from my own experience in the city. Because I don't spend my time at a pub with a boat load of friends singing songs it's not the same. I do though love entering Grand Central. They just celebrated it's 100 yr anniversary. A long time for us in the US. When they shot the video it was very empty and I kept thinking that you NEVER see it that way, but actually that's not entirely true as you can see in the photo there are very few on an early Sunday morning. It's tourist day and not the usual commuter traffic. I do like both ways. Hubby will be staying home this time and taking care of the pup and the kitties. Deanna will be my buying partner, going our own directions but meeting up for lunch. It will be fun to hear what great stuff she ordered and discovered. Hopefully I will return the favor and share my own discoveries. I hope to get some good photos for you of the show. This time I am only taking my phone. I think the last time I took my big camera and never took one shot with it. People look at you funny when you whip it out. Plus I can sneak more with my phone. I know it's bad. SO if you're a company from China please don't steal to copy. That sadly does happen. Even Pottery Barn does that. Yep I didn't want to mention that but one place even had a sign saying "Please no photos....especially if you are Pottery Barn" They were suing them:( Ok now that I just brought the whole mood down I am off to do some last minute stuff.
Carry on......get it?
(well if you listened to the song)