Trying to find photos for this post was harder then I thought it would be. I love the video and wanted to capture the feel of it from my own experience in the city. Because I don't spend my time at a pub with a boat load of friends singing songs it's not the same. I do though love entering Grand Central. They just celebrated it's 100 yr anniversary. A long time for us in the US. When they shot the video it was very empty and I kept thinking that you NEVER see it that way, but actually that's not entirely true as you can see in the photo there are very few on an early Sunday morning. It's tourist day and not the usual commuter traffic. I do like both ways. Hubby will be staying home this time and taking care of the pup and the kitties. Deanna will be my buying partner, going our own directions but meeting up for lunch. It will be fun to hear what great stuff she ordered and discovered. Hopefully I will return the favor and share my own discoveries. I hope to get some good photos for you of the show. This time I am only taking my phone. I think the last time I took my big camera and never took one shot with it. People look at you funny when you whip it out. Plus I can sneak more with my phone. I know it's bad. SO if you're a company from China please don't steal to copy. That sadly does happen. Even Pottery Barn does that. Yep I didn't want to mention that but one place even had a sign saying "Please no photos....especially if you are Pottery Barn" They were suing them:( Ok now that I just brought the whole mood down I am off to do some last minute stuff.
Carry on......get it?
(well if you listened to the song)
Beautiful! You did very well, even with just a cell phone. And one more reason to pass Pottery Barn off my list of places to shop. Happy weekend, Carole. Lovely post, as usual! Carry on (loved the video, btw)...may your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground..........carry on!
Pottery Barn needs a spankin!
Hope you have a swell time in NYC.
I asked permission to takes photos in a PB in Greenville, S.C. and was told it was fine. A minute later the manager asked if I was from Restoration Hardware. I wish, right? Love your images. Please have a wonderful time.
Have a great time Carole and buy up a storm !!!! ...... and, take loads of photos for us won't you ? XXXX
I whipped out a camera in Takashimaya one day... big mistake! There were about 5 security guards around me about 20 seconds. Still love the store though!!
Love the Big Apple! Hope you find fabulous!
Hi Carole! Have a great time, find lots of amazing treasures! I loved that video, what great energy! Now I just want to go to NYC, visit Grand Central and find a bunch of people to party in a pub with, one must be a fun singer like him though :) Carry on... love, t.xoxoxo
Oh, can't wait to see the photos!!! Yes, photos can be an issue for sure. It's a shame really that it has to be like that. Big box stores take ideas from simple folks thinking no one will be the wiser. Love Pottery Barn, but that was tacky. Anyway, now who's being a downer :( I do hope you have a great time!!!
"her" and Romeo
I was with my daughter and took a couple of photos in Smith & Hawken in Birmingham, Michigan, when a sales person came over and told us it wasn't allowed. OK, no problem. When we left the store, I took a picture of their window display. The same person ran outside and said something like "I told you you can't take pictures!" I calmly explained to her that I was standing on a public sidewalk and could take pictures of anything I wanted. She replied back that Smith & Hawken owned the sidewalk, too. I'll always associate that experience with S&H. My daughter and I got a good chuckle out of that one. Hope your trip is fun and that you find loads of good stuff.
Hi Carole, enjoy the show...I loved shopping it when I had my store....a few Canadian retailers do go, but not many, so it was a great source of different merchandise for for picture taking, I am a partner in crime! I used to sneak photos too with my phone! Everyone does it, and I usually ask permission first now. Wish I were there with you, it would be such fun, N.xoxo
well, I never thought PB would stoop to that!
Carole, you and Deanna have a fun time. I am sure, we will be enjoying the many treasures you find.
Carole, I want one of the Easter books please. Loved the Christmas book! Talk to you soon. Give my love to Deanna.
Love to you and many hugs,
The photo of the urns with colorful flowers and the rest of NY almost B&W is just too cool! I really love that shot. Glad you fun and btw, Grand Central is one of my favorite places to marvel at as well!!! your photos! Can't wait to see what you bring back!
Loved the song! I may use it on my 12-12-12 time capsule I've been trying to get together. I'm envious of your time in the big city!
It was great seeing you in NY yesterday!!!!!What a fun show. I didn't get a chance to tell you but you look amazing!!!You are doing something right:) Hope you found some great treasures for your shop. We did:) If I ever figure out how to save photos to a folder on my new computer I will be back blogging. It's so lonely without all of my blogger friends.
~Debra xxx
Capers if the vintage vixens
Des photos belles et variées qui nous plongent dans ton monde , si loin de la France et qui fait tant envie !
Beautiful and varied photos which plunge us into your world, if far from France and which so much tempts!
Hi Carole,
Always a delight to see your photos and a post from you.
Loved the video and song.
Have a wonderful time and I look forward to seeing your photos and what you come home with.
I sure hope you have a wonderful time Carole and find all kinds of awesome 'stuff'!
Travel safe my friend!
Hi Carole you are so lucky!!!!! I dream to visit one time in my life NY ,but unfortunately I have big problems with airplaine!!!!So I wait your photos!!!!!!
Enjoy the show!
Ooooo and ahhhh!!! I love that shop with the big clock. It might take a few more years, but one of these days I might just suggest to my daughter that we take a little trip to NY.
Have fun making the ribbon roses, Carole - they really are quite easy to make, and will look beautiful made from hand dyed silk ribbons!
Yes we have Dowton Abbey, and I love it!!!Nice weekend my dear Carole, kisses.
This kind of a trip must be so much fun!
Hi Carole,I love New York, my girls and I are planning a trip to NY and DC. I hope you find lots of great stuff.I want to take pictures in stores all of the time but I'm scared! it's a shame everyone has to be so paranoid.PB being sued? why am I not surprised!
Have loads of fun Carole!! Looking forward to your sneek peeks..and all you are going to find.
Hugs Colette x
Carole- you captured some amazing images with your cell phone-- that whole "no photos" things makes me so angry. Just silly!
Beautiful pictures-- always!!
Hello, I am Lilian and I love your blog. I can learn so much about it. I'm half Dutch et Francais and my blog is about France. Your very welcome at my blog too.
Bye Lilian
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